Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 51: Influence

   Gotham City, after a short period of time, the mutant monsters in the urban area were finally cleaned up. The turmoil seemed to be over on the surface, but under the undercurrent, the movement of the owl was covered, and few people were aware of it.

   When this riot ends, it will be the time when things really ferment.

   Gotham, as the nation's top metropolis, is also one of the economic centers. How can such a large-scale terrorist attack not shock people? What's more, the victims are not all civilians, but there are also some rich and powerful people.

Federal News now broadcasts the latest news for you: "Just at around 2 o'clock midnight today, Gotham City was hit by a terrorist attack. Hundreds of giant beasts rushed into the city and wrecked, causing more than 2,000 casualties, including damage to houses and public facilities. The number."

"In addition, people familiar with the matter disclosed that Jerion, chairman of Shell Group, one of the top 500 companies in the United States, Democratic Congressman Reinhardt, Gotham City’s third prosecutor Hugh Gaia, and the current head of the Leonard family of Gotham City Simmons Leonard and other 25 people were attacked and killed. No organization has announced responsibility for the matter for the time being."

New York Channel 1 brings you the latest news: "On this night when everyone is asleep, Gotham City was attacked by a rare monster. Hundreds of prehistoric behemoths suddenly rushed into the city. The attack lasted for several hours, at least causing There were 3,000 casualties, including 25 wealthy officials. No organization or individual has announced responsibility for this incident."

   Metropolis News: "……"

   Seattle morning news: "..."

  Chicago Auto Channel: "……"

   Planet Daily: "……"

   The Gotham attack directly detonated the mainstream media in the United States. However, before the cause was found out, all the large-scale media made a unified and neutral report, except for one.

  New York, Daily Clarion.

   Mustache owner J. Jonah Jameson chopped his hand and threw the newspaper in his hand to the ground.

   "damtit! Peter Parker, can't you write interesting press releases? How is this statement different from other media? We need to stand out instead of following the crowd, okay?"

   Trainee reporter Peter Parker picked up the newspaper: "But boss, everyone reports like this, and it has only been less than eight hours, and we haven't got the internal information. How should we start?"

"Idiot, do you still need me to teach you? We are a newspaper. What we need is traffic, but how does traffic come from? You have to catch people's attention. If you don't know the internal news, wouldn't you guess? These are the basic skills of a reporter, you haven't even learned these?"

   Peter Parker was scolded for a dog-blood spray. When he walked out of the boss's office, he was still dizzy, but in the end he maintained his professional ethics and expressed his inability to make up things.

   "Idiot, you guys can only go back to the street and take a picture of the spiderman with grid on the long pants, Eddie Bullock, get me in."

   Even when he was out of the office, Peter Parker could still hear the boss's roar, scared him to leave and ran into his colleague Eddie Bullock.

   "Sorry Eddie, I didn't mean it."

   Eddie Bullock didn't care, and ran to the boss's office quickly. He felt that his opportunity had come.

   Sure enough, an hour later, the Clarion Daily reported the time of the Gotham attack on the full page of the homepage, but its angle was strange and tricky.

Objective reports accounted for only a small department. Most of the departments were criticizing the incompetence of the Gotham Police Department. In addition, they made speculations about the causes of the monsters. En Group launched an investigation.


  Washington DC, White House, Conference Room 1.

   The president is looking at the quarrel of the following people with a headache. It is no surprise that the people who can sit in this conference room are all high-ranking members of the core of American power.

   And the reason for their quarrel was naturally the Gotham attack. The key point of the quarrel was why the National Guard stood by and did not send troops.

An old man in his 60s and 70s slapped the table angrily and shouted: "It is because of the National Guard's malfeasance that the death of Congressman Reinhardt, Shell Group Chairman Jerion and others, you must be responsible for this. !"

Governor Jeffrey Jones of Illinois, where Gotham City is located, also slapped the table angrily: "Know that it was midnight, and delays are normal, and after receiving the news, everyone in the state legislature quickly rushed to the government. "

   "And after the discussion, we issued an order to the National Guard stationed near Gotham City, and the whole process did not exceed forty-five minutes."

   "Fart! Your commander Mars said that he hadn't received any orders at all, and the Gotham Police Department called for help three times, but he ignored them and had to wait for your **** orders."

The old white blond man sitting at the top, that is, the current U.S. President, said: "Speaker McConaughey, I know Senator Reinhart is a key figure in the Democratic Party, and he is also a younger generation you have always been optimistic about, but you can’t do that. Attack and frame Governor Jones."

"The reason for the poor decree has just been investigated. It was because the correspondents in the National Guard were drunk and accidentally damaged the communication equipment. This led to this incident. They will definitely be punished by law~www.NovelMTL .com~ But this thing has nothing to do with Governor Jones, he has done what he should do."

   McConaughey's anger even went up when he heard the words. They are all foxes for thousands of years. He can see the doorway inside at a glance.

   The current president is the Republican Party, and Illinois, as the traditional ticket warehouse of the Republican Party, is naturally a member of the Republican Party as Governor Jones.

   However, the wind direction in Illinois has changed in recent years, and voters have accepted the Democratic Party’s governing ideals. McConaughey took this opportunity and directly sent his beloved Congressman Reinhart to Gotham City.

   And Congressman Reinhart really lived up to expectations. After several years of cooperation, he not only gained a foothold in Gotham, but also brought consortia such as the Shell Group and the Leonard family to the Democratic Party, willing to provide them with financial support.

   At the same time, as the economic core of Illinois, Gotham City not only has a population of more than 10 million, but also has a great influence on the state. Once it is captured, the entire state may fall into a swing.

   But with such a good momentum of development, people died suddenly. If there is no trick, McConaughey would not believe it.

   But in the face of a strong president, he has no other good solutions, and he has made up his mind. In the future, any proposals in Congress will not be passed.

   "Huh! Just go and see!"

   McConaughey walked away angrily.

   After he left, the president turned his attention to a pair of men and women who had not spoken, to be precise, a pair of black men and women.

   The man wears a trench coat and buttoned his blindfold, and seems to be blind in one eye.

  The woman is wearing a professional suit, with thick lips and sharp eyes, which is not an easy role at first glance.

   "Then Director Fury and Chairman Waller, tell us your views."

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