Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 49: Ripped off

   Wayne Building, Gotham City.

   A Porsche Cayenne slowly stopped in front of the building, and Jude and Batwoman Stephanie Brown got out of the car.

   Stephanie is obviously a frequent visitor here, and when she sees her at the front desk, she welcomes her with a smile.

   "Miss Brown, I haven't seen you for a while, why are you free today?"

   Stephanie gave a kind smile: "I need to find Lucius for some things, is he in the company?"

   "Director Lucius just went up, I think he should be on the 17th floor now, you can go directly to him."

   "Thank you, Ginny, go and do your business."

Stephanie said that Lucius, whose full name is Lucius Fox, is the most trusted person by Bruce in the entire Wayne Group. He is also the man who silently supports him and provides him with various high-tech equipment. He is the technical director and executive president of Wayne Group.

   The elevator was very fast, leading all the way to the 17th floor, passing through a long corridor, and the two came to an office.


   "It's me, Lucius."

   The electronic door squeaked open instantly, and a middle-aged black man with glasses and gray hair stood at the door.

   "Nice to meet you, Stephanie, how are these few days?"

  Stephanie shrugged: "Don't be nervous Lucius, this gentleman behind me is my own."

   Jude stepped forward and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Jude Herbert, nice to meet you."

   Lucius suddenly realized: "Hello sir, Bruce talked about you, but you helped a lot in this incident."

   Jude Hun waved his hand indifferently: "It's a trivial matter. Besides, we are mutually beneficial. Come here today, I just want to receive a return. He should have told you about it."

   Lucius was a little embarrassed: "Of course, you can go to the warehouse with me in a while and take what you need."

   "The warehouse? Don't fool me with some defective products. My eyes are the sharpest and most intelligent eyes in the world. She can see through everything."

   "Uh...maybe you can also go to my storage room."

   "That's right, you must know how to share good things."

  Stephanie took a picture of Jude: "Okay, Mr. Lucius is an honest person. You are not allowed to run on him. There are also competitions. If you lose because of researching other things, you have to admit it."

   "I will lose? Oh... Stephanie, it seems that you don't understand what a real genius is. Of course, with your humble IQ, it is indeed difficult to understand."

   "Now you can pick people, even if you call the entire Wayne Group's scientific research team, I don't care, because the outcome is already doomed."

   "Huh, let's see, Lucius, summon all the personnel of the biological research department. I want to study the mutant potion. No one is allowed to go home for these three days. Of course, you will be subsidized."

   Lucius watched Jude and Stephanie choking each other with a dazed expression. Although he didn't understand the reason, it was the right thing to support Stephanie. Who made him his own?

   Stephanie's eyes flashed with warfare, and after giving the order, she hurriedly left, leaving Jude and Lucius with big eyes.

   "Then, Mr. Herbert, please come with me. Those things are underground. After all, many of them are radioactive."

   "Radioactive? That's great, I like dangerous things."


   just went up to the 17th floor, took the elevator to the 11th floor, and passed through three large and airtight iron doors in a row. The two came to a square-sized space where countless boxes were placed impressively.

   "There are a lot of things, do you need me to introduce it?"

   "No need, I can just walk around and have a look."

   Jude hummed a small tune, and walked in the middle of the box with cheerful footwork. Even through the seal, he could smell the intoxicating fragrance from it.

   After walking a few steps, his gaze was attracted by a box: "Memory nickel alloy, a good material, it should be good for making protective gear or weapons."

   Lucius frowned when he saw this and reminded him aloud: "Mr. Herbert, nickel alloys are harmful to the human body. If you make protective gear, I am afraid that the first person to be injured is the owner."

Jude glanced at him and wiggled his finger gently: "Stupid technology, if it is a pure nickel alloy, of course it will not work, but as long as a small amount of neodymium and indium is doped in it, it will not only neutralize the toxicity, but also greatly enhance the nickel alloy. Strength and hardness."

   After Jude finished speaking, Lucius showed the expression of the old subway man’s cell phone instead.

   "Mr. Herbert, are you kidding? Neodymium cannot be fused with nickel, and it will explode. Not to mention indium. It is more toxic than nickel alloys."

   Jude smiled suddenly: "Mr. Lucius, take the liberty to ask, have you tested your IQ?"

   "What do you mean?" Lucius heard something in Jude's words.

   "I heard Damian say that Stephanie has an IQ of 142, which is the so-called genius. Of course, compared to ordinary people, you seem to be lower than her."

   Okay, so Lucius would understand it. Jude even looked down on Stephanie, and definitely despised him even more.

   Jude stretched out his fingers diagonally to a high place: "Lucius, some methods don't seem to exist, but because of limited vision, you have to look a little longer, such as... the future."

   The mystery of the gods Jude said, Lucius is even more dazed now, and he has made up his mind to keep an eye on it these days, and be sure to see what Jude has.

   "Hey, brother Lucius, I want this box of memory nickel mark it."

   Lucius frowned: "You want it all? No way!"

   "Huh? Is Bruce talking badly?"

"Mr. Bruce doesn't know much about the things behind it. This kind of memory nickel alloy is very rare. It is not a question of price, but the immature forging process, resulting in extremely low output. This box is all of the Wayne Group. I still There are other uses."


   Jude gently shook his fingers with a smirk: "Lucius, Stephanie just said you are an honest person, I don't think it is."

   A trace of cold sweat oozes from Lucius' forehead.

   "This kind of memory nickel alloy, with Wayne Group's existing technology, there should be no good way to deal with it, you don't need to deny it, just our conversation has exposed your ignorance."

   Feeling the pressure on Jude, Lucius couldn't help taking a step back.

   "One-fifth, Mr. Herbert, this number is already very large."

   "I want it all!"

   "A quarter, no more."

   "Two-thirds, if you take it for less, you will get it for nothing."

   "One third, this is my bottom line."

   "Five-five, half of the meeting, otherwise I will call Bruce."

   Lucius was choked. He knew his boss's arrogant character too much. Bruce would only say one thing: "Give it all to him."

   "Okay... OK, then one-half."

   "Thank you for your cooperation, Stephanie is right, you are such a good person, let's go, let's watch."

   " you want more? It should be enough." Lucius wiped his sweat, he had a very bad premonition.

   "Hehe...what are you talking about? This is just the beginning."

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