Qi Jun slept until dawn.

He was awakened by the noise of people.

After washing up, he stood by the window and looked at the prosperous scene of people coming and going in Chinatown. Qi Jun couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, as long as you have Chinese blood, no matter where you go, you can turn it into a prosperous place!......................

After leaving the small hotel and eating an American-style modified Chinese meal in Chinatown, Qi Jun walked towards the small apartment that had just been transferred to his name with a strange look on his face.

Think about it, he could eat delicious Chinese food anytime and anywhere the day before, what on earth is this American-style modified Chinese food?

Qi Jun dared to swear that he had never eaten such a terrible"Chinese food"!

In the end, Qi Jun had to spend a full ten dollars in the supermarket, bought a bag of completely tasteless whole wheat bread, and a bottle of the legendary Lao Qian Niang from the ancient oriental country to eat with it, which barely soothed his rebellious stomach.

With a sigh, according to the address navigation, Qi Jun still"hardly" found himself��‘New home'.

After groping on the door frame for a while, he found a key and opened the door. Qi Jun was completely unable to complain.......................

Sitting in the 'new home', he no longer paid attention to the old furniture, since it was just a temporary residence anyway.

Qi Jun began to think about how to maximize the use of the remaining 14 energy points.

The language problem must be solved!

Just now, although most of the people around him were Chinese and Chinese-Americans speaking Chinese, the awkward intonation still gave Qi Jun a headache.

Moreover, the thought of leaving Chinatown made communication a problem, so the language problem must be solved.

Although it was no problem to blend into the surrounding crowd and use the environment to subtly solve the oral communication, it was too time-consuming.

And Qi Jun's worst problem was time!

The sunset purple sweet potato and the like were still far away, so let's not talk about it for now.

Let's say that when night falls, Qi Jun must follow Hit-Girl's location and follow behind to pick up leaks.

Although picking up leaks does not require language communication, you must know what others say and do. If you want to know, you must first understand it.

Therefore, it became a top priority for Qi Jun to use the [mutated gem] to quickly learn English.......................

Qi Jun first tried to use the [Mutation Gem] to give himself the ability to speak, listen, read and write English.

But the information the [Mutation Gem] gave back startled Qi Jun, and he quickly sent the [Mutation Gem] the idea of canceling it.

A full 10 energy points!

[Mutation Gem] gave Qi Jun the same information.

Qi Jun didn't know if it really took so much energy to give a human a proficient skill? Or did it only take so much energy for himself?

Qi Jun also didn't know if 10 points of energy were needed to give a human a proficient skill. Was it too much? Or too little?

But Qi Jun only had 14 points of energy. If he directly gave himself the ability to be proficient in English, wouldn't that only leave 4 points of energy?

What can 4 points of energy do?

Maybe it can make more money in your bank card? But if you want to make this money legal and reasonable, you must modify the memories of a large number of relevant people. These 4 points of energy are not enough!

Materialize some gold out of nothing? What for? Let people rob you?

The most urgent thing now is to give yourself the ability to protect yourself.

At least you can't be easily caught by others, and then simply starve to death or suffocate to death!

Qi Jun thought about it carefully, and there might be some tricks in this.

Qi Jun could feel that his use of [Mutation Gem] was still too simple and crude.

Let's do some experiments first to see if the ability of [mutated gemstones] is what I thought.

Qi Jun has a vague feeling about the ability of [mutated gemstones], but before trying it, Qi Jun doesn't know if this feeling is correct.......................

First, Qi Jun searched this"new home" and found some old plastic products and ironware in the utility room, some of which were even rusted.

Then, Qi Jun divided these ironware into xxx parts.

He took out the Huawei top-end laptop that he had materialized before, turned it on and connected it to the Internet.

After getting ready, Qi Jun began to experiment with the ability of the [mutated gem].

Experiment 1: Qi Jun did not use anything, but directly imagined in his mind-materializing a Glock 19 pistol.

As a pseudo-American drama fan (only watching Marvel and its derivatives), Qi Jun knew that this was a pistol that appeared frequently in the New York Police Department (NYPD) in American dramas.

But Qi Jun did not know the structure of this gun, and did not even know what materials this gun was made of.

The purpose of the experiment was to materialize a Glock 19 when Qi Jun only knew a name and appearance. How much energy would it take!

As the thought moved, the [mutated gem] fed back that it required a full 1 point of energy!

Of course, Qi Jun immediately gave up the idea of manufacturing and continued to keep 14 points of energy.

Experiment 2: Qi Jun came to a pile of waste plastic and scrap metal, and imagined the same thing - using the existing materials in front of him to materialize a Glock 1.

The purpose of the experiment was to see if the [Mutated Gem] would consume less energy to materialize after Qi Jun prepared the possible manufacturing materials.

Sure enough! Qi Jun guessed right!

Facing the waste plastic and scrap metal in front of him, the [Mutated Gem] gave back a message that it only needed 0.7 energy!


"Brother is really a genius!"

Qi Jun jumped up excitedly!

Of course, Qi Jun quickly gave up this idea and continued to maintain 14 energy points.

After a long time, Qi Jun suppressed his excitement and started the last experiment.

Experiment 3: Remember a complete gun manufacturing blueprint, and then use the waste materials to materialize Glock 19.

Qi Jun directly skipped the step of using the blueprint to materialize out of thin air. After all, if Experiment 3 can save energy, it means that directly using the blueprint to materialize out of thin air can definitely save energy.

And as Qi Jun's mind moved, the result was naturally very gratifying!

[Mutated Gemstone] The feedback is......

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