Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 425: I am invincible

In the world of war, Mungo is about to kill Kalibak.

A green figure came quickly behind him, it was the chief assassin Mantis under Darkseid.

Two radiant energy knives stretched out from his hands and stabbed fiercely into Mungo's double ribs.

Feeling the sound of the breaking wind coming from behind, Meng Ge had already noticed it, and without looking at it, he looked back and slammed the mantis out.

At this moment, many black holes of different sizes suddenly appeared in the sky, and a large number of warships and locust-like demons poured out from them.

Kalibak seized the opportunity and slammed his hands into Mungo's eyes.

Mungo was shocked. This move once left him with extremely bad memories. When he invaded the earth, he was attacked by Jude Herbert, the hateful earthman.

Seeing this nasty trick again, Mungo closed his eyes subconsciously, but immediately felt a pain in his jaw, but was hit by Kalibak's knee.

Under the pain, Mungo fell on his back with a loose hand in his hand, and Kalibak didn't dare to take advantage of the situation to pursue, but hurriedly retreated.

Although he looks like a big five and three rough two fools, but his combat IQ is very high. Through the experience of being beaten just now, he understands that he is definitely not Mungo's opponent. Going alone is courting death.

Kalibak couldn't help but sigh in his heart, could it be that Grandpa Yuja Khan's genes are so powerful that each of the three brothers he gave birth is more powerful than the other, and he is not at the same level as the other new gods.

Even the weakest uncle, Mungo, is a strong explosion for other new gods.

But why can't you open the gap with the general new gods in your own generation? He is only stronger than his uncle Steppenwolf.

Gormand, Sean, and Moncal are not as good as themselves. It really doesn't make sense.

After recognizing the reality, Kalibak gave up the idea of ​​facing Mungo alone, waved his hand, and summoned a large group of Doomsday to rush over.

His purpose is to destroy the World of War and launch the Star Destroyer Cannon, Mungo can wait for Darkseid to come back and clean up.

The words are divided into two parts. Although the battle on Apocalypse is hot, Jude and others are not paying attention here. They always follow the footsteps of Darkseid and Thanos. This is the core of the war.

At this moment, the two brothers have come tens of billions of light-years away.

Naturally, Thanos was worried that starting a war on Apocalypse would be very detrimental to his side.

Their own troops have an absolute advantage, as long as they take Darkseid away and give Mungo a certain amount of time, it is enough to take Apocalypse.

At that time, even if you rely on the infinite gems, you will not be able to kill Darkseid. When the reinforcements come, you can still win a big victory. Darkseid is destined to become a lost dog.


The aftermath of the fight between the two new gods caused a violent explosion, and the impact swept away a large meteorite belt.

The Infinite Gloves exudes a brilliant light, with six colors lit up at the same time, among which the purple light, which represents the gem of power, is the most prosperous.

This is the result of Thanos using the Reality Gem to concentrate the energy of the other four gems on the Power Gem, maximizing his strength bonus.

With unparalleled speed and strength, he punched Darkseid in the chest.

Even though Apocalypse's tyrant defended with all his strength, he was beaten to the point of vomiting blood and flying upside down, like a meteorite falling at an extreme speed, mercilessly falling towards the planet below.

The person has not yet landed, and the shock wave brought by the punch just now has reached the ground first.


As if being hit by a turtle qigong, the surface of half the planet was undulating like waves, and it instantly became smaller.

Gu closely followed Darkseid and slammed into it. The force he could bear was stronger, and the accompanying impact was even more violent.

Even the density and mass of a planet are completely unable to offset the impact of Thanos' punch.

Darkseid, like a pangolin, passively penetrated directly from the north pole of the planet to the south pole, and was blasted out from the other end of the planet.

And this unfortunate planet also completed the disintegration explosion in an instant, and divided into countless large and small meteorites.

Seeing the effect of his full-strength strike, which was more powerful than the Star Destroyer Cannon, he couldn't help laughing.

"Darkseid, the facts are in front of you, you were wrong from the beginning, but you have to find the illusory anti-life equation."

"Hahahaha... Did you see it? What I have is the real power, and you will never have a chance to turn over again, because today is your death!"

In the hiding place, Tony couldn't help shaking his head: "Tsk tsk tsk... This guy is so rampant, according to my experience, rampant people are going to be unlucky."

"Hiccup... That's right, Tony, you actually understood this truth. It seems that the beatings of life still work for you."

"Look carefully, Thanos won't last long. The more frequently he uses gems, the closer the gems are to collapse. As long as Darkseid can withstand the last wave, he will have a chance to counterattack. ."

Thanos held up his Infinity Gloves and laughed wildly, and what responded to him were two crimson Omega rays. The tyrant of Apocalypse has been traversing the universe for countless years, and it is not so easy to defeat.

And Thanos just looked at the Omega ray rushing towards him with disdain, and the attack that could cause Mongo's serious injury was completely ignored by him.


With a slight snap of his fingers, a portal opened in front of Thanos, and the Omega ray plunged in, not knowing where it was teleported.


Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is a next page ^0^ Immediately after that, there is a continuous sonic boom, Darkseid let out a grunt like a cow, and waved his iron fist to launch a frantic attack on Thanos.

At this moment, Darkseid's armor has been completely scrapped and stripped, and the whole body is densely wounded.

And Thanos seemed to be caught off guard by this sudden attack, and he couldn't help but retreat again and again, but he had no power to fight back.

"No one can resist me!"

A loud Darkseid's eyes shot Omega rays again, and along with his stormy iron fist, they fell on Thanos.

Countless meteorites formed from the just disintegrated planet were immediately dispersed by this impact force, and Thanos was also blasted back thousands of kilometers, the armor became pitted, and the helmet did not know where it flew.

"I said, no one can resist me, Thanos, pay for your wrong decision!"

But strangely, Thanos looked at Darkseid with a smile.

"Huh? What are you laughing at?"

"Hahahaha... I just want you to experience the gap in reality. Do you think you still have a chance of winning?"

"Tell you, I am invincible!"

Thanos said, clenching his left fist, the green light lingered immediately, and the time keeping ability was activated, instantly bringing the two back to a minute ago.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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