In the end, Changqing felt that Tony’s illness was mainly his attachment to the steel armor. So in the end, all of Tony’s steel armor was simply dismantled into scrap iron.

Tony was so angry that he vomited blood and felt a relaxation at the same time. The anxiety is really better.

Just after Tony’s surgery, Evergreen sets out on a quest to find Wanda. And the Guardians of the Galaxy have also returned to the universe from scratch to continue their adventure.

Quill, an earthling, didn’t want to stay on this earth either, his mother died when he was taken captive, leaving an elderly grandparent who didn’t know where to find it now. It can be said that Quill has almost no nostalgia for the earth. Except for the occasional thought of his late mother, who was abandoned by his father for no reason.

According to the surveillance video of Jarvis’s investigation of the world, Wanda went to London, although Changqing did not know what Wanda went to London for, but this did not affect Changqing’s heart to find Wanda.

Ying country, London, Wanda took Pietro and a group of disabled soldiers to settle here, in fact, Wanda’s original intention was to return to Sokovia, but under the persuasion of many people, Wanda temporarily gave up that idea.

It’s funny to say that Wanda didn’t go with a purpose before leaving. Instead, throw darts on the world map.

Finally, I came to London inexplicably. The capital of this Ying country.

Changqing has also been sending emails to Wanda, but they are all like stones sinking into the sea, and there is no response. Presumably, Wanda saw things and thought about people, and saw the emails exchanged with Changqing and broke down emotionally, so she never opened her mailbox again.

Wanda walked quite decisively this time, even the phone contact information was changed, and Changqing, who could not contact Wanda, could only set foot on this strange country alone.

Of course, if Changqing asks S.H.I.E.L.D. to do a favor, I believe they will be very happy, after all, finding people and everything is their specialty, as long as it is on Earth, living things, their omnipotent intelligence network can be easily found.

But Changqing didn’t want to do this, he didn’t want to owe Nick Fury’s favor. When the favor owed last time was about to be returned, he almost took Changqing’s life.

Although now Evergreen’s strength has soared, he has obtained the Power Gem again. It is worth mentioning that Gamora is not entangled with power gems anymore, because it is safer to put in evergreen than anywhere. After all, with the addition of evergreen power gems on the earth, there are three of them.

Of course, Rocket’s group strongly agreed with this suggestion, because the gem was a hot potato, and they wanted to lose it to Evergreen.

In the end, Changqing still does not want to be restrained. And there is a saying that money can make ghosts push and grind, Changqing now has assets, and it is not easy to find a Wanda in London.

As soon as he got off the plane, Changqing hurried to the booked hotel, put down the clothes he carried, and began to find Wanda’s way without stopping.

Changqing went directly to the most famous newspaper in London and anonymously made the headline of the newspaper, and this headline was actually a search notice.

This made the newspaper slaughter Changqing fiercely, and Changqing didn’t care about this money, because what he owned was Stark Industries, and this money was only a drop in the bucket.

After completing the concern in his heart, Changqing personally felt much more relaxed. But my heart is also full of helplessness.

If Wanda can’t let go of Tony’s hatred, how should Evergreen face it, or rather, how should Wanda face Evergreen? Do you pretend that nothing happened, or do you have a good discussion, or… When Changqing thought of this, his heart began to feel a little chaotic.

Night had fallen, and Evergreen was walking the streets of London alone, thinking that he might see Wanda tomorrow. I was a little excited.

Unconsciously, Changqing came to a church, and when he looked up, Changqing only felt that this church was very familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere.

“Guichi Mage? How could he come to his church unknowingly? This is supposed to be the Temple of London. ”

Changqing muttered, and the ghost sent the god to walk in.

Since it was nightfall, there were no people in the church, dim lights, burning candles, and a black-skinned believer cleaning the church.

Changqing walked a few steps slowly and slowly sat down on a bench.

And the black-skinned believer said slowly:

“Sir, it’s already late, if you want to come to pray, please come early tomorrow, and if you want to spend the night, please follow me to the back of the church.”

“I’m neither, I want to go to Karma Taj. I wonder if you can take me? ”

Changqing said after being silent for a while.

The black believer who cleaned was stunned unconsciously, and then returned to normal:

“What Karma Taj, sir, I don’t understand what you say. We are a church here. A place dedicated to prayer. ”

“Is it? I thought the guardians of the London Temple would be more reasonable. ”

Changqing said with a little meaning.

“Who the hell are you?”

The black believer threw the broom in his hand as if he were approaching a great enemy.

“Admitted so quickly, don’t want to quibble more?”

“Who the hell are you, sir? What is your purpose in wearing sunglasses on the night? ”

Evergreen took off his sunglasses and looked directly into the black believer with scarlet eyes.

“What’s your name?”

The face of the black believer swept by the evergreen scarlet eyes changed drastically, and his expression was ghostly.

“Wei… Protect… Mr. Wesleyan. You’re alive? My name is Mordo. A disciple of the ancient mage. ”

“Oh? Mordo, do you know me? That’s right, I’m still alive, is the ancient mage there? ”

Evergreen had great respect for this group of mages, who guarded the earth from another unknown side. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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