Chapter 209 Ultron storm

“It’s really troublesome!” Su Mu returned to the medical hall, ill-tempered. Avengers and Ultron were in a comfortable mood and lost all interest.

Speaking of it, whether it is the Qitari incident, the Malekis incident, or the Galactus descending on the earth, these matters are almost solved by Su Mu alone, and other people only played a small role. Now Avengers actually Ultron was also brought out. Su Mu has long been impatient. In his opinion, he is too enthusiastic, so these talents have

Shi Wuxian, he has made a secret decision. This time he will give Avengers a headache. Ultron’s affairs are unreliable. He doesn’t plan to intervene for the time being. He only needs to wait until Avengers suffers and he can get Mind Gem back.

On the other hand, after the birth of Ultron, through the Internet, he has learned all the information about Avengers. In his opinion, there are many things! The cause of love is Avengers. They are too arrogant, so they will attract the source constantly “challengers”, Before Avengers was founded, the world was chaotic, but there weren’t so many supernatural events.


Although Ultron is out of Tony’s control, Tony’s settings for him still affect him temporarily.Like JARVIS, Tony injected a peace agreement into their programs when Ultron was born. Through this agreement, it can be Intelligence causes great constraints. There are many things that he cannot violate, such as destroying human beings.

However, Ultron can only far exceed the imagination of Tony and others.Although he can’t get rid of the shackles of the peace agreement for the time being, he also adopted another extreme method. Without violating the agreement, he made a departure from the expectations of Tony and others. Things|love.

After leaving the Avengers Building, Ultron also took control of several broken armors, took away the Loki scepter stored in the Avengers Building, and erased all the information related to him on the Internet, which caused Tony and others a headache, and there was no way to trace it.

“It knows us better than ourselves, and it deletes all relevant information. We have no way to start!”

In the Avengers Building, there was a gloomy cloud, and Ultron’s troubles far exceeded everyone’s expectations. After investigation, there was almost no result.

“Puffing!” The captain of the United States slammed the cup in the handle 1 to the ground in a irritable car. After passing Ultron, all of them were very frustrated.

Soon, Avengers got relevant news. Ultron’s figure appeared in all corners of the world, such as robotics laboratories, weaponry laboratories, jet propulsion laboratories, factories, and all the places where Ultron appeared, whether it was a researcher or a job. All personnel will be slaughtered by Ultron afterwards.

Avengers tried to disperse and pursue Ultron, but it didn’t work. Ultron can move around through the Internet on Earth. If you want to stop him from escaping, the best way is to turn off the Internet, but this is simply unrealistic.

The Avengers people are not totally unprofitable. They analyzed all the places that were attacked by Ultron and came to an amazing conclusion.Ultron controlled these strongholds and created a large number of steel warriors. These steel warriors all use Tony’s technology. And Ultron has been improved, that is to say, they are stronger than Tony’s armor.

Through a series of analysis, although all the network data about Ultron in Avengers has been completely deleted, they still have a lot of paper to come. Powerful metal, create a brand new body for yourself, appearing in the Avengers in the most powerful form

Before the League.

“Wakanda’s Vibranium has long been divided by various countries, and now we are not sure about the specific purpose of Ultron.” The captain of the United States looked at the shield on his hand 1 and said to everyone.

“No! We can be sure!” Tony stood up from a pile of documents, holding a somewhat old document in his hand. The document contained a person’s specific information.

“I know this guy, who is also an arms dealer, living near the coast of Africa.” Tony said to everyone, “He told me to look for a new and earth-shaking weapon. If I was not mistaken, he mentioned Vibranium. such as.”

“Where is this guy?” Everyone snapped up immediately, and Ultron was likely to get there first. If Ultron were to get Vibranium to create a new body, it would be even more difficult for them to deal with.

Soon, the Avengers tens of thousands of people on the coast of western Africa soon found a huge wrecked ship, the Churchill, where the arms dealer was located. During the battle, he did not take advantage, but was taken away by a few robots arranged by the cunning Ultron.

The most important thing is that Ultron found the “Twins” once controlled by HYDRA, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. The two lost their homes because of the war since they were young. They survived only because a shell made by Stark Industry did not explode. The Ultron promised meeting. After making Tony pay the price, the two followed Ultron temporarily.

While Avengers and Ultron were in an unfavorable fight, Scarlet Witch took the opportunity to control the minds of everyone, and Banner got out of control in the fantasy created by Scarlet Witch. Before he could use the potion Su Mu gave him, he turned green. The giant rushed to a city not far from the coast and wrecked and caused a lot of casualties.

Ni used killer copper to subdue the Hulk.

Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver follow the settings in Avengers alliance 2, otherwise it will be too messy and involve too much

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