Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 371: Technology is the first productivity

Latest website: Dead Silent Starfield, the battle to encircle and suppress the Insect King has begun.

Looking at Jude and the little spider in front of him, Enerus's attention was highly concentrated.

Even though his strength has been greatly enhanced, the tragic picture of being beaten like a top by Jude still does not live in his mind.

"Roar... I won't be afraid of you, come on!"

Jude looked at the big caterpillar speechlessly: "Aren't you afraid of why you should call it out? It's not a shock to bump yourself."

"According to science, howling can stimulate the secretion of adrenaline, and its specific effect is to strengthen courage."

"Mr. Herbert, I also want to make two calls to be bold. Only when I face it, I can discover that this bug is really terrible."

"Ahem... It's not necessary, Peter, just remember, no matter what happens, stay close to me and maintain the black hole teleportation device."

"Yes, I understand... Wow, he has attacked!"

"You can attack, you are afraid of a ball, I am here!"

The cosmic control rod hung on Enerus' neck was shining, and the two of them felt that the space around them was tightened, and the armor had issued a warning.

Jude sighed: "This big bug reacts much faster. The original loopholes have been filled, and the ability to manipulate molecules has become stronger."

"It seems that we made a very correct decision, that is, we did not let it go."

"Otherwise, let it go on, and the black hole transfer device will fail."

"Huh... Mr. Herbert, now is not the time to express emotion, he rushed towards us."

"Idiot, of course, is it to highlight my wiseness? Don't yell, wait for him to get close and then turn on the device. This is called fishing law enforcement."

Seeing that the two were trapped by themselves, Ernelluston was overjoyed.

"Sure enough, having absorbed half of the power of the Planet Devourer, even this guy has no time to open the portal. It turns out that I have become so strong."

Enerus was overjoyed, the cosmic control rod flashed again, and he had disappeared in place and came behind Jude.

"Catch you, you can't move anymore!"

The Insect King opened his claws and pressed Jude's shoulders, and was about to tear him to pieces.

At this time, it was not the little spider who was the most nervous, but Doujian, Ronan and others.

If Jude really died, they would also be dead. Several people couldn't believe that this so-called insect king would be too strong.

"Mr. Herbert, do you want to turn on the black hole transfer device?" Little Spider asked loudly.

"Nonsense, you can't see that he has been on my shoulder, can you have a bit of vision!"

"Hug... I'm sorry, I thought you pretended to be."

"I can see it now, don't turn on the device yet!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Enerus ridiculed unscrupulously.

"I thought you were a clever man. Turned out to be just an idiot. You have been caught in the palm of my hand. You don't have any ability to resist. No matter what you use, you are not an opponent of the Cosmos Control Rod."

"Hahahaha...Go to hell!"

Just when Enerus was about to kill Jude, the black hole transfer device was activated.

The molecules changed by the cosmic control rod were immediately decomposed into elementary particles, and then sucked into the device, without knowing where they were transmitted.

Without the pressure brought by the cosmic control rod, the two suddenly felt relieved.


Jude suddenly strangled Enerus' throat.

"Hiccup...offensive and defensive conversion."

Enerus widened his eyes and roared in disbelief.

"No...impossible! How could you..."

Jude mocked: "Why? Why not? A bug is really a bug, a low-level arthropod, even if you have a human form, your IQ is still a reptile."

"You obviously have the sacred weapon of the cosmic control rod, but you only know the low-level means of molecular manipulation. The scumbag is really a scumbag."

"Peter, what have you learned from this?"

"Technology is the primary productive force, sir!"

"correct answer!"

"Shut up, I don't believe it, I'm going to kill you!"

As a scumbag, Enerus didn't understand what they were talking about, and could only use the strength of milking to manipulate the cosmic control rod.

But this ability was restrained by the black hole transfer device, and Jude let him use it.

After several times, Enerus finally understood that the artifact he relied on the most was abandoned!

His heart immediately chilled for a while, without the aid of the cosmic control rod, only with his own strength, he would be beaten by the opponent.

Eyeballs kept rolling, Enerus thought about how to get away, and suddenly he raised his finger to behind Jude.

"Look, what is that?"

"Are you insulting my IQ? Go to **** you!"

The Lord of Negative Space, the first generation of Insect King Enerus before his death, unexpectedly used a trick that children would use, and was blasted to pieces with a punch.

The little spider reached out and grabbed the cosmic control rod, and said excitedly: "Mr. Herbert, look at it, it's the cosmic control rod."

Jude was not at all excited. Instead, he glanced at the other person and said, "Throw it away, Peter, this thing doesn't belong to anyone, it will only disappear with the death of the Insect King."

The facts also just confirmed Jude's guess, the little spider suddenly felt that the cosmic control rod in his hand was shaking extremely fast, and he wanted to break free from his palm.

Even with the power of Black Widow No. 1, the little spider still can't control it at all.

The cosmic control rod flew high and burst with a bang, and the majestic energy spread to the surroundings.

Jude and others were directly shocked and flew tens of thousands of kilometers away, even the Xingyue trembling, the protective shield was instantly blasted away, and the nearby abandoned stars burst into pieces and turned into cosmic dust.

On O'A star, the hapless ones are the little blue men again, and unfortunately, the black hole transfer device chose them again.

The energy transferred this time is not as simple as a few but the molecular energy manipulated by the control rod of the universe.

Jude and the others felt that it was as heavy as a planet, and the destructive power of energy was as great as a planet's impact, and it was not just one, but several in succession.

In simple terms, it is equivalent to several planets colliding with Oua at the same time.

O'Assing was immediately devastated, as if being smashed in all directions by a few 80 sledgehammers, the planet exploded like a watermelon.

Because the energy collision came so suddenly, many Green Lanterns and Little Blue Men didn't realize what was going on, and they hung up before they even had time to open the protective cover.

Even more frightening is that the green light energy battery located in the center of the Oar Star also suffered a devastating blow.

The surface of the battery is broken and a large amount of energy leaks out. In this green energy, there is also a trace of black energy, which seems to symbolize that the ominous thing has escaped from the cage.


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