All Marvel fans know that the conditions for using the Reality Gems in the Marvel Universe are very harsh. Without a strong physique and a strong energy supply, no one can control the Reality Gems. Even if the Reality Gems are used without the Infinity Gauntlet, they will absorb the life of the user!

As powerful as the leader of the Dark Elves, Nicki Minaj, er, no, it's Malekith, who possesses powerful ether particles (with the Reality Gems as the core), and is able to fight Odin, when using the ether particles, his vitality will be absorbed by the Reality Gems in its core, and he was eventually hammered to death by the Hammer God!

It can be seen that the hidden dangers hidden under the powerful abilities of the Marvel version of the Reality Gems are equally huge!

But! Qi Jun's golden finger - the Reality Gem, is not like this!

In other words, the Reality Gem owned by Qi Jun is a variant version of the Reality Gem in the Marvel Universe! Even an upgraded version!


Through the information obtained after binding the mutant version of the reality gem, Qi Jun also fully understood the ability of this powerful golden finger!

The mutant version of the reality gem has all the abilities that the Marvel

Universe Reality Gem has! Even, the mutant version of the reality gem has what the Marvel Universe Reality Gem does not have!

For example, the Marvel Universe Reality Gem can only be used in the Marvel Universe. If it leaves the Marvel Universe, its ability will be weakened due to the different origins of the universe, and it may even become a completely useless gem; but the mutant version of the reality gem, no matter which universe it is in, can fit the current universe origin, so as to fully exert its ability!

The most important thing is!

Unlike the reality gem in the Marvel Universe, which needs to provide huge energy when used and also absorbs the vitality of the user.

Qi Jun's mutant version of the reality gem does not absorb Qi Jun's vitality, and even on the contrary, the mutant version of the reality gem bound to Qi Jun will also provide defense for Qi Jun!

This defense is passive.

Of course, if Qi Jun is willing, he can also turn this ability into an active skill.

The only difference is that passive use does not require additional consumption of Qi Jun's energy, and even the mutant version of the reality gem will absorb the energy from the attack; but active use is equivalent to using the mutant version of the reality gem, which requires Qi Jun to actively provide energy consumption!

In fact, according to the information transmitted to Qi Jun by the mutant version of the reality gem, this ability is actually energy absorption, energy absorption in all senses!

Similar to the Black Emperor among mutants-Sebastian Shaw, but far more powerful than him, and embracing everything!

This kind of energy absorption includes material, non-material, positive energy, negative energy, spiritual energy, soul energy, magic energy, and so on.

It can be said that with this passive skill, as long as Qi Jun is given an oxygen cylinder, even if he does not wear any protective clothing, Qi Jun can live well in space, because all the energy or radiation that is harmful to Qi Jun, etc., will be absorbed by the mutant version of the reality gem!

Of course, such a powerful passive skill is not without flaws for Qi Jun.

First of all, the energy passively absorbed by the mutant version of the reality gem will not be left for Qi Jun, the host, to use, but will be completely swallowed by the mutant version of the reality gem. For example: if Qi Jun is thrown into the universe, although he will not be harmed by energy, he will die due to lack of energy replenishment and lack of oxygen.

Secondly, this passive effect also has an upper limit. That is: the upper limit of the attack that Qi Jun, the host body, can withstand. What if Qi Jun was blown into a bubble in an instant, or Qi Jun was thrown into the sun by a powerful super-powered person? Then this passive effect will naturally become invalid.

Finally, the most BUG part of this passive effect is that if Qi Jun cannot be eliminated instantly, then the passive effect of the mutant version of the reality gem can restore Qi Jun's body endlessly.

It's like Qi Jun was shot into two pieces by an anti-sniper rifle, but because he did not become an irreversible bubble, Qi Jun can be resurrected with full blood and full basket in the next second. The price is the severe pain when being shot into two pieces!

Even so, this passive effect is still extremely powerful in Qi Jun's view.

As long as Qi Jun doesn't commit suicide, such as running into the energy beam of Stark Tower, not being hit by a high-yield missile, etc., Qi Jun can be said to have a strong confidence to survive! As long as Qi Jun himself doesn't reveal it, who can know these weaknesses of Qi Jun?

You know, even a psychic can't invade Qi Jun's mind, how can others know what Qi Jun's weaknesses are! Even if a psychic dares to invade Qi Jun's mind, the mutant version of the reality gem will teach him a lesson. At the lightest, the invading energy will be swallowed up, the brain of the psychic will be injured, and at the worst, he will become an idiot or even die.

It can be said that after coming to the Marvel Universe, Qi Jun is least afraid of various psychic powers and soul powers.

Of course, Qi Jun will not take the initiative to do evil. The reason why the trump card is a trump card is because no one knows it. If it is known by others, can it still be called a trump card?

The last and the last!

Qi Jun also knew why the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One and even the wizards of the New York Temple did not discover him as a"stowaway".

This is naturally because of the mutated version of the Reality Stone!

Even if it is mutated, the mutated version of the Reality Stone is still not something that Ancient One and others can peek at. Even if they have mastered the Infinity Stones, they cannot spy on other Infinity Stones.

What's more, in Qi Jun's view, the mutated version of the Reality Stone is a more advanced divine object than the Infinity Stones of the Marvel Universe. How could the mere Ancient One spy on Qi Jun's arrival!

Of course, if Qi Jun ran to Ancient One to commit suicide, that would be another horror story~

He clenched his fists hard, and in this way, Qi Jun was completely relieved.

Without the threat of Ancient One, without the peeping Tom of Asgard, after possessing the powerful mutated version of the Reality Stone, is it still impossible to make a name for yourself in this world?!

Qi Jun: I! I want to be the strongest!

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