After confirming that he should be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Qi Jun was relieved.

At least, he didn't have to worry about one day, without snapping his fingers, someone just had a flash of thought, and then he died inexplicably.

To be honest, the comic version of Marvel is too unsolvable, and the characters in it are all smashing planets and turning the universe upside down.

Once the screenwriter can't write it anymore, he will just find an excuse, oh, the universe will restart, and everyone will be finished~

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is still relatively safer.

Although there is also a world-destroying demon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe who wants to wipe out half of the creatures in the universe with a snap of his fingers.

But this world-destroying demon is still a cosmic power that can be dealt with before collecting the Infinity Gems to summon the complete Infinity Gauntlet.

What's more, with the mutant version of the reality gem to protect him, no matter how many times this world-destroying demon snaps his fingers, Qi Jun himself will not be wiped out. Choose the lesser of two evils, so, relatively speaking, if he must choose, Qi Jun will definitely prefer to stay in the Marvel Cinematic Universe......................

Qi Jun relaxed his mind and didn't want to check the information anymore. He leaned back on the old sofa, stretched his body and stretched out.


"It's comfortable~~~"

After stretching, Qi Jun felt refreshed. He leaned lazily on the sofa, watching the sunlight coming in from the window, illuminating the whole room.

For a moment, Qi Jun thought that it would be a good thing if life could always be so comfortable.

Unfortunately, this is the Marvel world. If you really indulge yourself, you will really be courting death.

Shaking his head, Qi Jun sat up and prepared to pour a glass of water.......................


Qi Jun stood up and suddenly felt something was wrong. What was wrong?

Standing in place, Qi Jun's brain was working at high speed.

Did someone discover his abnormality? Is he being monitored?

Since when can he feel being peeped in the dark? Is it an ability granted by the [mutated gem]?

Or, the original owner of this house installed hidden surveillance in the room?

Thinking of this, Qi Jun suddenly became excited.

TMD, although I didn't get this house through formal procedures, I also gave you enough money, and you actually monitored me? Of course, Qi Jun thought about it and ruled out this idea.

After all, who can know that he"took" this house at this time, so it is impossible for someone to monitor himself at this time! Unless that person traveled through time from the futureHmm? The future?

"Oh shit!"

"I almost forgot that there are time travelers in this world!"

Qi Jun immediately started running, quickly checking each room carefully, and even looking through the window, casting suspicious glances at each direction where he could observe the room.

However, after working for most of the day, Qi Jun still found nothing.

"Could it be"

""Am I being paranoid?"

Qi Jun muttered to himself.

In fact, it is not Qi Jun's fault for being paranoid. After all, if a time traveler in a different world does not have such a constant vigilant mind, he will never know how he will die.

"Could it be"

"Am I really overthinking it?"

"Or, has the observer left?"

"By the way, is there such a setting as an observer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?"

Leaning against the corner of the window, looking through the glass at the busy crowd below, Qi Jun frowned and thought.


After thinking for a long time without any clues, Qi Jun finally gave up the idea of continuing to explore.

As mentioned before, Qi Jun is not a person who dwells on trivial matters.

Since you can't find the answer for the time being, just put it aside for the time being.

After all, sometimes, if you don't pursue it, the answer will come out by itself!

At least, I live a much happier life than those people who are rushing through the streets downstairs to make a living, don't I!

Look at them, in order to make a living, they have to sweat in the sun.

Look at yourself again, watching them busy from a high position, and enjoying the sunshine, how life is...Wait?


"Oh shit!"

"As expected, you are looking for a donkey while riding a donkey!"

"Sure enough, after I stopped paying attention to it, it popped up inadvertently!"

"I told you something was wrong!"

"It turns out that something was wrong from the moment the sunlight shone into the room!"

"I really cried because of my own stupidity!"

"The sun shines on me, but it doesn't even leave a trace of temperature. Isn't this abnormal enough?"

Looking at my hands stretched out in the sun, I don't feel a trace of heat, not even a trace of warmth!

My hands, and even my whole body, seem to be in an absolutely constant temperature state. Is n't this state weird enough?

"Is your body absorbing sunlight?"

"Could it be that I don't even know that I'm a Kryptonian?"

Qi Jun's eyes flashed with self-mockery, as if he had discovered something.


"It’s not the body that absorbs it!"


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