
A huge energy wave came out from Qi Jun's hand, pushing all the Asgardians around him back a few steps!


"How is this possible!"

"Am I dreaming?"

When everyone stood up and looked towards the center of the palace, everyone was in disbelief!

Qi Jun! He actually!

Grabbed Thor's hammer with one hand!

Or rather!

Qi Jun!

He grasped Thor's hammer Mjolnir with one hand!

Even the fingers of Qi Jun's hand that grasped Thor's hammer were deeply embedded in Thor's hammer!


Thor Odinson, the Crown Prince of Asgard, Thor, was suddenly in disbelief!

Even Thor felt a faint pain in his heart!

My hammer!

You were pinched by someone!

Don't you love me anymore?

Ahem, not to mention Thor, whether it was the evil god Loki, Sif, Queen Frigga, or even the god king Odin, they were all stunned.

Since when, a person who came out of nowhere could pinch Thor's hammer at will?

Even pinched his fingers deeply into Thor's hammer?

Where did this god come from?......................

"Impossible?"Qi Jun sneered.

I am only holding Thor's hammer now. If it breaks into pieces, won't you become an idiot?

Of course, Qi Jun doesn't have the strength to crush Thor's hammer.

In fact, Qi Jun was able to pinch his fingers deeply into Thor's hammer, which means he had already exploded with all his strength.

Moreover, if Qi Jun had the strength to crush Thor's hammer, why would he just make a few handprints?

"After this period of experience with the charging treasure, my brother’s strength has long been beyond the imagination of ordinary people!"

"The energy contained in the body alone has skyrocketed from about 10,000 points to 500,000 points now!"

"This is more than just a fifty-fold increase in strength!"

"You want Neil Neil?"Qi Jun said something that no one else could understand, and suddenly threw the Thor's hammer in his hand at the increasingly irritable Thor at a faster speed,"Then I'll give it back to you!"


A huge sonic boom sounded, and a huge energy shock wave spread out instantly, once again knocking everyone back.

However, after everyone recovered again, they found that the mysterious strong man in the Palace of the God King was gone!

Thor, the God of Thunder, was also gone!

It was just that the palace wall behind the position where Thor had stood before had been completely destroyed, and a huge hole in the wall had been broken.

Obviously, the Thor's hammer that Qi Jun had just thrown out carried a powerful force, hammering Thor and sending him flying!


"Where did this monster come from?"

"Can Thor really defeat such a powerful being?"

"Why would Thor, the God of Thunder, want to provoke such a powerful being?"

"Is Thor stupid? He is provoking the enemy even though he cannot defeat them? Is he really fit to be our king?"

"Humph! I've been annoyed with him for a long time. A warrior who only knows how to fight is not qualified to lead a kingdom!"

The entire Palace of the God King was in an uproar!



The old man with white beard slammed the Eternal Spear in his hand to the ground. A dull sound came out, and the whole palace suddenly became quiet!

"The coronation ceremony of the God King has been cancelled!"

"Warriors of Asgard!"

"Now that alien destroyers are invading Asgard, as a member of Asgard, shouldn't we do our part?"

"Thor is too young!"

"He needs your help!"

He glanced at the secretly smug evil god Loki, which froze Loki's body. Then he slowly spoke, easily removing the negative influence on Thor, and called on everyone to assist Thor and capture Qi Jun!

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