"No?" Qi Jun frowned."Could it be that Aunt Marvel hasn't brought back the research ship yet?"

After carefully searching the space between the Earth and the Moon, and even the space near the Earth, Qi Jun did not find any hidden research ships or even warships in space.

However, Qi Jun found several hidden ships in the asteroid belt.Reconnaissance ship?

Or should it be called -- reconnaissance spaceship?

Qi Jun didn't react for a moment, and it was only after Taibai explained that Qi Jun realized that these reconnaissance spaceships actually came from the planet Chaidal?

"Haha, as expected, some forces, whether they can't leave the planet or can already walk between the stars, can't escape this kind of operation of wanting to secretly monitor others and even investigate them clearly!"

Qi Jun shook his head and laughed, and he crushed all of them, whether they were the big families on the Chaidar star, the reconnaissance ships of the Nova Corps, the reconnaissance ships of the Nova Empire, or even the monitoring ships that the Kree Empire followed to monitor!

Since we are talking about being an alliance, we still have to show our strength a little bit!

As for whether these reconnaissance ships and even monitoring ships exploded inexplicably, whether they would make those forces who came to monitor secretly furious, Qi Jun would not care.

It's really cool to kill and not bury them!......................

""But" Qi Jun looked towards the direction of the moon"It seems that the Inhumans have discovered some secrets?"

With Qi Jun's strength, he can naturally sense the movements on the moon. As Qi Jun himself is a space magician, and with Qi Jun's current father-level strength, even though Qi Jun is so far away from the moon, in fact, the movements on the moon seem to be happening in front of Qi Jun. It is extremely difficult not to be discovered by Qi Jun!

"Boss, have those people on the moon discovered anything?"Bruce Banner is only a fire magician after all, but Skye has the spatial ability given to her by Qi Jun, and she can still hear what's happening on the moon. Although Skye cannot clearly perceive the real situation on the moon, it is very difficult not to attract Skye's attention due to the frequent spatial fluctuations on the moon!

What's more, Skye, who has been educated by Qi Jun, knows clearly that there are her"folks" on the moon.

Of course, these"folks" are not recognized by her.

Although Skye also hopes to have the care of her folks and hopes to be able to integrate into the tribe, it is obvious that Skye's life experience of being displaced since childhood has made her not recognize these moon Inhumans who have abandoned their Earth folks.

Although the moon is not very beautiful either, the Inhumans on the moon can be said to be much happier than the Inhumans on Earth. Sometimes, Skye feels that the Inhumans on Earth are living a worse life than herself. There are obviously... With powerful abilities, he has to hide everywhere, fearing that he will be caught and sliced for research.

Think about the Inhumans on the moon, they are actually divided into royal families and civilians? That feeling is just like being screwed.

Therefore, Skye not only has no sense of identity with the Inhumans on the moon, but he has always been wary of them.

Skye is also afraid that this group of people will suddenly appear and take him away to serve their royal family.

Although with Skye's current ability, a shock wave can directly shatter the moon, but Skye hates his life being messed up. Skye enjoys his current life very much. It is not the high and mighty life of the president, but freedom, peace, and tranquility. Skye obviously enjoys his current life and no longer wants to live the days of being a stray dog and having no peace in the past. Skye also does not allow the Inhumans on the moon to appear and disrupt his peaceful life!

At least, in Skye's view, there is not too much intrigue, not too much war and killing, even if S.C.P.The position of group president may make her busy and tired at times, but it is what can truly bring Skye inner peace and tranquility!......................

""Huh?" Bruce Banner was stunned. What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?

"There are still people on the moon? Bruce Banner looked confused

"Of course there is! You don't know? You haven't read the information in Taibai?" Qi Jun glanced at Bruce Banner."And, they seem to have really discovered something."

Whether it was Qi Jun's narration or Taibai's own investigation, the secrets on Earth were not secrets to Qi Jun's subordinates.

At least, people at the level of Bruce Banner and Skye all had the authority to view them.

But obviously, Bruce Banner didn't look at them carefully.

Of course, this may also have a lot to do with the fact that the information is too large.

After all, as far as Qi Jun knows, the information stored in Taibai is stored in EB as far as the Earth is concerned!

"Do you have any ideas?"Qi Jun ignored Bruce Banner, who was scratching his head with a silly smile, and turned to ask Skye.

After all, he was an Inhuman, and he and Skye could barely be considered to have the same ancestor. Qi Jun considered himself a humane boss, so he was still ready to ask Skye what he thought.

"I don't want to have anything to do with them!" Facing Qi Jun's question, Skye's answer was very firm. He just didn't want to have any contact with the Inhumans on the Moon.

Not to mention the Inhumans on the Moon, Skye didn't have much contact with the Inhumans on Earth. The few Inhuman companions on Earth were, like Skye himself, Inhumans with special powers designed and"cultivated" by S.H.I.E.L.D. After the destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D., Skye took them to S.H.I.E.L.D..C.P.

Well, it was also the S that Qi Jun was going to receive cosmic radiation with Lao Binggun later..C.P.A key member of the group's top action team!......................

""Oh~" Qi Jun nodded"I understand.""


A sound of snapping fingers rang out.

The aliens on the moon were suddenly horrified to find that all of them were frozen! They couldn't move at all!

"This is space confinement!!!"

"And it is a spatial confinement that is many levels higher than ours!!!!"

The Moon Inhuman with space-related abilities shouted in horror.

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