Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 119: 9 secluded appearance

"What happened?!"

Hospitals, intensive care units.

Jessica met the members of the Defenders again after a long absence, but their expressions were obviously heavy.

"Danny was attacked and seriously injured." Luke Cage said, looking at the iron fist in the intensive care room where his hands were fixed, and he was unconscious with straps all over his body, and replied with a low expression.

"At the moment, it's unclear who actually moved the hand." Matt said, although he couldn't see Danny's situation at the moment, he could also hear the weak heartbeat of the other person on the hospital bed.

"how is this possible?"

Looking at Danny's tragic appearance, Jessica frowned subconsciously: "Don't he possess the power of the Kunlun Iron Fist, how could he suffer such serious injuries." The previous experience of fighting together made her very Knowing Danny's ability, unless he encounters an opponent of this level, he shouldn't be defeated so easily, or even become what he is now.

"His hands were broken." Looking at Danny's gauze-fixed arms, Luke Cage replied in a low voice, "It seems that even the power of an iron fist can't resist the opponent's attack."


Luke Cage's remarks silenced the three present.

"Who will it be?"

After a while, Jessica spoke.

To be honest, since the previous battle in Chinatown, she has not intervened in the Hell's Kitchen dispute for a long time, and is doing her own job as a private detective with peace of mind, but now Danny's experience has allowed her to live a somewhat normal life. There was another wave.

Reason told Jessica that there was no benefit to meddling in the matter in front of her, but she couldn't convince herself to turn a blind eye to what happened to Danny.


At this moment, a refined voice sounded.

"You're here, Master Ye."

Without turning his head, Matt already recognized the owner of the figure. At the same time, he also felt another footstep and followed Ye Wen.

Wearing a Tang suit, Ye Wen appeared in front of the intensive care unit and looked at Danny, who was seriously injured on the hospital bed.

Although Iron Fist's situation seems to be in jeopardy, this is already the result of his holding back. Otherwise, he ignores Iron Fist's attack with his strength and can completely solve Danny directly.

"Master Ye, what is Jiuyou?"

Frowning, Luke Cage silently recited the name that Ye Wen said before asking.

"The mysterious person who was revealed before his death should be the legendary person from Jiuyou, and the culprit who injured Danny."

Silently taking his eyes away from Danny, Ye Wen turned to look at the defenders in front of him, and then swept over to Natasha, who was beside him, and said solemnly.


"Jiuyou appeared?"

In the SHIELD headquarters, inside the Tri-Curved Wing Building, Nick Fury heard the report from Natasha, his expression remained unchanged but his eyes narrowed subconsciously.

"That's right." In the hospital, Natasha glanced sideways at Matt and the others not far away, and replied in a low voice, "Someone was attacked by Jiuyou, and according to their words, the victim has extraordinary power. , but still did not resist. Moreover, Ye Wen also proved that the attacker is likely to be from Jiuyou."

"Continue to collect information about Jiuyou. If the situation of the attack is real, then Jiuyou is obviously an extremely dangerous organization."

After giving a low voice, Nick Fury remembered the Turtle Immortal who had made a big mess in New York before, and couldn't help asking: "Can you find the trace of the Turtle Immortal?"


On the other side of the earphone, Natasha was silent for a while, then shook her head and replied: "No, although I have searched for the clues provided by Ye Wen, but obviously there are no very important clues."

"Then lower the search work for the time being, and start the investigation of Jiuyou." Nick Fury obviously knew that the chances of finding the traces of the immortal turtles in the vast sea of ​​people and overseas are not high, so he thought After a while, the focus of the task was placed on Jiuyou.

"Master Ye, over there..."

Turning his head to the side, aware of Natasha's move, Matt immediately reminded Ye Wen who was beside him with a frown.

"The other party is from S.H.I.E.L.D., and it is currently the same as our goal."

Shaking his head gently, Ye Wen glanced at Natasha behind him and explained a little.


After finishing the call with Natasha, Nick Fury was silent for a while.

However, before the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. could calm down his emotions, news came to his ears again.

"Director, the captain is awake."

Hearing the report in the headset, Nick Fury's expression changed, and he immediately ordered: "Get ready, we're going to meet the captain."

"...a nice curveball, it was really high and far, the Dodgers were tied again, 4-4, and the audience knew that with just one swing of his baseball, this guy has the ability to change the game again, Another great day at Ebbetts Field, the Phillies are tied 4-4, but the Dodgers have three backups ready to go..."

Red Skull, Hydra, Cosmic Cube, Final Battle.

In a trance, Captain America, Steve Rogers slowly opened his eyes, woke up from a long nightmare, and found himself on a single bed in a minimally decorated room, the sun shining from the window Came in, slightly irritating Steve's eyes, the fan above the ceiling was turning slowly, and an old-fashioned radio was broadcasting a game.

"...Pearson was in Philadelphia last month and hit Reese in the head, is this young guy going to **** for tat here and give him a dick? Pete got close, started pitching, hit, The ball goes straight to the right, goes to Rizzo, three home runs, Rial runs to third, Duroche is ready to wave, the substitute comes, but they can't catch him..."

In the slightly noisy broadcast sound, Steve slowly got up from the single bed and moved his stiff body to sit on the edge of the bed. The live broadcast of this game made him a little confused, and he had a vague memory in his mind. It began to recover gradually. While thinking, the door was pushed open, and a female soldier walked in with a smile.

"Good morning." The female soldier greeted Steve with a smile, closed the door, and checked her watch. "Or should I say good afternoon?"

"Where am I?" Steve asked suspiciously.

"You're in a rehabilitation ward in New York City." The female soldier replied.

"...Oh, what a wonderful game, the audience stood up..."

The content of the game was still broadcast on the radio. Steve glanced at the radio, confirmed his suspicions, and then looked at this female soldier who he did not know at all.

"Where am I?" Steve asked seriously.

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean." The female soldier said in a roundabout way.

"The game was in May 1941, I know, because I was there at the time." Steve looked at the female soldier whose expression changed, and said lightly.

Steve stood up, looked seriously at the female soldier who had changed a little, and said, "Now, let me ask you again, where am I?"

"Captain Rogers." The female soldier whispered, and secretly pressed the siren in her hand.

"Who are you?" Steve walked up to the female soldier and asked sharply.

At this moment, the door was opened, two agents in black uniforms walked in, and Steve stepped back defensively. Bang!

The two agents broke through the wall, smashed into the wall, were kicked out by Steve, and then Steve rushed out, only to find that the ward they were originally in was only a carefully designed ward. The scene, outside the scene is inside a larger building, Steve looked at the surrounding environment, his expression became more and more uneasy.

"Captain Rogers, wait!" The female soldier hurried out.

Steve pushed open the fire door and ran outside.

"All units, code 1, repeat, all units, code 1." Taking out the walkie-talkie, the female soldier hurriedly reported the situation to the crowd through the broadcast.

As soon as Steve rushed out, he saw many agents in black suits rushing towards him, pushing one agent away with one hand, and Steve quickly ran out of the base.

Running out of the base, Steve quickly rushed to the street. There were people coming and going, and noisy vehicles. Steve looked around more and more strangely. The bustling scene that was incompatible with himself began to run aimlessly. , he didn't know why he was running, but he had to run.

new work time.

I didn't run very Steve stood in the center of Times Square and looked around in amazement at the things he had never seen before. Whether it was the people or the cars in front of him, there was such a huge difference from the times he lived in. .

Suddenly, black cars surrounded Steve, and at the same time attracted the attention of passers-by.

"Relax, soldier." Nick Fury, who came from the Tri-Wing Building, got out of the car and called Steve softly.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents on the other vehicles also hurriedly got out of the car, and surrounded Steve on three floors and three floors, mainly to block passers-by and make official explanations.

"Listen, I'm sorry about that performance just now." Nick Fury stared at the blank soldier in front of him, expressing a sincere expression of apology: "But we think it's best to slowly prepare you. "

"What are you going to prepare for?" After restraining his emotions, Steve looked at everything in front of him and said involuntarily.

"You've been sleeping, Captain, for nearly 70 years." The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. looked at Steve and said slowly.

Hearing this, the expression on Steve's face was stunned for a moment. Such an answer was far beyond his expectations. There were complex emotions in his eyes, and he had mixed feelings, but he didn't know how to express it.

"Are you all right?" Fury asked with concern as he looked at Steve who was silent.

"Yes, um, I just..."

Steve didn't know what to say for a while, so he frowned tightly and looked at the sky in the distance.

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