
"Just look at the panel"

"I can't see anything at all."

"You still have to test it in practice to know!"

‘Looking at the information displayed in his mind, Qi Jun still shook his head. He did not really understand what level his strength was at.

"Forget it, just do it!"

Shaking his head, he drove out the extra thoughts from his mind.

Qi Jun started to do it directly!

He punched the sand that had already sunk the upper of his shoe.

A punch of pure physical strength!

A punch with all his strength!

It was also the fastest punch that was absolutely based on physical strength alone!


A sonic boom!

Qi Jun's punch, before it hit the sand, actually hammered the air with a sonic boom!


And the moment Qi Jun's fist came into contact with the sand!

It didn't sink as deeply into the sand as usual, and the punch that broke through the speed of sound was more like a punch hitting an extremely hard concrete floor. The sound of the explosion suddenly exploded, and a sound wave and a shock wave spread out.

At the same time, under the power of a punch, the sand under Qi Jun's feet was directly blown up.

A ball of sand and dust formed instantly, directly covering all the areas within a radius of ten kilometers where Qi Jun was!

Even the sand ball was still spreading to a farther distance.···

Under the huge dust cloud, Qi Jun's figure could no longer be seen.

Everywhere he looked, there was flying dust all over the sky!......................

For a long time, in the depths of this hot and scorching desert, the sand and dust that suddenly exploded slowly dissipated, revealing Qi Jun standing proudly.



The ground where Qi Jun stood was no longer sand.

The place where Qi Jun stood had already turned into a huge deep pit!

Just a glance at it, you can see that this deep pit is at least ten meters deep! The place where Qi Jun stood was no longer sand, let alone soil!

The place where Qi Jun stood had actually turned into a huge deep rock with huge cracks!

There is reason to believe that if it weren't for this huge and hard deep rock blocking it, this deep pit would definitely be deeper!

The power of Qi Jun's punch!

Surprisingly! So terrifying!......................

At the bottom of the deep pit, Qi Jun raised his eyebrows.

Because Qi Jun found that the Dragon Ball Magic Modified Combat Power Detection Glasses that Qi Jun had materialized, floating in the sky, had actually updated the information transmitted to Qi Jun's mind because of Qi Jun's punch!

Target: Qi Jun

Intelligence: 5

Strength: 5 (100 tons!)

Speed: 4 (punch speed: 1.5 Mach!)

Endurance: 4

Energy emission: 3

Combat skills: 3

Comprehensive evaluation: One force defeats ten skills! One punch crushed the American captain without a shield!

Detector combat power value: 2000!

There were even notes for the strength and speed values!

The combat power value actually increased tenfold!......................

"The combat power data will change in real time!"

Looking at the updated and changed data, Qi Jun showed a smile.

A machine is a machine after all!

What's more, it is just a tester that Qi Jun materialized with 200 points of energy!

Even though this is the most materialized thing Qi Jun uses besides the body strengthening potion, it has defects after all!

Of course, this defect is not too big.

It's nothing more than that, before the target of the detection takes action, only the static strength can be detected. As long as it takes action, the 'Dragon Ball Magic Modified Combat Power Detection Glasses' can obviously still detect all the strength!

At least, before the detection limit of the 'Dragon Ball Magic Modified Combat Power Detection Glasses' is exceeded, the flaws of this thing can be ignored!......................

"So, next"

"Try this so-called energy emission?"

Qi Jun has energy in his body!

Moreover, this energy is not the energy placed in a special area by absorbing the [mutated gem]!

This part of energy is the energy automatically stored in Qi Jun's body after two strengthenings!

This part of energy is also equivalent to the energy evolved after Qi Jun's life level evolved, and it is completely under Qi Jun's own control!

Whether Qi Jun is eating, practicing, or even actively using the [mutated gem] to absorb energy, Qi Jun's body will produce, intercept, assimilate, and eventually become Qi Jun's own energy.

With a thought, the energy contained in Qi Jun's body rushed to the fingertips of his right hand.

In the blink of an eye, a small energy ball with a faint blue flash appeared at the fingertips of Qi Jun's right hand.

Don't look at this energy ball as small, not even as big as a marble.

But Qi Jun himself can also Clearly sensed, it was this small ball that was not even the size of a glass marble.

But it could cause almost the same level of damage as the previous fire at the dock!

Even more damage was caused because of the light blue energy mixed in it!

Because, this light blue energy is the famous king of all heavens and worlds, the panacea - space energy!

Don't look at it as just a little bit of energy. Once it is catalyzed by this energy ball, it can even directly tear a space crack.

Even because of the stability of the universe, it is known that the space crack will be quickly smoothed out.

But if it is hit by this space crack, a body that is not strong enough will inevitably be torn to pieces!

Even the Hulk can still tear several scars on it!

Looking at the energy ball on his fingertips, Qi Jun thought about it, squatted slightly, and began to accumulate power.

Then bang!

He exerted force under his feet suddenly, and another sonic boom sounded!

But while Qi Jun's body was soaring into the sky, he threw the energy ball on his fingertips to the ground.......................

Boom boom!

An explosion that was even more powerful than Qi Jun's previous punch rang out!

An even more violent shock wave than before quickly caught up with Qi Jun who was still rushing towards the sky.

The powerful shock wave almost made Qi Jun stagger!

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