As Qi Jun's mind moved, the [mutated gem] suddenly burst out with a force even greater than what Qi Jun had felt before, enveloping the entire fire scene!

""Shit!" Although Qi Jun realized that the stronger he was, the stronger the power of the [Mutated Gem] would be. But Qi Jun still didn't expect that after only strengthening twice, the power of the [Mutated Gem] would cover the entire dock. From Qi Jun could only absorb the range within five meters in front of him before, to after two strengthenings, it suddenly increased to cover the entire dock? What kind of bullshit is this?!!


After being shocked for a moment, Qi Jun suddenly started laughing so hard that wrinkles appeared on his face.~





Sure enough!

The energy absorption was still tenfold!

Before a breath was over, the absorbed energy points had already exceeded the upper limit of the first absorption.

Moreover, without stopping, it quickly climbed to a higher peak!......................

And in the fire scene, because of Qi Jun's absorption this time, a more intense fire suddenly broke out! The flames, which were already rising high into the sky, jumped up more than ten meters again!

The crackling sound of the burning materials scared the firefighters who arrived at the first time and started to put out the fire, and they fled far away.

But then, everyone found that even if they escaped to the original isolation zone, they could still feel the huge heat and wave after wave of heat waves.

In less than ten seconds, the people around felt that their skin was burning.

The huge sympathy made the surrounding onlookers no longer dare to continue watching, and hurriedly turned around and fled, for fear that they would be roasted on the spot if they were a second late.

Even those firefighters who were originally firefighters quickly fled with the crowd, wishing they could have a few more legs.......................

The commotion on the other side of the isolation zone did not attract Qi Jun's attention.

Because Qi Jun found that his current spirit? Or mental power? Can actually attach to the energy diffused by the [mutated gem].

Although he could not change anything, Qi Jun seemed to have opened his brain radar, as if he had learned the domineering of observation. Wherever the energy of the [mutated gem] passed, everything was exposed!

Qi Jun naturally discovered the changes in the fire scene.

In fact, Qi Jun also knew why!

Because this is the result of the [mutated gem] power sweeping over!

Qi Jun's mind issued an order to absorb energy, and the [mutated gem] naturally had to execute it.

But the energy intensity of the fire scene itself is not enough to meet the limit that Qi Jun's body can withstand after the second strengthening.

Therefore, the power of the [mutated gem] is catalyzing the rapid combustion of those burning objects while absorbing the fire energy of the fire scene!

Qi Jun clearly"saw" that all the burning objects swept by the power of the [mutated gem] were burning at a speed that was like being pressed on the super fast forward button!

Normally, a ball of crude oil about the size of a motorcycle should be able to burn for at least half an hour, right? But what about now? Qi Jun clearly"saw" that it was burned in one minute? ? ? 0.0

The consequence was that the fire was raging and even broke through the power coverage of the [mutated gem] and radiated to the surrounding area.



Even Qi Jun himself had never thought that the [mutated gem] would have such a catalytic method.

The cause was just that Qi Jun wanted to absorb energy quickly and in large quantities!

The first time he absorbed fire energy, Qi Jun was on the weak side. The second time he absorbed fire energy, Qi Jun was on the equal side.

The third time he absorbed fire energy, Qi Jun was on the strong side.

The burning of the fire in the fire scene could not keep up with the absorption of fire energy, so naturally another method was needed to catalyze the combustion.

Although there will inevitably be losses in this process, who cares?!......................

That's right, driving the [mutated gem] to actively absorb energy only requires a thought.

Whatever Qi Jun thinks in his mind, the [mutated gem] will naturally respond accordingly.

However, Qi Jun didn't expect that this response would be so scary!


Qi Jun said: I like it!......................

Woo~~ woo~~~~

At the same time, far away in the command hall of the Triskelion headquarters building, the super-response alarm sounded once again!

"What's going on?"

Before the alarm sounded, Nick Fury, with a dark face, appeared in the command hall.

It must be said that as a former member of the rapid reaction force, Nick Fury has not lost his fighting instinct!

"It's the same dock that exploded before!"

Hill Maria, dressed neatly, introduced with a cold face.

Unlike Nick Fury, who is in charge of the entire SHIELD and has too many things to do, he can't stay in the combat command hall all the time. Although Hill Maria is the deputy director, as the general person in charge of the combat dispatch command of the SHIELD headquarters, she obviously needs to stay in the command room all the time, and she is naturally very clear about the source of the alarm.

"Just now, a level 5 intensity energy fluctuation suddenly erupted, which is almost equivalent to the explosion intensity of a medium-range missile!"

"According to on-site intelligence, the isolation zone 200 meters away from the dock was also hit by a strong heat wave, with a strong burning sensation!"

The introduction was cold and refreshing, which was Hill Maria's style.

"You mean, this smuggling terminal not only smuggles crude oil and washing powder,"

"Even smuggling arms?"

"But what does this have to do with us?"

"These things are the business of C1A, FB1, and even the Military Intelligence Agency!"

"But, since the headquarters has sounded the alarm, it must be because of a superpower event?"

Take a deep breath,���K. Fury felt inexplicably annoyed. Why was this damn place again?

"Speak up!"

"What's going on?"

Hill glanced at Hei Lu Dan, expressionless, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"That's exactly why!"

"Because, according to satellite detection, the explosion at the dock was powerful enough to be comparable to a medium-range missile, and the energy that spread quickly stopped, as if someone had intercepted the dissipated energy."

"Moreover, it was weakening rapidly and in large quantities! It was as if it was being absorbed!"

"According to the calculations of relevant experts, according to the energy weakening trend, if it was man-made, the fire at the dock would be extinguished soon."

(To be continued)

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