Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 162: biochemical machinery army

However, before the defenders rushed in.

The door of the building was opened, and a dense number of gang members walked out from it.

"Looks like our whereabouts have long been leaked."

Looking at the garrison with live ammunition in front of him, Frank raised his eyebrows and said.

In fact, Jin Bing's eyes are all over the entire Hell's Kitchen, especially after integrating the underworld forces in the entire region, he has firmly grasped the information in his hands, and has already grasped the movements of the defenders.

"Looks like you are more anxious than I thought."

Jin Bing's low voice came from behind everyone, and then, the gangster gave up his seat, and saw his huge body appear there, walking to the defenders with crutches, bowing his head and swept his face in front of him. The defender, Jin and the corners of his mouth curled into a disdainful expression.

"Hurry up and die."


Hearing this familiar voice, Matt subconsciously clenched the guide stick in his hand: "We won't allow you to destroy everything in Hell's Kitchen so recklessly."

"Destruction?" Facing Matt's righteous rebuke, Jin Bing's face became more and more disdainful: "On the contrary, I saved Hell's Kitchen and re-established a new order for it, and you are just a group of I don't know what's going on, just a idiot with superficial ideas and so-called justice."

"Your justice can't change the slightest bit in Hell's Kitchen, but my words can change everything here, making people better or worse. In fact, I'm the real superhero of Hell's Kitchen."

"You, Jin Bing, a superhero?"

Facing Jin Bing's outspoken words, Jessica couldn't help showing a mocking smile: "This is a good joke."

"Everything you do is based on the pain of the citizens of Hell's Kitchen, and you don't deserve the name of a superhero at all." Luke Cage said, he did not agree with Jin Bing's remarks.

"Actually, I don't expect to convince you."

In the face of the defenders' ridicule and counterattack, Jin Bing's expression did not change at all, and he explained with a natural look: "Because, after today, you will no longer exist."

As the voice fell, Jin gave up his position behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a group of biochemical robots showing metallic luster with all their might appeared in front of the defenders with the same neat steps.


Noticing the familiar face of the lead robot, Jessica couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"How is that possible, I remember, you obviously have..."

He stopped and heard Jessica's exclamation, a stiff smile appeared on Bullseye's face, and replied in a metallic cold voice: "You have already abandoned me, so I changed New body, I will take revenge on you." As he spoke, Bullseye raised his arm and turned it into a firearm to turn to the defenders in front of him: "Accept my vengeful anger, defenders."

Following Bullseye's action, the army of biochemical machines behind him also raised their arms.

Suddenly, the powerful firepower of the biochemical machinery army turned into a violent metal storm, attacking the defenders in an endless stream.

"Be careful!"

In the face of the hail of bullets, Luke Cage blocked the front without hesitation.

However, this time, the firepower from the biochemical mechanical army was stronger than any time he had endured in the past. A large number of bullets hit him accurately through the precise calculation of the robot, making him unable to go forward for a while. , stand passively in situ.

Frank frowned, then Luke Cage's cover returned a few shots.

However, the disparity of firepower between each other prevented him from getting too powerful offensive in the gun battle in front of him. What made him even more unhappy was that the defenses of the transformation machine army in front of him directly ignored his attack.

"It's troublesome."

Turning his head to glance at the Hummer parked not far away, Frank tutted secretly.

"I'm sorry, if I knew earlier, I shouldn't have kept it in the first place."

Looking at the army of biochemical machines in front of her, especially the leading Bullseye, Jessica was in a bad mood. She never expected that under such circumstances, Bullseye would be able to stand up again and pose such a serious threat to the defenders.

"It's not your fault, Jessica." Matt said, "In fact, even if there is no Bullseye, Jin will transform more mechanical armies out, and these people should be the missing people in Hell's Kitchen. "

"Unexpectedly, Jin Bing turned them all into robots in a frenzy." Danny said, still unable to hide his shock.

: "..."

In fact, let alone the defenders, even Li Ran, who handed over the drawings to Ivan Vanke, did not expect that things would develop to such an extent. Jin Bing and Ivan Vanke were even crazier than he expected.

"Anyway, I'll deal with Bullseye."

Raising her head, she glanced at the bullseye that had been completely remodeled, leaving only one face, Jessica said with a firm expression.

Controlling her body to fly into the air, Jessica shouted to Bullseye, "Bullseye, do you remember how my limbs were broken by me before?"

Looking up and looking at Jessica who was still in the air, Bullseye's memory began to recover. The body that had been completely transformed into a machine actually had the illusion of pain. He grinned and revealed a stiff smile. Seeing the strong flame sprayed from under his feet, he was sent directly into the air.

"Of course I remember. In fact, since I woke up, I remember everything before. And in order to be able to catch you, I specifically asked Ivan Vanke to reshape my body again and increase the ability to fly. Just to grab you and break your limbs bit by bit, so that you can also experience my pain at the beginning."

"If you can do it."

Facing the threat of Bullseye, Jessica raised her slender eyebrows and replied unwillingly.

"I always do what I say." While speaking, Bullseye put away the firearm in his hand, then replaced it with a sharp blade, and said with a cold face.

"How is it, Jin Bing, are you still satisfied with the success of my transformation?"

Wearing a wide trench coat, Ivan Vanke appeared in front of Jin Bing, looking at the battlefield in front of him, an ugly smile appeared on his rough face, and asked Jin Bing at the side with a hoarse voice.

"Exactly as you asked, transform them into powerful terrifying killing machines."

"You did a good job." Turning to look at Ivan Vanke beside him, a rare smile appeared on Jin Bing's face. He watched the defenders who were retreating under the army of biochemical robots. The smile on his face was even stronger: "I control the army of these biochemical machines, and the entire Hell's Kitchen, not the entire New York, will be in my hands."

Listening to Jin Bing's ambitious words, Ivan Vanke lowered his head silently, with a vague expression on his face.


"Looks like we need a big guy to open the scene."

He was being beaten by powerful fire all the time. Frank's expression was a little annoyed. He patted Luke Cage on the back, and he said.

"Big guy?" While struggling with the fire, Luke Cage's face was a little puzzled when he heard Frank's words.

"Cover me to the position of the car."

Although he was puzzled, Luke Cage still complied with the defender's request and moved to the position where the Humvee was parked while facing the hail of bullets.

"Okay." He patted Luke Cage on the back again, signaling him to stop.

Frank rolled and ducked into the Humvee. The hail of bullets shattered the glass, leaving deep and shallow scratches on Punisher's face, but he ignored the injury on his face and grinned from the car. I found the rocket launcher that had been prepared long ago, and pointed it in the direction of the biochemical machinery army: "After fighting for so long, it's my turn to fight back."

Saying that, he pulled the trigger with a high-pitched firing sound, and the bazooka was fired with white smoke.

Without seeing the result of the launch, the Punisher took out another bazooka directly from the car.


Two consecutive rocket launchers were fired, directly drowning the mechanical army in a strong explosion.

The aftermath of the explosion made Jin Bing's suit rattle. He turned to look at Ivan Vanke next to him, but saw him saying confidently, "Don't worry, this explosion won't hurt them."

Sure enough, as the fire and smoke of the explosion dissipated, the army of biochemical machines still appeared in front of the defenders intact. It may be an exaggeration to say that it is intact. The explosion of the bazooka did cause a certain degree of damage to the biochemical robot. Some robot faces were melted to reveal **** faces, but after the transformation of Ivan Vanke, they have long since disappeared. Because of the pain sensation, there is no fear of these injuries at all.


Seeing this scene, even the Punisher frowned, and the army of machines in front of him was more difficult to deal with than he thought.

Fortunately, after the baptism of the bazooka, the firearms in the hands of the mechanical army seemed to be affected by the violent explosion. They had to put away the firearms in their hands and switch to other combat modes.


Luke Cage involuntarily frowned as he punched the biochemical robot rushing up in front of him: "Be careful, these robots have strong defenses."

"It's not just defense."

Swinging his iron fist and punching the biochemical robot, Danny's expression changed: "Their strength is not weak."

Just one biomechanical robot can make Luke Cage, who has super strength, sigh with the defense and the strength of Iron Fist Danny's vigilance. He looked up at the dense army of biochemical machines in front of him, Luke Cage and Danny. He couldn't help but glance at each other, and both saw a trace of fear in the other's eyes.

"Looks like we're in big trouble."

"It's troublesome."

A shot hit the eyes of the bio-robot in front of him. Although it has undergone a lot of transformation, the human part of the face is still one of the weaknesses of the bio-robot. This is a weakness that existed from the beginning. , does not include brain modifications.

Although Ivan Vanke made a lot of revisions to the drawings through his rich experience in transformation, he obviously did not dare to make too many changes to the core part of the brain.

After all, the transformation of the brain is too dangerous. Even a small change may lead to the failure of the entire transformation.

Successfully stopped the action of the biochemical robot in front of him, but Li Ran's face in the antique shop did not show the slightest joy.

The situation at hand is quite obvious. Jin Bing and Ivan Vanke's alliance seems to be unwilling to transform Bullseye. They used him to build an entire army of biochemical machinery. Under such circumstances, the defenders simply do not will be their opponents.

Even, if you're not careful, the defenders may be here today, as Jinbian said.

Taking into account the popularity, Li Ran naturally couldn't watch this happen. After all, every Defender member who had an accident meant that Li Ran had one less goal to gain the popularity.

However, under the current situation, there is no way to lead the Defender members to turn defeat into victory.

It seems that it is really not good, so I can only play the role of the turtle fairy or other characters.

Frowning, Li Ran began to arrange for backup means.

However, before that, after controlling the clone to look up at the bullseye that Jessica was entangled in midair, Li Ran raised his eyebrows and then shot——

It was obviously just an ordinary shot, but under the effect of it, it very subtly interrupted Bullseye's attack on Jessica, and coincidentally stuck in him along the gap of Bullseye's body. in the arm.


Looking at the arm that suddenly got stuck, Bullseye's stiff face couldn't help showing a humanized stunned expression. He raised his hand and used the blade to get the bullet stuck in his arm out, lowered his head, and immediately saw the ground facing him. He raised his cowboy hat slightly to say hello.

"It's you?!"

Looking at the cowboy on the ground, Bullseye's memory began to emerge. He recalled that the reason why he became what he is now has a lot to do with the cowboy in front of him.

Thinking of this, the expression on his face began to become distorted, he directly abandoned Jessica in front of him, and flew towards where he was.

However, halfway through the flight, he suddenly stopped his movements again, and the originally distorted expression on his face turned cold again.

Not only Bullseye, but all the biochemical mechanical armies in front of the building stopped the movements of their hands.

While panting, Matt faced the biochemical robot who suddenly stopped his fist in front of him with a puzzled expression.


At this moment, Ivan Vanke, who had been standing beside Jin Bing, slowly raised his head, raised the corner of his mouth, showed an ugly smile, and said softly in blunt English at the corner of his mouth.

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