Sitting in the Hydra underground base in Manhattan, Allens held a glass of red wine in his right hand, leaning his back on the soft backrest, his eyes flashing with a playful light.

"Boss, I have taken full control of the Manhattan base. Do you have any other instructions?"

Agent Hodgson Barnett, wearing a black suit, walked in with a hint of fear in his eyes, and asked cautiously.

"Very good, Hodgson."

He nodded gently and glanced at Hodgson with a hint of admiration in his eyes. It only took him an hour to completely control the Hydra base with hundreds of people. This Hodgson was quite capable.

However, Allens knew that a large part of the reason was the illusion he had cast on the entire base. At this time, the walls, floors and ceilings of the base were covered with strange and terrifying blood-red tentacles. The huge tentacles gathered on the floor, walls and ceilings to form strange but beautiful patterns. In the center of the pattern, a huge blood-red eyeball flashed with a brutal and terrifying aura.

The entire high-tech underground base was like being in the internal organs of a terrifying creature. , surprising and mysterious yet extremely beautiful, it complements the various high-tech facilities in the base.

Although this caused panic among all the personnel in the base for a time, Hodgson announced to the public that this was a Norse mythological creature that the Red Skull, the supreme leader of the Hydra organization, had spent many years to find.

It was the top secret of the Hydra organization, and this mythological creature was the core of Hydra's revival and prosperity, but now this terrifying creature has not yet revived, and it requires the joint efforts of everyone in the base to gradually awaken this creature.

After a set of Hydra brainwashing rhetoric, Hodgson stabilized everyone's emotions, and used unique means to take everyone under his control. The entire underground base was completely controlled by Hodgson.

"How about a drink?"

Allens waved his right hand, and the red wine glass on the table flew in front of Hodgson. Allens's calm voice had an indescribable magic.

"Boss, do you have any other instructions?"

Hodgson grabbed the wine glass in front of him, and he had no intention of drinking. On the contrary, he was very curious about the new boss. Whether it was the superpowers of the new boss or the purpose of the new boss, Hodgson was very interested. Although Hodgson had surrendered to Allens under the persuasion ability, it did not mean that Hodgson had lost his personality and his thoughts.

"Kate Page is over 80 years old now."

Staring at the red wine in his hand, it seemed that the red wine contained the answer that Allens wanted. He gently shook the glass with his right hand, but what he said made Hodgson's pupils shrink.

"Kat Page? The founder of SHIELD?"

Hodgson was so shocked. Who is Kat Page? She is the founder of SHIELD. Unlike Howard Stark, Kat Page founded SHIELD. And the reason why Hydra has not dared to act rashly until now is because Kat Page is still alive.

Since Captain America and the leader of Hydra, Red Skull Schmidt, died together, Kat Page, as Captain America's lover, has shown unparalleled ability, whether it is leading the Howling Commandos to encircle the Hydra base, or finding the 084 item in advance as if she had predicted the future, or even completing the reorganization of the homeland defense science and strategy department alone.

, and against all odds, she recruited those Hydra scientists who were willing to surrender to form S.






, and she was able to anticipate the enemy step by step.

It can be said that after the end of World War II, Kat Page established S.






on her own, and even Howard Stark was just a nominal founder.

What scares these Hydras the most is Agent Kat Page's wisdom that seems to be able to see through everything, whether it is capturing Daniel Whitehall or finding item 084 before Hydra, it seems that all of Hydra's movements are clearly presented to Kat Page.

This is what scares Hydra the most, the desperate insight and wisdom of anticipating the enemy.

"Boss, I have to warn you in advance, if it's Kate Page, even if all the people in our base are combined, we won't be her opponent....That woman seemed to be blessed by God."

As a Hydra agent, Hodgson Barnett did not hide his fear in his eyes. Or rather, this was the nightmare of all Hydras. Even at the age of eighty, he could still frighten these snakes, insects, rats and ants and make them flee in panic.

"A woman favored by God? Haha, I have seen God's adopted son before."

Allens looked at Hodgson without comment. Of course, Allens understood Hodgson's fear, and Allens also knew a secret that even Pierce of the Snake Shield could not know.

"There is a future traveler standing behind Katie Page. Even if the Red Skull comes, he may not be Katie Page's opponent."

Sneering inwardly, Allens knew that the world would undergo unpredictable changes when he saw the old Captain America.

"Find out where Kate Page lives."

Allens looked up, looked at Hodgson coldly, and gave his first order after becoming the boss.

"Residence? I see."

Although it was a bit difficult, Hodgson just nodded and walked out of the room, while Allens continued to sit in the chair and gradually fell into deep thought.

"My future path...I'm afraid we're going to drift apart."

Alens lamented. Whether it was to complete the system task or to make plans for the future, Allens needed to get the quantum time-space shuttle suit in the hands of the old Captain America. Once he got the quantum suit, Allens would inevitably stand on the opposite side of Captain America Rogers.

After all, although it seemed that he was spending the rest of his life with the one he loved, Rogers also had a more difficult task, which was to get the time and space he was in now into the main time stream correctly. It seemed that Rogers had walked to 2023 without any involvement, but movies were one thing and reality was another. Not to mention other things, just Kat Paige's wisdom as a prophet, behind which there was the shadow of Captain America Rogers.

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