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New York City, millions of people heard a deafening roar. Unaware of the situation, the citizens looked up at the sky, but only saw a trace of blue light. Apart from that, there was nothing else.

"SR.A terrifying energy fluctuation has been detected in New York City."

At the Trident headquarters of SHIELD, a SHIELD scientist came to the SHIELD Director Nick Fury in a hurry with a serious face and an energy detector in his right hand.

"Hey, Black Salted Egg, the energy detector just now must have been done by the intelligent computer Allens."

The scientist walked into the office of the director of SHIELD, but did not see Director Nick Fury at all. Instead, he saw a raccoon first, and this raccoon was wearing a sci-fi interstellar combat uniform and spoke human language.

"Okay, give me the information, you can go back, remember, what you saw this time is classified as Level 10 confidential."

Standing with his hands behind his back in front of the French window, overlooking the entire New York City, Director Nick Fury turned around, his one eye flashing a serious light.


The scientist quickly assured, handed the instrument to Nick Fury, and quickly left Nick Fury's office.

"Rocket Raccoon, can you really win in the future?"

Nick Fury looked at the energy fluctuations in his hand that had exceeded the detection limit of the earth, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes, and asked seriously

"If it was before, I would definitely point guns at you, and then firmly tell you that we can win, we can kick Thanos' ass, but now, I hesitated, the intelligent computer Aerens is too powerful, even if we kick Thanos' ass, maybe we will still fail."

Rocket Raccoon's head drooped, his ears drooped, with a trace of fear and despair in his eyes. Although Rocket Raccoon escaped from the battlefield, according to Rocket Raccoon, it was a tactical retreat. Rocket Raccoon used the teleportation ability of the interstellar combat suit to come to New York on Earth, intending to gather all the heroic forces on Earth.

"Whatever it is, get ready. Once the intelligent computer Allens wins, we won't be able to hold on for 201 years."

With a sigh, Nick Fury knew a lot about the future, but the enemy was too powerful. Nick Fury couldn't think of any strategy to kill Allens. At this time, Nick Fury could only pray.

In Muspelheim, Father Odin frowned slightly. He used the All-Seeing Eye to see the moment when Allens killed the Earthly Serpent Jörmungandr. Swish.

Allens' figure appeared in front of Odin again. At this time, Allens looked serious, looking at Father Odin, who exuded an unparalleled aura, and the phantom of the world tree in Odin's All-Seeing Eye. Allens knew that he could no longer retain his strength.


Allens raised his right hand, and the six super-powered stones inlaid on the Infinity Set shone. The middle finger and thumb touched, and Allens made a snapping gesture. The spiritual treasure on Allens' forehead lit up with a dazzling khaki light. This ball of light enveloped Allens and looked extremely dazzling.

"All things return to one."

Allens' eyes flashed with an unprecedented divine light, and the Infinity Gauntlet was stimulated to the extreme by Allens, and the six super-powered stones burst out with terrifying light.


Allens snapped his fingers directly, and the power of the Infinity Gauntlet concentrated the power of the six super-powered stones together, and began to amplify it madly.


An invisible energy burst out, and the first to bear the brunt of Odin, the father of heaven, aged at a speed visible to the naked eye, his hair turned gray, and wrinkles appeared on his face, and Odin's divine power was invisibly eliminated by two-thirds.

All things return to one, using Allens's all-powerful stone that can see through the laws of the operation of all things in the world as the core, superimposed with frost, thunder, time, space, and spiritual power, it can make Allens see the laws of all things in an instant, and disrupt the laws of the operation of any thing.

In short, at the moment Allens snapped his fingers, he saw the laws of the operation of all the abilities of Odin, the father of heaven, and used the Infinity Gauntlet to combine the six super-powered stones. The power of the original stone was multiplied geometrically, forming a gamma energy that almost put Odin, the father of heaven, into eternal sleep in an instant.


In Muspelheim, the erupting volcano stopped abruptly, and thousands of fire giants rapidly fell into aging and death, with the divine power in their bodies being drained away.

Even Surtur, the king of the fire giants, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood at this time. As an eternal existence, he was not afraid of the decline of his lifespan, but what really frightened Surtur was that this power was frantically analyzing his own genetic structure.

That's right, the return of all things to one does not only eliminate the enemy, but also can analyze the genetic structure of any abnormal creatures in the surrounding space, and all of them are concentrated on Alenus' body.

Although the return of all things to one is not as good as Thanos's snap, it is the most suitable for Alenus. In such a short period of time, Alenus has analyzed most of the genetic structures of the fire giants and Surtur. As long as Alenus wants, he can become a fire giant.

"The intelligent brain Allens is gaining my abilities."

With a snap of Allens' fingers, Father Odin turned into an old man who was about to step into a coffin and spit out a mouthful of blood. If Odin had not been able to draw the power of the world tree, Allens would have killed him with a snap of his fingers.

Moreover, Father Odin also discovered that the genetic structure in his body was being analyzed by Allens. Since Allens snapped his fingers, the surrounding space has become Allens' universal space. In this room, time, space, and mind all belong to Allens, and Odin's body as the father is also being analyzed frantically by Allens.

Father Odin knew that the intelligent brain Allens could cut off the brains of others to gain their abilities, but now that Allens has released the unity of all things, he doesn't need to cut off the brain at all to analyze his own abilities.

"Ahem, I can't do it anymore. I can't waste any more time."

Father Odin's eyes showed a bitter smile. Aerns's unity of all things caused Father Odin to be seriously injured, and Odin knew that his time was running out. Before falling into death, Odin knew that he needed to do something for the future and for Asgard.

"I, Father Odin, King of Asgard, Odinson III of the Æsir"

"In the name of the Father, with the World Tree as witness..."

"I will curse you, Midgardian named Arens...."

PS:The second update is here. Thank you Honghua Qilin for the 300-point reward, Yexing for the 100-point reward, and Yixiao Anran for the 10-point reward. In the new year, Robbie begs for subscriptions. Please subscribe and support me. Robbie thanks you again. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe. Important things should be said three times.

Robbie: Allens is about to start the lottery. It seems that everyone does not want to watch Allens cut brains anymore. So, dear readers, cutting brains to gain superpowers will soon become a thing of the past.

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