Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 185: Cosmic Cube

"What do you need me to do?"

Looking up, he glanced at the destroyer not far away, and Bugatti asked in a low voice.

"Restrict the opponent's movements."

The usage time of [Fantasy Killer] was limited, so the phantom thief did not hesitate, and immediately responded.

"Because of my ability, I have to get close to each other in order to exert the most powerful effect."

This sentence of the phantom thief seems to be telling Bugarati about his own ability limitations, but in fact, he still told it to the S.H.I.E.L.D. standing on the side, so as to re-modify the settings of the phantom thief.

Sure enough, when he heard the thief's answer, Agent Phil's eyes flashed and he made a thoughtful expression.

In the information collected by S.H.I.E.L.D. before, the phantom thief Kidd was just an ordinary person who was good at using magic to steal, but from the current situation, it was obviously not the case.

"I understand."

After throwing the setting and digging the hole, Bugarati no longer hesitated, and immediately used the ability of the substitute.


[From Phil Coulson's Legend 40]

This is the first time that Agent Phil has seen Bugarati's ability to use a stand-in at close range. I have to say that this kind of power to create zippers on the ground out of thin air, especially such a close witness, undoubtedly made him Feel a little shocked. The ability of the substitute is different from the general super ability. This ability to combine with real objects is even more impressive.

Pulling down the zipper, Bugatti drilled into it and disappeared from everyone's sight.

On the other side, Kaito Kid moved his fingers, twitched the corners of his mouth, and walked towards the destroyer in front of him.

A few seconds later, feeling the inside of the Destroyer armor cool down, Loki frowned subconsciously as he looked at the figure that was approaching in front of him.

To tell the truth, the power displayed by Kaitou Kidd made Loki a little difficult.

However, it's just difficult to do. After all, in addition to the powerful flame beam, the Destroyer itself is also a magical armor with huge attack and defense power.

Thinking of this, Loki raised the scepter in his hand and suddenly fell.

In the next second, a fire flashed inside the head of the Destroyer in the town, striding forward, waving a heavy metal arm and rushing towards the thief approaching in front of him.

The Destroyer's heavy footsteps fell on the ground to create potholes, stepping on the shattered ground, it narrowed the distance between it and the two monsters, Kidd, at a terrifying speed.

However, in the face of the devastating blow from the Destroyer, there was no fear in the face of the phantom thief.

He stopped, raised his hand and grabbed the brim of his hat, looking at the huge metal giant in front of him, but in the blink of an eye, the Destroyer had come to the monster thief.

Swinging the metal arm, the violent impact blew the cloak behind the monster thief.

Seeing that, the Destroyer's heavy punch was about to land on the monster thief.

At this moment, with a cold sound, Bugarati's figure flashed from the side.


As Bugarati's voice fell, a gray and blue humanoid avatar emerged from behind him, made a strange "Ali Ali Ali Ali!" from his mouth, and waved his hand and smashed it towards the Destroyer.

With the power of Bugarati's stand-in, he naturally couldn't cause too much damage to the destroyer in front of him, but his purpose was not to defeat the opponent. As the substitute's fist fell, the original metal body of the Destroyer underwent a slight change. The hard metal showed that it began to show the soft characteristics of cloth, and then a huge metal zipper appeared at its waist. The Destroyer was split in half by Bugarati in an instant.


Because of the dislocation of his body, he lost the support of his lower body, and the Destroyer's fist rubbed the monster's head and landed on the ground behind him with a bang.

Looking up, looking directly at the upper body of the Destroyer, which was close at hand, the phantom thief took a step back.

He raised his right hand, and placed it on the head of the Destroyer in front of him, just like a stroking without any force.

However, it was as simple as that, and there seemed to be no strange movement at all.

But it caused a terrifying effect that even Loki could not imagine.

As the right hand of the thief fell, the flame in the Destroyer's head that was originally known to never go out instantly extinguished, and then, a large number of magical marks began to appear on the Destroyer's body. Dissipated, the huge body of the Destroyer began to crumble and flake off, and in the blink of an eye, it changed from the terrifying and terrifying armor before to the metal wreckage all over the ground.

[From the Destroyer's Fame 3000]

[From the legend of Valkyrie Sif 425]

[From Phil Coulson's Legend 115]


[From Jane Foster's Legend 585]

[The Legendary 300 from Hawkeye Clinton]


[From Loki's Legend 1015]

With the disintegration of the Destroyer, Loki, who was far above Asgard, also lost his vision of the town. However, the strong impact caused by the phantom thief turned into a lot of legend, which was accurately presented in the on top of Li Ran's data panel.

What a terrifying power.

In the small town, the thief silently retracted his right hand and looked down at the Destroyer's metal wreckage.

Obviously, in the face of magic and supernatural power, the effect presented by [Fantasy Killer] is undoubtedly quite powerful, even a destroyer with such terrifying power cannot resist his simple touch.

It is a pity that such a powerful force has not been used several times.

The more powerful the ability of [Fantasy Killer] was, the more pity Li Ran felt.

After all, no matter how powerful the [Fantasy Killer] is, it also has the number of uses.

The prompt of [Kamijo Touma (2/4)] in the system clearly told Li Ran that [Fantasy Killer] only had two chances to use it.

Here, Li Ran is regretful.

Just noticed that above the small town where the clone was, there was a sudden explosion of lightning, thunder, and gust of wind.

Seeing this scene, the strange thief suppressed the top hat on his head that was blown by the strong wind, and turned to look at the direction where Sol was lying before.

In the thunder and lightning, a large amount of lightning began to gather around Sol, and then with a large amount of current flashing, Sol, who was still lying on the ground, turned into a posture of holding Thor's Hammer high, and came back to life again. .

Not only was he resurrected, he even changed his outfit and put on a majestic armor.

It's not Sailor Moon's transformation, why does the resurrection also bring the effect of changing clothes?

Seeing this scene, Li Ran in the antique shop couldn't help but complain.

He really couldn't understand why Thor's Hammer still had the effect of transformation.

"Loki, this time we..."

Holding Thor's hammer and regaining control of Thor's power, Thor is arrogant and eager to fight the Destroyer. Turning his head, he found that the Destroyer was no longer around, replaced by the wreckage around the monster thief.


"What's the matter, Destroyer?"

After a long silence, Sol turned to look at the excited Jane beside him and asked.

The situation in front of him was somewhat different from what he expected.

Suppressing her excitement, and facing Sol's question, Jane replied, "If you mean the destroyer before, he has already been destroyed, the phantom thief we met in the bar before."

[From the legend of Saul Odinson 580]

"Destroyed, that's how he destroyed the Destroyer."

Thor is very aware of the power of the Destroyer. As a weapon of war made by Odin, even he must rely on the lightning power of Thor's Hammer to defeat it. The phantom thief, from the previous battle between him and Bugarati in the bar, did not see such a strong performance.

"I don't know, I only saw him touch the Destroyer's head with his hand, and then the other party disintegrated."

[From the legend of Saul Odinson 760]

After listening to Jane's answer, the doubts in Sol's heart were not resolved, but became more.


[From Odin's Fame 500]

Although the Destroyer above the town was resolved, the next war between the Asgardian brothers Thor and Loki was obviously not something Li Ran could intervene in.

However, from the legend displayed on the system data panel, Li Ran was told from the side that the battle in Asgard was over, and the sleeping Odin also woke up and knew what happened on the atrium, the earth. .

Although Thor left the earth and returned to Asgard, the follow-up influence he left still exists and is getting worse.

As the experiencer of the whole incident, Eric Shavig was taken to an underground secret base like a labyrinth by Feir agents.

"Dr. Eric Shavig."

"So, you are the mastermind behind S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Eric Shavig looked at the dark one-eyed black man in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

"What did you bring me here for? Killing people?" Because of Banner's example, Eric Shavig has always been on high alert for S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the face of Eric Shavig's questioning, Nick Fury's expression remained unchanged: "In fact, I have been paying attention to the development of events in New Mexico, although the whole process of events is more complicated than I originally expected, However, obviously this also taught us a full lesson, in this universe, human beings are not special."


Nick Fury's words silenced Eric Shavig.

If in the past, he might not have paid attention to what Nick Fury said at all, but after experiencing the events of Saul, Eric Shavig is very clear that maybe everything the other party said is true, although This reality is quite unacceptable.

"So, what is your purpose?"

After a moment of silence, Eric Shavig looked up at Nick Fury and asked.

"Dr. Eric Shavig, human beings are not special, nor are they safe." In the face of Eric Shavig's question, Nick Fury turned around and continued walking without answering, watching him turn and leave Behind him, Eric Shavig hesitated for a moment and then followed.

As a scientist, he inevitably has a strong curiosity.

"In this world, there have always been forces that we can't understand. They may be strong or weak, but they have always remained mysterious. You can never know what these forces and their masters hold for the earth we live in. Purpose, Sol is not the only exception, he may have good intentions for us, but we can't guarantee that everyone is the same, like the destroyer who destroyed the town before."

Nick Fury and Eric Shavig continued to move forward in the underground base, and finally stopped in a heavily fortified base.

Nick Fury glanced back at Eric Shavig behind him, and reached out to open the uniquely shaped suitcase.

"So, we need the strength of the guard."

"what is this?"

Eric Shavig lowered his head and looked at the cube in the box that was constantly emitting a faint blue light, his expression a little dazed.

"This is power, Dr. Eric Shavig, we call it the Cosmic Cube, and if we can find a way to manipulate it, we might be able to change everything in front of us."

Eric Shavig looked at the Rubik's Cube in front of him, his expression still a little puzzled.

However, in the next moment, in a corner that no one could see, Loki's figure suddenly appeared beside Eric Shavig. He looked down at the blue universe Rubik's Cube in the box, feeling its The huge power contained in the interior could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth and said, "Maybe, we need to study its power carefully."

As Loki's voice fell, Eric Shavig subconsciously raised the corner of his mouth and replied with a smile: "Maybe, we need to study its power."


In the secret base, the conversation between Nick Fury and Eric Shavig, as well as the appearance of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Li Ran is naturally unknown.

But With Sol's return, Li Ran knew very well that the battle in New York would come soon. Although, with the power he currently has, the battle in New York can no longer hurt him, but Li Ran is very clear that the battle in New York is just the beginning, and there will be more cruel battles waiting for Li Ran in the future.

If he doesn't want to turn into ashes, he still needs to work harder to gain fame.

However, right now, because of the battle of the biochemical robot army not long ago, Jiuyou and Penglai took turns to appear not long ago. For a while, Li Ran couldn't think of a reason for them to appear. On the other hand, Bugarati and the phantom thief Kidd had just brushed their presence in New Mexico. After thinking about it, Li Ran found that he didn't have any suitable opportunities and objects to brush his reputation.

Are you just waiting for the New York War to come?

Waiting silently is not Li Ran's style, so after hesitating for a while, he decisively turned his attention to the item he had extracted before. 8)

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