Time passed, and it was already the second day.

Qi Jun lazily lay on the recliner, facing the sun, basking in the sun as lazily as a salted fish.

Well, it was really just basking in the sun. He didn't let Taibai open the solar panels. He just basked in the normal sunlight.

After a whole day of the cycle of 'shooting skill books--imprinting--digesting and understanding--shooting skill books--imprinting--digesting and understanding', Qi Jun finally mastered all the magic skills that Gu Yi had spent his entire life learning!


With a snap of the fingers, with Qi Jun as the center, the space flipped open like a broken mirror and instantly spread out to an unknown distance! The mirror space was created!

Qi Jun immediately entered the subspace. Before the mirror space was broken, no matter how much damage was done here, it would not have any effect on the main plane.


The mirror space dissipated, and Qi Jun appeared in the main plane again

"Sir, you just disappeared for ten seconds. Taibai did not find you in any surveillance area. Do you need Taibai's help?"

Taibai's voice sounded in the space station, making Qi Jun's mouth curl up slightly.

"No need"

"Taibai, help me contact Tony Stark."

Tony Stark promised not to record Qi Jun's information in any form, but that doesn't mean Qi Jun didn't write down Tony Stark's information.

It can even be said that in Taibai's database, Tony Stark's information is so full that it fills up several storage servers! If Qi Jun hadn't materialized several super quantum memories for Taibai that were at least a thousand years ahead of Earth's technology, the storage space occupied by Tony Stark's information alone would have slowed down Taibai's operation.

"Yes sir"

""I have connected to Jarvis, Mr. Tony Stark's personal butler. Please wait."

Taibai's actions were very fast. As soon as Qi Jun finished speaking, Taibai had already connected to Jarvis.

Almost at the moment of connection, a real-time picture was projected in front of Qi Jun.

"Hey man, you okay?"

""Ah! You look like you're okay?"

Tony Stark appeared on the screen with a nervous look on his face, and behind him was the Mark IV suit being prepared.

"Oh my god, did you know that yesterday I detected your S.C.P.When the group headquarters emitted that huge energy wave, I was almost scared to death!"

"You know, according to energy reaction monitoring, that is a giant energy that can destroy the entire New York eighteen times!"

"It was unbelievable that such a huge amount of energy could be controlled? And finally released into the sky? What are you doing? Is it you or some other device that created this terrifying energy? And what other device could control this terrifying energy?"

"My God, in my entire life, I have never felt such a huge and suffocating energy at such a close distance!"

"When I thought about how I almost died in this powerful energy fluctuation yesterday, I suddenly felt that life was so beautiful!!!"

"Last night, I actually had a nightmare. You actually made me, Tangtang Iron Man, have a nightmare!"

"Man! After the energy burst, I was already wearing my Mark suit, but Harry Henrys and his team sent me a message saying that you were not there, so I didn't go to look for you. I knew that the intelligence organizations would definitely look for you! Harry Henrys and his team immediately checked and said that they found two footprints in the ruins. Is that you? Who is the other one? But don't worry, they have cleared the traces, no one will know!"

"Oh, it doesn't matter whether you tell me or not. I don't really want to know."

"By the way, you won’t care about the message Harry Henrys sent me, right? After all, I just lent them to you to form a group, not as a gift to you, right!"

"Let's not talk about that. Where are you now? Are you in the manor? Oh my god, how can your Taibai be so strong? My Jarvis can't hack in?"

"By the way, you fucking laughed at me for saying that my Stark Industries was full of agents and spies?"

"Have you ever thought about this situation? I guess your S.C.P.The group must be full of agents and spies!"

"Oh, what is the saying in the ancient Eastern countries? If you say a hero, the hero will come? Harry Henry just sent me a message, haha, your S.C.P.Group, except for Harry Henrys and the people I lent you, all the employees have submitted their resignation letters!"

"Wow, let me see, after these employees submitted their resignation letters, a large number of social elites gave your S.C.P.The group submitted a job application!"

"Haha, let me check it out, Jarvis, get to work!"

"Oh, I found it. This one is from SHIELD! This one is from the FBI, this one is from the CIA, and this one is from the KGB? Huh? The KGB dares to come here? And this one is from the Eastern Ancient Foreign Affairs Administration?"

"Hey man!"

"You said that most of my Stark Industries are spies"

"But look, your S.C.P.Group, except for the people I lent you, they are all spies! Hahahahahaha!!!"

Looking at the chatterbox Stark in the projection, spewing out a long string of words at a crazy speed, Qi Jun's smiling face, which was originally somewhat happy because of Tony Stark's concern, quickly turned black!

Qi Jun was even speechless. Why did he copy the skill of embodying English proficiency from an old man? Now he couldn't even understand Tony Stark's ridicule!

"Do you still want me to take action?"

Seeing that Tony Stark was still laughing for another hour, Qi Jun frowned and simply used his trump card!


"Cough cough cough~~~"

Tony Stark was shocked when he heard Qi Jun's words. He quickly stopped his suicidal laughter, but he almost choked himself because of the sudden stop.

Damn, this is a ruthless person who can create a huge energy that can destroy New York eighteen times. It's just a small joke. If he continues to suicidal, he will be in trouble. Tony Stark doesn't believe that what happened in S.C.P.This incident on the group building has nothing to do with Qi Jun.

Compared to the destruction of New York, it is not too late to laugh at Qi Jun until Qi Jun solves the Hulk. Tony Stark has his own little plan in mind~

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