"What do you think, Rising Star Supreme?" Qi Jun did not answer immediately, but kicked the ball back directly.

"Is King Qi Jun testing me?" Nova Supreme smiled slightly, but did not take it seriously.

Nova Supreme was also thinking in his heart that a life and death alliance was definitely impossible! Not to mention that King Qi Jun had provoked the entire Asgard, and no matter how he escaped from Odin, the famous strong man in the universe, the true identity of King Qi Jun has not been discovered yet.

Although Qi Jun said that he came from the Earth Star of C-53, Nova Supreme did not completely believe it. It can even be said that 90% of him did not believe it, and the remaining 10% was in doubt. If it had not been for the confirmation of the authenticity of the Kungunir and Uru metal in King Qi Jun's hands, Nova Supreme would not even believe Qi Jun at all. Qi Jun said everything!

You know, many of those small reconnaissance spacecraft sent to Earth for secret exploration belong to the Nova Empire! As the ruler of a country, and the supreme ruler of a cosmic empire, would he easily believe the words of King Qi Jun?

Of course, Nova Supreme called Qi Jun King Qi Jun, and this was recognized by Nova Supreme himself. Not to mention the huge space battleship, Qi Jun's own strength is incomparably strong. He can also avoid being captured by any monitoring equipment, snatch Odin's artifact Kungunir, and empty all the Uru mines in the entire Asgard warehouse, and so on. Even if Nova Supreme does not I believe the identity Qi Jun said, at least Nova Supreme himself also recognized Qi Jun.

The Life and Death Alliance was abandoned, so only the Strategic Alliance and the Nominal Alliance were left.

The Strategic Alliance is fundamentally different from the Life and Death Alliance, where both parties share the same fate.

The Strategic Alliance is based on their respective territories and is specifically aimed at jointly expanding the strength of the alliance in areas that are beneficial to both forces.

For example, if the Nova Empire and Qi Jun's own forces want to develop, but are blocked by the same goal, then this goal is naturally an obstacle to both the Nova Empire and Qi Jun's forces, so they will naturally work together to solve it!

It's not the kind of alliance that requires temporary linkage and discussion. , it is a completely natural state of union. There is no need for meetings, consultations, discussions, etc., and there will be no loss of opportunities. Just fight when you say you will, quick and clean! It is also a kind of joint alliance with common interests in a certain aspect.

As for the nominal alliance, as the name suggests, this is a nominal alliance. In addition to jointly issuing a joint alliance statement, in addition to visa-free entry and equal citizen treatment when arriving at their respective territories, they still do what they should do. At most, when there is a conflict between the two sides, with the hat of this nominal alliance, everyone can sit down and discuss how to solve it instead of going to war directly.......................

To be honest, Nova Supreme actually wanted to reach a cooperation with Qi Jun, which was a nominal alliance.

Firstly, Nova Supreme didn't know Qi Jun's background. If it was cooperation, what if he finally annexed himself?

Secondly, Nova Supreme really didn't want to be dragged into this vortex of Asgard, which Qi Jun had offended. The Nova Empire, which had just ended the war, had a lot of things to rebuild. Although Chaidar was extremely prosperous, it was the capital planet that was not affected by the war. Other places were not so lucky. Once Asgard misunderstood the relationship between the Nova Empire and Qi Jun, the trouble would really be more than a little bit.


If it was just a nominal alliance, what if King Qi Jun stopped selling scarce resources in the universe to him in the future? How could he eat coarse grains after eating fine bran? It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality. What if he lost this opportunity to vigorously develop the Nova Empire because of his decision, how could Nova Supreme feel at ease?!......................

"Our Nova Empire can sign a strategic alliance contract with your forces, King Qi Jun!"After frowning and thinking for a long time, Nova Supreme finally made a decision.

"But! We need to get a batch of Uru ore first!"New Star Supreme stared at Qi Jun's face and analyzed it carefully.

"Of course you can," Qi Jun smiled."How about this time, we can use the Uru ore to settle the intelligence transaction? Since this is our first cooperation, I can give you a 10% discount~"


Seeing Qi Jun's smile, Nova Supreme felt relieved.

"That would be the best!" Nova Supreme also laughed happily."If possible, in addition to the intelligence transaction, we also want to buy some Uru ore. Do you think it's okay?"

"Of course you can!" Qi Jun laughed."I still say that. This counts as our first transaction. I'll still give you a 10% discount!"

Things like vibranium will never be released to the market. All the quotas have been eaten up by the major forces. You can't even find any trading information for vibranium on the Cosmic Star Network. That's why Qi Jun included vibranium in the tradable catalog but didn't mark the price.

But Uru ore is different! Although this thing is also a scarce resource, Asgardians still often travel in the universe, and a small amount of Uru ore still flows into the market. Qi Jun can naturally find the information through the Cosmic Star Network.

Qi Jun saw this information before. At the time, I couldn't believe it. A spaceship similar to Star Lord (without energy) could be exchanged for only one kilogram of Uru ore?

I really want Black Panther to see that compared to Thor, you are also a poor guy!

What is the price? Think about the mountains of refined Uru metals that Qi Jun had plundered from Odin's treasure house in the huge dimensional space he opened up after becoming a space magician. Qi Jun didn't know how many super-large space battleships he could exchange for!

At the price of Uru, even if it was 10% off, how many could the Nova Empire buy?

"That's really great!"New Star Supreme was very happy.

"King Qi Jun, you don't know that after the news that Uru metal is suitable for and can amplify the superpowers of all known superpowers spread, this thing has become something that money can't buy. Every time Asgard exiles a���It was snapped up almost instantly."

"Now with your sufficient supply, King Qi Jun, our Nova Empire's super-powered troops can finally be fully formed!"

Nova Supreme is so happy!

If they could get enough Uru metal before, the Nova Empire's super-powered troops would be able to tear Ronan and his army apart!

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