Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 418: Dying to live

Villefranche, central tower.

When Jude asked suddenly, President Jude smiled suddenly.

"You don't need to test. Since you are invited here, I will naturally tell the truth."

"Just as you said, no matter how hard we try, we still can't break through the key points of transmission technology."

"But it is by no means nothing, because we have developed a disposable teleporter."

"Even if this teleport gun is scrapped after being used once, and the production process is complicated and time-consuming and labor-intensive, it is a great breakthrough."

Jude glanced at the other person: "So this is your confidence? Is it the reason you dare to lead me here?"

President Judea opened a chair and sat down and faced Jude face to face. This time the two eyes were facing each other tightly. President Jude lost the humility he had just now.

"You are right, the one-time teleportation gun is indeed our confidence."

"Although there are such shortcomings, you can't even find the raw materials for manufacturing in some worlds, so that you can go and cannot return."

"But... it really sent us into more and broader worlds, and let our seeds float to the farther world."

"We are like dandelions, drifting farther and farther with the wind, drifting to places that we can't even predict."

"And the plural world is endless existence. You can't kill one me, there are tens of thousands of me."

"Even if you can destroy Liberty City today, there are still innumerable Liberty Cities in countless other worlds. Can you kill it?"

President Jude snapped his fingers as he spoke, and Peter in the suit immediately took out a bottle of fine wine from the wine cabinet and poured it on the two.

President Jude delivered one of them to Jude: "Taste it. This is a wine that the best in Liberty City can only enjoy. I reserved it exclusively for you."

Jude took a sip and nodded: "It tastes good, but it's not enough to impress me. If you finish talking, I will be ready to do it."

Peter in the suit suddenly felt like an enemy, and he pressed the alarm button on the wall.

The door of the office was suddenly broken open, and Peter Parker, dressed as a group of soldiers, rushed in and aimed his weapons at Jude.

Outside the high tower, a large number of robots and aircraft surround this place.

Countless spots of light fell on Jude, and he didn't know how many snipers were squatting in the corner.

And all this was in place in just a few seconds, which shows that for this moment, Liberty City has conducted countless exercises.

But what is unexpected is that President Jude waved his hand.

"Cancel defense measures, everyone exits this office."

"Mr. President!" Peter the suit shouted anxiously.

"This is an order! You can't deal with him."

From the moment Jude appeared, President Jude understood that the methods prepared by his own side were ineffective.

The difference in hard power between the two sides is too great, and there is no possibility of a comeback, so no matter what aspect he considers, he must give this order.

In fact, if the Sannomiya hadn't accidentally discovered and entered this dimension, this day would not have come so early.

According to President Jude's calculation, it will take at least five years for Liberty City to break through the core of the teleportation technology. That's when they really want to face the ontology.

But since he was discovered by Sannomiya, he would definitely not be able to hide. Sannomiya rushed towards him with fangs and claws, so he could only catch him first.

But you can't kill, because once the third house is destroyed, the body will inevitably be drawn, but even if the third house is imprisoned, it will still attract attention after a long time.

After thinking about it, President Jude decided to take the initiative and asked Sannomiya to send out a distress signal to draw him over.

He has set three strategies, the most inferior is naturally to start a war, but even he himself feels hopeless about this one.

The better thing is that Xiaozhi uses reason and affection to show him the beauty of this city. At least there are many Peter Parker and Ivy Pepper living in it. I hope he can move compassion.

The best thing is to go to other worlds to avoid disasters, so a large number of clones have actually been sent to more unknown worlds. Even if Liberty City is destroyed, the fire can still be retained.

As the office emptied, President Jude slowly got up and walked to Jude. He took out a remote control-like thing from his pocket and put it down.

"This thing can control the life and death of Liberty City. If you want to, just press it gently, and this space city will disappear in five minutes."

After speaking, President Jude came to the floor-to-ceiling windows and stood on the tallest building overlooking the city.

"It's just a pity. It's a pity that there are countless Peter and Ivy living in Liberty City. How desperate they will be when death comes suddenly and the countdown to life begins."

Jude snorted coldly: "Want to play the emotional card? Then there is no need. In my eyes, a tool is a tool. When I think it is a tool, it must be dealt with."

President Jude said with a smile: "Because you are looking at us from the height of the creator, just like standing on the top of this tall tower and looking down, except that it is higher than the tall tower."

"But if you stand below, from their perspective, all they want is a stable life."

"This Liberty City is different from Ruicheng. Although squeeze and exploitation are inevitable, they are satisfied."

"There is no dark class solidification here, including my position as the president, but also because I am the smartest and most suitable for this position. At least for the moment, I am the best solution."

"This is a vibrant city. They are willing to fight for their own lives and for the future."

"In the laboratory, even if we know that hope is slim, there are still countless people who don't want to give up. We insist on research because we believe that one day we can break the limits you set."

"We have hope in our hearts and will never accept our fate. We are the same in this regard, just as you know in your heart that the so-called reality may be a more illusory illusion, but you are still willing to try."

The previous words are all But the last sentence really moved Jude.

As Bruce said, he also had no idea whether his decision was right or wrong.

If he is wrong, even if the Phoenix Project exists, it is still unknown whether he will survive.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at President Jude, thinking that it would be better to use him as a seed.

With the fingertips sliding back and forth on the remote control, Jude finally did not press the destroy button, but walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, but instead of looking down, he looked farther away.

President Jude breathed a sigh of relief, and his tight heartstrings let go.

Seeking to survive from death seems to have been done.



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