Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 117: travel around the world

"What, gone?!"

Chinatown, inside the martial arts hall.

When Natasha heard Ye Wen's reply, she subconsciously raised her slender eyebrows.

The people of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been dormant outside the martial arts hall all the time, but they have not received any information that Immortal Turtle has left.

Of course, Natasha also knew that, with the abilities shown by Immortal Turtle in the previous battle, if he wanted to leave, the current S.H.I.E.L.D. had no way to keep him.

Facing Natasha's question, Ye Wen showed a wry smile on his face, pretending to be helpless and replied: "Yes, because the trace of the suspected Jiuyou has not appeared for a long time, Teacher Wu Tian was a little impatient, so he stayed. He left with a note, saying he was traveling around the world."

"Traveling around the world?"

The answer given by Ye Wen was somewhat unexpected to Natasha. The immortal from Penglai was more out of tune than he had imagined. The expression on Natasha's face changed, and then asked: " Master Ye, can you tell me that Teacher Wu Tian went to that country?"


After hesitating for a while, Ye Wencai replied with an embarrassed expression: "I don't know the specifics, but before I left, I heard Teacher Wu Tian mention the country of Brazil."


When Natasha heard the words, she frowned lightly, but immediately understood.

In addition to football, Brazil is most famous for beauties, so it seems that the purpose of the turtle fairy's trip is self-evident.

Just trying to understand the joints, Natasha's expression suddenly became as speechless as Ye Wen's.

Sure enough, this smutty old man.


Inside the antique shop, Li Ran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he revealed the news of Immortal Turtle's departure through Ye Wenzhi's mouth.

Traveling around the world or something is naturally an excuse he came up with, the purpose is to make the turtle fairy disappear smoothly for a while.

As for the return time, it depends on the situation.

With the use of fusion cards, Li Ran's trump card was undoubtedly reduced by one, but there was always something to gain between gains and losses.

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The legendary degree that was consumed before was replenished, and it was even a little bit short of reaching the value of 30,000.

Looking at the popularity displayed on the data panel, Li Ran didn't hesitate, so he chose to exchange a treasure chest first.

The appearance of Gu Yi obviously doubled his sense of vigilance. Even if the other party didn't show any strangeness, the name of the Supreme Mage still made Li Ran feel a little more anxious.

Exchange, open the box.

A set of skilled operations, and soon the items extracted in Li Ran were presented in front of Li Ran's eyes.



The result of opening the treasure chest this time is better than Li Ran originally expected, especially it can almost be said that it is the best among the system items that Li Ran has drawn so far. Although the production process of this pill is a little dirty, it does not affect its powerful effect.

Silently withdrew his gaze from above, Li Ran immediately turned it to the newly drawn card.


To be honest, he is quite unfamiliar with this name, but from the background introduction given by the system, it can be judged to some extent that this is the protagonist of a western cowboy animation, and the image should also be a standard cowboy shape. . Of course, he cared more about the two skills indicated by the system than his appearance.

This skill, simple and clear, obviously means that the shooting speed is very It is also in line with his image as a cowboy. But the other skill is somewhat ambiguous and completely confusing. Because he doesn't understand the relationship between the characters, he has no way of knowing how to use this ability.

However, based on the experience of using character cards in the past, Li Ran probably estimated that this ability should also belong to a kind of passive skills. As for the effect, contact is only a level card after all. It may be useful, but it should have a limited effect. Make it more comfortable in battle.

It seems that there is time to try the ability to see how effective it is.

He thought to himself for a while, but Li Ran's movements did not stop. He turned out the fusion function of the system, and immediately put the two cards in it.

and Class D cards]

That's right, after the cards were consumed, Li Ran only had this card that was neither attractive nor useful, so he felt it was necessary to try his luck again.


It seems that my luck is not too bad.

Looking at the bronze-colored cards fused in the system, although it is not as shocking as before, it is a pleasant surprise that an E-level card and a D-level card can be merged into a single-level card.

However, looking at Li Ran in his hand, he subconsciously remembered the Spider-Man he had seen before.

After all, speaking of it, this is one of Spider-Man's most famous enemies.

Maybe, I can...

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