Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 180: debunked

Amidst the thunder and lightning, Sol clenched the Thor's Hammer on the table. genius three five first

However, the heavy weight from the handle of Thor's Hammer changed the expression on his face.

As expected, the scene of easily picking up Thor's Hammer did not appear.

Reluctantly, he stretched out his arms again and firmly grasped the handle of the Thor's Hammer in front of him. Unfortunately, even with all his strength, Sol was still unable to lift the Thor's Hammer placed on the table even by the slightest.

Without Phantasma Killer's hold, the magic that Odin cast on Quake made Thor unable to pick it up until it was acknowledged.

And if you want to pick up Thor's Hammer again, relying solely on these current changes of Sol, there is obviously still a gap.

The purpose of Odin's magic on Thor's Hammer is to change Thor's reckless arrogance and make him a true king. It is a pity that Sol did not know about Odin's painstaking efforts. He only knew that he had tried his best to find Thor's Hammer, but he couldn't pick it up again.

Looking at the familiar but heavy Thor's Hammer in front of him, a decadent look appeared on Sol's face.

"Sure enough, even Thor's Hammer no longer recognizes me?"


But seeing Sol with a decadent expression, Jane couldn't help but look worried.

"It seems that the situation is not very good." Daisy turned her head and whispered to Eric Shavig, who was on the side. Although they didn't know the reason, they all saw the development of the situation in front of them, and they agreed. It didn't go as smoothly as Sol said before.

"Okay, it looks like you can't pick it up either." Shaking around with only half of the wine bottle left, Old Charlie patted Saul on the shoulder in front of him, and said with a drunken face: "However, you don't need to worry too much. In fact, you are not the only one who can't hold things. Everyone in the bar is the same. No one can pick up a hammer."

"Since no one can pick up the hammer, how did it get to the bar in the first place?"

Hearing what Old Charlie said, Daisy immediately asked with a puzzled look.

"It's not that **** **** from before, I don't know how to get the weird hammer here..."

Old Charlie held the bottle and scolded Jane and the others, complaining about his previous experience of being deceived.

Just looking at the appearance, it is a proper attitude of a victim.

However, in the face of Old Charlie's constant complaints, Bugarati walked over unmoved. He passed over the shocked Sol, and looked at the dark and covered old Charlie in front of him without blinking. With a wrinkled face, he said coldly and expressionlessly: "Finally let me catch you, phantom thief - Kidd!"

Bugarati's sudden remark made the atmosphere of the entire bar pause.

Saul's originally godless eyes also began to change a little, and he regained his energy and looked at the old Charlie on the opposite side.

Facing the eyes of everyone in the bar, the expression of old Charlie, who was still a drunken alcoholic, suddenly changed, and a faint smile appeared on his dark face. Looking at Bugarati in front of him, he asked pretending to be surprised: "You How did I find out, I have clearly disguised it thoroughly."

As his identity was revealed, Old Charlie's hoarse voice with a heavy accent also changed, and he became younger.

Hearing this voice, everyone in the bar suddenly burst into an uproar.

"I can smell you lying..." Looking directly at the expression of old Charlie in front of him, Bucciarati replied lightly.

"Does it smell like lying?" Hearing Bugarati's answer, Old Charlie should not say that it was Kidd, the avatar, who was subconsciously muttering to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand and wiped it on his face, and in the next instant, the whole person changed from a dark-skinned black old man to a gorgeous figure in a white cape suit and top hat.

The high-level character card Von Krei is also one of the cards that Li Ran has been using.

Although Von Krei's ability in combat is not outstanding, the role of imitating the fruit allows Li Ran to easily play anyone, and through Von Krei imitating the character transformed by the fruit, unless he recovers, Otherwise, even if it suffers serious damage, it can still maintain its changed appearance, and there is no need to worry about revealing flaws. It is obviously more effective than the previous clone technique.

At this moment, Li Ran was using Von Krei's ability to imitate fruit to create the effect of Kaitou Kid's magical ability to disguise.

Legendary from Eric Shavig +120

Legend from Daisy Louise +90

Legendary from Saul Odinson +15

Legendary from Jane Foster +210

"It's really a troublesome ability." He turned into the phantom thief Kidd, pulled off the top hat on his head, looked at Bugarati in front of him, and said helplessly: "Speaking of which, you tracked all the way from New York. Don't I feel tired when I go to New Mexico?"

"You know the reason I'm chasing you, Stone Ghost Face, the power of this evil and dangerous object is beyond your control." Looking at the phantom thief Kidd in front of him, Bugarati said solemnly.

"Ghost face?"

Hearing the name that Bugarati deliberately exposed, the fluctuations in Sol's eyes became more obvious.

"The weird mask you mentioned, I have already returned it to its owner."


Buried a foreshadowing by the mouth of the thief Kidd, Bugarati immediately made an appearance of disbelief and said: "The so-called master of the stone ghost does not exist at all, it will only turn people into terrible monsters~www Having said that, Bugarati changed his posture and looked at the monster in front of him: "Since you don't want to tell the truth, then I can only arrest you and ask more questions. "

"I'm telling the truth."

Hearing Bugarati's words, Kaito Kid's face covered by the top hat couldn't help showing a helpless look, and said with a wry smile.

"How on earth did you pick up Thor's hammer?"

Standing among the two of them, Sol looked at the sound of a suit with a cape, the phantom thief Kidd in front of him, and couldn't help but interrupted.

Like the previous Loki, he was also full of doubts and incomprehension about the result of the phantom thief picking up Thor's Hammer, which became even more intense after he tried and couldn't pick up Thor's Hammer.

"Mystery is the life of all magic, so please forgive me for not being able to tell you the secret."

Curving the corners of his mouth, the phantom thief pretended to be eloquent and replied to Sol.

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