Slowly opening his eyes and looking at the desolate scene around him, Zhong Su immediately sighed in his heart.

This is not earth, but hell, and he has been locked up here for a long time.

As a traverser, Zhongsu obviously belongs to the kind of bad luck, because he crosses into a demon, a demon from the world of Jackie Chan Adventures.

Thunder and Lightning Demon— Zhongsu!

Of course, he was locked up here by his other six siblings, and as for why six and not seven, it was because the Holy Lord had been out of prison for a long time.

When they first left, the Holy Lord promised them to come and rescue them from here, but hundreds of years have passed, and they have not seen a shadow.

This caused the resentment of several other demons in hell to become more and more serious, such as the mountain demon – Bo Gang, this eldest sister’s daily daily work is to summon a pile of stones, and then turn into the appearance of the Holy Lord, punch the last punch, and then repeat it indefinitely….

Well, the grudge is indeed quite deep……..

In contrast, Zhong Su was much calmer, because he knew that the Holy Lord did not want to come to save them, but was sealed for some reason, but of course, he couldn’t tell other demons about this matter, otherwise these guys would be even more crazy…

As a traverser, China and the Soviet Union naturally have a system, this is a system called the check-in system, to put it simply, the system designates a location, and then the Chinese and Soviet countries can get rewards when they sign in in the past.

It’s simple, isn’t it?

But for a demon who is sealed in hell, where can he go except hell?

Except for the first time he checked in Hell and obtained a Thunder Fruit from One Piece, the system never bothered him again.

He was probably the first host to make the system ignore it.

Zhongsu felt that he had failed in life.

In Jackie Chan’s Adventures, Zhong Su was not originally the most powerful demon, but since he obtained the ability of the Thunder Fruit, he has become the most powerful existence of all demons.

Thunder and lightning demon with thunder fruit, this is a perfect match!

In the past few hundred years, Zhong Su has already packed up his brothers and sisters, and he has still become the boss of the devil!

But it’s not soft, what’s the use of living in this hell when the strength is strong?

And as a former human being, Zhong Su really doesn’t like his demon appearance, so for thousands of years, he has maintained the human appearance of his previous life!

That’s the benefit of being a demon, it’s not too easy to transform or something.

After hundreds of years, I don’t know what’s going on, even the demonic aura on Zhongsu’s body is not much left, but of course, take off this skin, he is still the thunder and lightning demon.

His brothers and sisters couldn’t accept his appearance at first, and his eldest sister Bo Gang almost swallowed Zhongsu as a real human several times, but they were all honest when they were slashed by China and Su with a billion volts of lightning

No way, who let us do this?

According to the storyline of Jackie Chan’s adventures, Zhongsu knew that he would definitely get out of prison, and with this idea, he began to plan things after he was released from prison.

For example, buying a house….

Marry a few wives…….

And then keep a low profile….

As a demon, Zhongsu felt that he was quite embarrassed by the devil…

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