Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 346: Hold it!

   "Okay, let's prepare for the team entrance ceremony for Starlight." The native of the country stood up and said.

The locomotive, black, deep sea and transparent people beside    also stood up, with an inexplicable smile on their faces.

   And Xingguang didn't know what she was going to face next, this innocent girl thought there was some surprise waiting for her.

   She pointed at the back of Queen Maeve cautiously: "That, isn't Maeve going to attend? Does she have any opinion on me?"

The motherlander slowly walked to Xingguang's side, patted her on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry girl, Maeve has no objection to you. She also experienced the joining ceremony at the beginning, and you will soon become good friends. ."

   "Now, kneel down for me!"

   As soon as this remark came out, not only Xingguang looked wrong, even the Dachao four people hiding in the dark looked at the people of the motherland in disbelief.

   They have a common idea, that is, they have auditory hallucinations.

   "What? What did you say?" Xingguang asked suspiciously.

   There is still a smile on the face of the motherlander: "I said, kneel down for me!"

   I said a sentence twice in succession, and the motherland’s population is clear. It can be said that the words are round and round, and the few people no longer suspect that they have heard it wrong.

   Although Starlight is relatively simple and kind, she is not a fool. She pushed her motherland away and backed away a few steps.

   said with a cold face: "If this is a joke, then you can stop here, because your tone and words make me feel very uncomfortable."

   The corners of the motherland’s mouth rose slightly: "Girl, do you think I am joking with you? Am I like a joke?"

Beside   , black, locomotives, and the deep sea surrounded them, enclosing the stars in the middle.

   In this situation, no matter how stupid or simple, he still understands that the other party is absolutely ill-intentioned.

   At this moment, Xingguang even suspected that he was dreaming, because everything was too unreal.

It’s the Super Sevens that you want to join by yourself. It is a division of justice with the goal of fighting crime. Even the police and criminals will collaborate with criminals, but the Super Sevens will definitely not. This is the impression that the Sevens left on the public. .

   "I said, kneel down for me!"

   The native of the motherland spoke for the third time, this time he no longer had a smile on his face, and his tone was extremely cold.

   Before the starlight could react, he was kicked in the bend of his legs by the locomotive behind him, and he knelt on the ground under pressure.

   The thick-lipsed black man said half-threatening and half-advising: "Starlight, don't make senseless resistance, let alone annoy the people of the motherland."

   "After joining the Super Sevens, you must first understand the truth, that is, there is actually only one player in the Sevens, who is our eldest native."

   "We all surrender to him, we should all obey his orders, he has this idea, so the Super Seven can exist."

   "Rather than because of the existence of the Super Sevens, the natives chose to join in, do you know what I mean?"

   How could Xingguang hear the words of the locomotive at this moment, she only felt extremely humiliated, struggling to stand up, but with her strength, of course, she was not the opponent of the three big men.

   Just as she clenched her fists and wanted to use her superpowers, the native of the motherland stepped in front of her with red lights in her eyes, and asked condescendingly: "Do you want to resist?"

  In an instant, the powerful oppressive force suppressed the girl who had just entered society, especially when she saw the iconic hot sight of the motherland people, her brain was immediately filled with fear.

   "What the **** is this story? We have to help this girl."

   In the dark, Barry Allen can't help but want to take a shot. With his strength, one person is enough to overturn all the Super Sevens.

   Even the total of all the superpowers in the black robe picket world is not enough for Barry to fight alone.

   Of course, he was not the only one angry. As a woman, Diana was even more angry than him, and the Fire Sword on her back was about to explode.

   Jude hurriedly stopped: "Don't worry, it's not time yet, Clark, does it feel familiar to see this native countryman?"

   Dachao replied in a deep voice: "This guy is too domineering. He uses force to force others to submit. This is not what a superhero should do."

   "Hi... military force is only the first step, and the real good show is about to be staged."

   Not far away, seeing the thunder and lightning on Xingguang's hand slowly dissipate, the people of the motherland sneered. That's right, no one dared to resist himself.

   Then, in the horrified gaze of Da Chao and others, the motherland man unzipped his pants and pulled out his lower limbs.

   "Hold it!"

   Originally, Xingguang thought this was just a sack of power, and let himself obey orders obediently in the future, but he didn't expect things to develop to this degree. This is simply a baby!

   She struggled again: "Let me go, I want to quit the Super Sevens, I want to expose what you did, you disgusting scum!"

   The motherland man waved his hand, the other three withdrew, Xingguang quickly stood up and rushed out.

   But just when she was about to run to the door, a figure flashed in front of her, and the motherland people had already blocked her in front of her with their lower limbs.

   "Starlight, you'd better think clearly, once you walk out of this door, you won't regret it anymore."

   "I have read your information. Your father likes to gamble and owes huge gambling debts."

   "Your mother is not a good person, she is a bad drinker, and just borrowed a large sum of money from the bank to pay off the gambling debts with your reputation as a member of the Super Sevens."

   "If you quit now, then all this will come to nothing."

   "As for the exposure you mentioned, it is just a kid's funny you think the company knows nothing about it?"

   "No, the company knows everything, but the company needs me, so it must protect me at all costs. With you alone, can you beat the Water company?"

   "Even if I want to, you are you or your whole family, it's as simple as pinching an ant to death. The superhero is not undead. People will soon forget about it."

   "Starlight, since you were selected by the Water company, your destiny has been doomed, joining this team, you will get everything, against this team, you will have nothing!"

   The words of the people of the motherland brought the raging stars back to reality.

   The girl clenched her fists, and lightning crackled all around her.

   But in the end, she still weakly leaned on the door, and slowly fell to the ground, as lifeless as a puppet.

   The motherlander stepped in front of her again, spread his legs and said, "Hold it!"

   At the same time, the locomotive and the black color surrounded the stars, and the two unbuttoned their pants at the same time, revealing their undersides.

   The invisible man hides his body, as if he can find the pleasure of voyeurism in this way, while the deep sea is watching all this with excitement, and when the three eldest brothers are finished, it is his turn.



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