Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 421 Change

Chapter 421 Change

"Abandoned? Take a meal?"

After hearing what Wang Burt said, Galactus glared at Wang Burt. This guy is really a bastard, and he actually slandered himself like this.

"Ganata, no Lina, that's not how it works."

Galactus hastily explained: "I didn't abandon you, and I didn't intend to come for dinner, I just wanted to see you."

Lina came back to her senses, she waved her hand, and said, "I don't blame you, after all, I'm so edible that ordinary people can't support me."

"What a boy."

Galactus was very moved, and then gave Wang Burt a hard look, won't your conscience hurt if you cheat such a kind child?

"No, because I just want to cheat you."

Wang Burt said to Lina: "Lina, you can solve your father's matter by yourself. Is there any problem?"

Lina said with the appearance of a little adult: "No problem, Master, I can already earn money to support myself."

"very good."

Satisfied, Wang Burt said, "I'm going to fix the mess left by that big villain, so let's go first."

"Master, go slowly."

Lina said, Wang Burt nodded, and teleported away. The people around him were used to this and didn't respond to it—this is New York, teleportation is nothing.

Only Lina and Galactus were left at the entrance of the burger shop. Lina scolded: "That big villain is really hateful. My master is so busy that he doesn't even have time to pick up girls."

The corners of Galactus's mouth twitched a little. At this moment, Lina thought of something, and pulled Galactus into the burger restaurant again: "I invite you to dinner. In this world, there is nothing more important than eating."

Galactus happened to be a little hungry too, nodded and said, "Then eat."

Half an hour later, Lina looked at the hamburger papers on the table, and said to Galactus, "You really are my father with this amount of food, no wonder you can't afford to support me."

Lina was a little happy that someone would eat and drink with her in the future.

Galactus smiled awkwardly, and suddenly felt a little pain in his stomach, which made him a little puzzled, why did his stomach hurt after eating?

Galactus didn't know that this body had never eaten before, and it was all injected with nutrient solution. Now that it ate so much greasy food in a short period of time, it's no wonder that it doesn't have a stomachache.

Galactus' journey as a man has just begun.

"Will Galactus pull his pants? If he does, it will definitely be big news in the universe. Maybe Tracy can be interviewed, and it will be a big news for the opening of the universe Twitter."

Wang Burt thought darkly. Then, he teleported to the front line and found that Dr. Doom and Ivan were trapped in the black hole by Astor Ross, unable to move.

"what's the situation?"

Wang Burt asked, and at the same time glanced at the snake god Seth - Seth was very embarrassed, and there was no good flesh on his body, which meant that he was seriously injured, and he couldn't even do self-healing.

"These two guys want to experiment with an antimatter hydrogen bomb. I feel that it will threaten me, so I trap them there."

Astor Ross said: "Blood god, the scientists on your earth are all crazy."

"An antimatter hydrogen bomb?"

Wang Burt was speechless. He complained to Dr. Doom and Ivan: "Aren't you two too deadly? If it really explodes, you won't have time to escape."

"We'll detonate it remotely."

Dr. Dum didn't think so, he said excitedly: "Astor Ross' performance proves that we are doing the right thing."

Ivan nodded again and again: "Yes, we are right, antimatter hydrogen bombs can threaten the ancient gods."

"Threat fart, in actual combat, the antimatter hydrogen bomb can't hit us at all, and it will be destroyed by us as soon as it appears."

Astor Ross said disdainfully: "Our ancient gods can not only manipulate time, but also sense danger."

Dr. Dum said: "Those will be solved slowly in the future. One day, I will personally blow up an ancient god."

Ivan also said: "Me too."

"Take it easy, both of you, Universe Lord is trembling."

Wang Burt rolled his eyes and said, "Astor Ross, solve Seth as soon as possible, and then leave the main universe."

Astor Ross sneered: "Are you driving me away?"

Wang Burt asked: "Yes, is there any question?"

"No problem, you have the final say on how powerful you are."

Astor Ross said very wisely, the one in front of him is the strongest creation god, who dares to disobey him?

"very good."

Wang Burt nodded in satisfaction. At this moment, Seth begged for mercy loudly: "blood god, let me go, I can give everything."

"Everything about you has long belonged to Astor Ross."

Wang Burt smiled dismissively, and then he teleported back the superheroes in hell, and said with a smile: "Get ready for a celebration party, I've dealt with death, this matter is completely over."

"blood god Hail."

The superheroes were stunned for a moment, and then cheered loudly, blood god is really awesome, not only took care of Hela and Galactus, but also the culprit of death.

If death is not dealt with, no matter how many Thanos and Hela are dealt with, it is useless, because death will keep sending people to attack.

"It's time for me to get together with the little prince to show off."

Tony said excitedly: "This time, I'm going to have a big gathering of all races."

Hulk complained: "Isn't it the old prince of the party?"

Banner made up the knife: "Still an old prince without aura."

Everyone laughed, Tony gritted his teeth angrily, these bastards are jealous of his charm every day.

At the same time, the Fantastic Four separated, and Dr. Reed recalled the previous scene with a look of wanting to die.

The stone man and Susan secretly rejoiced that it was fortunate that they did not use their own faces, otherwise they would definitely be ashamed to see others.

As for Human Torch, he looked at Tony with a guilty conscience, and decided to go out and hide for a few days, so as not to be fired by the boss.

At this time, the Silver Surfer suddenly appeared in front of Susan, and said excitedly: "Susan, I am free, and I will never have to do things I don't want to do again."

"Really? Congratulations."

Susan said happily that she sympathized with what happened to Silver Surfer.

Silver Surfer said: "Really, all this is thanks to you, you gave me courage."

Wang Burt secretly complained beside him: "And you said you two are fine?"

Dr. Reed looked up and down the Silver Surfer, and asked Susan, "Susan, who is he? His body structure is so strange."

Susan gave Dr. Reed the back of her head, and she said to Silver Surfer: "Silver Shadow, you will come to the party with me tonight, and I will introduce other superheroes to you."

Silver Surfer said happily: "Okay."

Dr. Reed blinked, and suddenly said to Susan: "Susan, let's get married."


Susan forgot the previous oath in an instant, and turned to Dr. Reed and asked in surprise——Anyway, the old lady will be invisible, and no one else can see it.

Dr. Reed said excitedly: "Your son and I are a super powerful mutant who can even travel through timelines. We must give birth to him."

"You proposed to me just to have a son?"

Susan's face darkened in an instant. She was so stupid to believe that bastard Reed could turn over a new leaf. She took Silver Surfer's hand and said, "Take me back to Earth, let's choose clothes."


Silver Surfer didn't talk nonsense, he pulled Susan onto the skateboard and disappeared in an instant.

Dr. Reed was a little curious: "This skateboard can actually travel through space?"

The stone man complained: "This is not what you should care about, right? Reed, your future wife has been taken away."

"Don't worry, the future will not change. Since Susan and I have children, it proves that we will definitely get married in the future."

Dr. Reed said confidently that he is a genius scientist.

Everyone wanted to roll their eyes, this kind of person can find a wife, and she is a super beautiful wife, God is blind.

"There will be a good show to watch in the future."

Wang Burt smiled, called Skye aside, and said, "Earth can't be too high-profile now, and you are responsible for the mopping up this time. In addition, the Pest Control Alliance should not be disbanded and transformed into another organization. "

Skye asked with bright eyes: "What organization? United Ball?"

"United Ball? It's ugly."

Wang Burt complained, and then he said: "Transformed into the Universal Population Control Association, to completely solve this matter, the universe must restore balance."

Skye nodded: "I see, it shouldn't be a big problem, everyone is smart."

"very good."

Wang Burt nodded with satisfaction, explained the association's constitution carefully, and Skye wrote it down one by one. At this moment, she thought of something and asked, "Master, are you going to be the shopkeeper again?"

Wang Burt said confidently: "Your master, I am the God of Creation now. Which God of Creation have you seen handle things in person?"

"What you said... really makes sense, master, you can justifiably be lazy in the future."

Skye said with a smile, although the master is very rude, but he is really a creator god, and he is a very strong kind.

Wang Burt said with a smile: "This is the motivation I have been fighting for."

"You became the God of Creation because you were lazy? Your admirers should know this, and they will collapse."

Skye complained, Wang Burt shrugged, and took everyone back to the frontline base. As for Seth, let Astor Ross handle it slowly.

Then, Wang Burt found Deadpool in private and said: "I will go to the planet Mutant in a while, and you will go with me then."

"No problem, blood god, what are you going to do with the planet Mutant?"

Deadpool asked, at this moment, he was extremely serious-he not only represented himself, but also all the superpowers on the planet Mutant.

"discuss later."

Wang Burt said: "You can rest assured that I will not destroy the planet Mutant, I will handle this matter properly."

"That's good, we are waiting for you on Planet Mutant..."

Deadpool was talking, when his body suddenly turned into a phantom, he was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and shouted to the void: "No, author, you will be unpopular if I don't appear."

In the next second, Deadpool disappeared. Wang Burt was taken aback. He hurriedly contacted the projector and asked, "Did something happen to Planet Mutant?"

The projection replied: "I don't know."

Wang Burt said angrily: "You tell me you don't know? Isn't it your duty to monitor the planet Mutant?"

"My duty is indeed to monitor the planet Mutant. The problem is, since some time ago, the planet Mutant has been shrouded in fog, and I can't see anything."

The projection said: "Hey, wait, the planet Mutant is no longer close to the earth."

"The planet Mutant is no longer close to the earth?"

Wang Burt frowned: "This may not be a good thing, you continue to monitor first, I will go to the Mutant planet as soon as possible."

The projection said: "Okay."

"Speaking of which, it seems that the only problem left is the Mutant planet."

Wang Burt thought to himself: "After solving the Mutant planet, I can retire with peace of mind and pick up girls every day."

At the same time, in the future universe in 2050, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Loki Odinsen are hiding in a sentry tower that is about to be destroyed by a tsunami.

Tony cursed loudly: "Damn Time Administration, not only took me away from home, but also tried to judge me, I will never let them go."

"Time Administration, damn it."

Steve also had an ugly face. He managed to deal with Thanos, thinking that he could sleep in peace in the future, but he was captured by the Time Administration when he turned around, and everyone would be angry.

Loki said excitedly: "The Time Administration can travel through the timeline, if we can control them, we will become gods."

Tony sneered, "I didn't expect you to be so ambitious after becoming a woman."

"Are you discriminating against women? Believe it or not, I will sue you?"

Loki snorted and said, "Tony Stark, are you willing to die of old age like this? Don't you want to live forever like a blood god?"

"Eternal life?"

Tony was a little silent. Steve glanced at him and said, "I don't want to, I just want to return to our timeline, and I don't know if the food from the Heavenly Sword Bureau has been delivered. If not, many people on the earth will starve to death."

"Probably not. In the past, if the universe knew that something happened to us, it would definitely come to us."

Tony shook his head and said: "The quantum channel is probably blocked by the Time Administration, Steve, we must fight back and defeat the Time Administration, otherwise not only we will die, but many people on Earth will also die."

Steve sighed and said, "The question is, how do you take down the Time Administration?"

"Find another Loki, female Loki."

Loki said: "That girl, Loki, knows the Time Administration very well. If we find her, we can solve the Time Administration."

"Okay, I'll find a way to find that incisor Loki."

Tony took out a time controller and said - he snatched it from the Time Administration, that's why they escaped here.


In another universe, the holy place was breached by a person, and the deck was full of corpses and blood. While spitting blood, Thanos yelled at the cloaked man not far away: "Who are you? What are you going to do?"

"I am destiny, and I want to maintain the balance of the universe."

The cloaked man took off his cloak, and suddenly there was another purple sweet potato essence, ahem, another Thanos.

Thanos looked shocked: "How is this possible? Why did you kill me?"

The cloak Thanos did not speak, but just passed a consciousness to Thanos. After Thanos absorbed the consciousness, he was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "So that's it, no problem, you take my life, but you have to help me fulfill my destiny."

The cloak Thanos snapped his fingers, and said intoxicatedly, "I am Destiny."

Thanos blinked, the Thanos on the opposite side seems to have some mental problems?

The cloak Thanos didn't give Thanos a chance to speak, he opened his mouth, and Thanos quickly shrank and flew into his mouth.

After devouring Thanos, Thanos in the cloak looked excited, and his power became stronger again.

"Death, I will return soon. At that time, I will fulfill the destiny you gave me."

Cloaked Thanos snapped his fingers again, and said frantically, "I am Destiny."

(end of this chapter)

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