Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 89: Agreement

   Looking at the steel armor that fell on the ground, it took Tony a long time to come back to his senses. He only felt that this day was too magical.

   Yes, he knew that he was not invincible, and he hadn't been defeated. For example, the **** of the world and the fat green man, Tony didn't think he could defeat the opponent.

   But he lost because of insufficient force, but today's failure is completely because of IQ being crushed.

   Jude Herbert not only invaded Jarvis, but also left a back door directly in the system, but they didn't notice it for a few days. The failure was too complete.

   "Tony, is there anything else to say?"

   Tony got up from the ground and nodded silently: "I admit that your technology is better than me, and I lost in the network."

   "Oh? It seems that you are still not convinced, is it just in terms of network technology? Others? Forgot I said that your armor has a lot of loopholes."

   Tony glanced at him, walked silently to Mark 4, squatted down and started trying to restart Jarvis.

   "There is no perfect thing in this world, and my armor is the same. It has loopholes, but I will fix it and make it more perfect, and I believe it won't take long."

   "It's a good thing to have a backbone, so what about a bet? We will fight again in twenty days, and it will be a competition between the armors."

   Tony raised his head suddenly: "You mean you can make Mark 5 in twenty days?"

   "No, your Mark 5 is too bad, I will create a brand new armor, let me think about it, just call it Anti-Iron Man armor, it's no longer suitable."

   Tony only thinks that the opponent is in the Arabian Nights, is it so easy to make a steel armor? If it is so easy, why is Iron Man the only one?

Naturally, it is too difficult to develop a suit of armor, and there are too many problems to be solved. It involves engineering, physics, programming, chemistry and so on. It can be said that a qualified armor can be used on the battlefield. Behind is the accumulation of countless manpower and material resources.

   "Very good, I will give you 20 days, then I will not be merciful."

"Hehe, the same is true for me. You'd better find out the back door I left behind, otherwise I won't be controlled like this intrusive, but will directly paralyze your armor from the sky and fall from the sky. Don't blame me when it comes to meatloaf."

   Tony snorted and thought about something stinky, but after thinking about it, it was embarrassing enough. In the end, he said nothing, and walked away after restarting Jarvis.

   "What a quick-witted guy, he bombed my building and left without compensation. After a while, he would draw a billion dollars from his account. I guess he wouldn't mind."

   " handsome Mr. Herbert, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, even Iron Man is not your opponent." Little Spider cheered from the side.

   "I have more abilities, you have to study hard, Peter."

   "Of course, but I don't quite understand. Just now you clearly shot in the building, how come you suddenly came behind Iron Man and froze him."

   Jude pointed to his right arm: "It's very simple. I just separated a silk thread and remotely controlled the green waltz. The body has already left the laboratory building."

   "After seeing the power of the green waltz, Tony naturally put all his energy on it. He would take it for granted that I was where the muzzle was, but he didn't know it. This was just a trick."

   There was an expression of admiration on the little spider's face: "But Tony Stark will come in twenty days. Can we really build a battle armor in twenty days?"

   "No problem at all. Twenty days are already very loose. If it weren't for some important materials, it would take fifteen days to arrive, and I didn't bother to take the time to do it myself, otherwise I could fight with him tomorrow."

   "Uh... well, but I still think we have to take it seriously. That's Iron Man, he will definitely be prepared next time."

Jude grabbed the little spider's shoulder and smiled: "Peter, don't worry about this. The equipment will arrive one after another these days. Some of the objects are bigger and heavier. The spider silk is sticky and good in quality, so it’s easy to pull it directly from the ground to the sixth floor."

   The little spider curled his lips: "I seem to be a researcher, why do I still do hard work?"

   "Don't mind these Peters, as long as you work hard to move the bricks, I will add 10,000 US dollars to you at the end of the year, which is a huge sum of 60,000 US dollars."

   "Think about it, that's enough for you to change the car from second-hand to brand-new, or take your beloved girl to high-end restaurants a few times. If you haven't homed yet, I promise that will greatly increase your chances."

   "Uh...Mr. Herbert, but I just heard you say that you are going to ask Tony Stark for $1 billion in compensation, 60,000 and 1 billion. I suddenly felt that the gap was a bit big."

   Jude immediately snorted from his nose in dissatisfaction: "Peter, it seems that I have to criticize you. This is your first day of employment. There is no accomplishment. You have already started to be so lofty."

"Do you know? On the mountain of science, I am standing at the top and you are at the foot of the mountain. All you have to do is watch my back and try to climb upward. The scenery may be beautiful, but that is not the point. What is the point? do you know?"

   Little Spider shook his The point is me, what you want to do is to target me, not money, can you understand? I have high hopes for you. "

   "Yes... yes sir, I will definitely work hard."


  'S gaze shifted from above to underground. At this moment, in the New York sewers, a man in overalls climbed down from above.

   "Fuck! These **** will unite to bully me. This shouldn't be my job."

   The man cursed and turned on the light source. The stench of the sewer made him cover his nose.


   A group of mice suddenly ran by and brought out half of the dead body of an unknown animal.

   "Fuck...Fuck, even mice dare to bully me. Sooner or later I will teach those guys a lesson."

   Manly kicked the female mouse away into the water, and the group of mice behind him jumped down in line when they saw it.

   "Hahahaha...That's right, drown your beasts."

  Who knew that just as he was laughing, a black sticky substance suddenly fell off the top of the sewer, and it just stuck to his face.

   "Fuck! What the **** is this?"

   But when he tried to tear the sticky thing, a voice rang in his mind.

   "Want to gain strength? I feel hatred from you. You want to kill your colleagues, and the symbiosis will give you everything."

   A moment later, there was a frantic howl in the sewer, frightening the little creatures hiding here and fleeing.

   Venom punched the wall and shouted two words: "Vengeance!"


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