"Stupid woman, the master must be okay, and we are here to distract him."

After talking, Xiao Hei jumped forward and quickly approached the direction where the mechanical planet had stopped.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the mechanical planet flew towards them.

"Where is the Lord?" Xiao Bone who opened the hatch for everyone asked eagerly.

"I'll talk about this later!"

Lorna quickly jumped off Xiao Hei's back and shouted anxiously:

"Skynet! Start the engine quickly!"


As soon as she finished speaking, a gust of wind swept over the decayed leaves and swiftly blew over.

The massive mechanical planet that was parked in the air was shaken.

Following this, a fiery red steam rushed over like a raging wave.

The moxibustion heat is so hot that everyone who is wrapped in the cold metal cabin can breathe out the atmosphere one after another, and can even smell the scent of the trees and soil.

In an instant, all the water in the air evaporates clean, producing billowing clouds.

"Shit! It's too late! Groot, we really want to say goodbye this time!"

The Auron Rocket, which has experienced one death, has become a bit pessimistic.

He fisted weakly and hammered the glass observation window covered by smoke.

Behind him, the little tree man Groot obediently stretched out a vine arm and slowly stroked the messy hair behind the rocket.

"Don't worry, there is still me!"

Lorna looked out of the glass window coldly, and then made everyone unbelievably slammed into the hull of the ship under her feet.

Then the infinite glove on the fist burst into a stream of light vortex.

Immediately, everyone connected to the mechanical planet under their feet and disappeared, and appeared in the outer space above the planet Vomer in the next second.

"Is that the destroying **** of the **** group?"

"I have read a little record about him from other planets."

Skynet, the calmest person, had been sitting in the driving position. Through the hull, he saw a tall flaming giant standing on the planet below.

All the clouds around him slowly dissipated.

"Have you gotten the hang of it? I will finally use the infinite gems."

The fiery red giant destroys the flames in the eyes of the gods, staring coldly at the mechanical planet.

Chapter 329 Destroy the Gods-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The fiery red giant destroys the flames in the eyes of the gods, staring coldly at the mechanical planet.

His nearly 1,000-meter-high body directly protruded a huge head from the clouds of Vormir.

"This unscrupulous feeling really makes me miss it!"

"You don't need to shrink your hands and feet to suppress the force, so as not to escape the energy and disrupt the balance of the universe."

"You don't need to be like a thief, ghosts go to the galaxy to eat the nucleus."

"You don't even need to control your words carefully!"

"It's so cool that I can't help but stretch my waist!"

Do what you say.

The Destroyer God really stretched out lazily and comfortably.

The stretched arms shattered all the protective clouds of Vomer Star, and the imaginary flames on his armor that had been calming down suddenly became active again.

It was like being irritated again by some intense stimulation.

Moreover, this time, it spurted directly from Vomer Star.

A volcano the size of a planet erupted turbulent molten slurry, which spread out into space in the blink of an eye.


Xiao Hei, who tiptoed to the cockpit, happened to see this scene, and shouted anxiously at Skynet, which started the spacecraft.

Rumble! ! !

The tail of the mechanical planet emits a lot of intense heat.


Before everyone flew far, they heard a roar around the hull.

Then watched in horror, the bedroom compartment on the top of the mechanical planet and the fighting room on the bottom were instantly blasted into dust.

Only the main cockpit in the middle is left uncovered in space.

Everyone's vision suddenly became extremely broad. From the outside, all the shining stars around turned into a dead gray.

A cluster of fiery red geothermal lava broke out accidentally on the gloomy star.

"It actually ignores the energy annihilation of time and space, like the big bang of the singularity of the universe, ignores time and space, and bursts out violent energy within the effective range with zero time difference."

The green stream of data in Skynet's eyes kept flickering, and he, who had always had a cold tone without any emotion, made a trembling sound this time.

"Is this the strength of the Celestial Group?"

Everyone heard the words in silence, and the green-skinned Kamora on the side was decisively and with a smile to protect the life-saving cabin where Xingjue's corpse 400 was.

At this moment, everyone discovered that Lorna was missing.

Turning around again, I saw a figure wrapped in black iron in the corner of the driver's rear, emitting bursts of dazzling light on her fist.

"It turns out that Lorna has been guarding us..."

"Oh? Realistic gems are used to reorganize the material particles to form a complex and changeable quantum force field."

"Then, playing the role of the gem of time, slightly changed the time axis, buffering a period of energy explosion."

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