The knight that Peter Parker saw was Chen Ye. Chen Ye did not expect to see the panicked Peter as soon as he went out today. Chen Ye looked at Peter Parker's eyes and understood that he had not yet adapted to the sudden spider ability. This kind of power is both a gift and a challenge for Peter. Chen Ye decided to give this future superhero some necessary care and guidance as a senior. In Chen Ye's eyes, if the plot of the movie develops, Peter may appear powerless when facing an enemy like Doctor Octopus, and may even fail directly. And now, they are facing more than one Doctor Octopus. This situation makes Chen Ye feel that it is necessary to come forward in person to help Peter better master and use his abilities. Peter looked at the Kamen Rider in front of him, his heart was full of excitement.

He has always regarded Kamen Rider as his idol. Now, he can actually get close to this hero, which makes him feel extremely surprised.

He looked at the blue and white armor, his heart was full of awe and envy, he almost couldn't help but want to reach out and touch it.

"Excuse me, can I take a photo with you?" Peter asked with excitement in his eyes.

For him, this is not just a simple photo, but also a manifestation of his admiration and yearning for the hero.

However, Peter noticed that the Kamen Rider in front of him did not respond to him immediately, but looked at him with a deep and silent look.

Peter began to feel uneasy in his heart, he felt that something seemed to be wrong.

Chen Ye looked at Peter who wanted to escape in front of him, stretched out his right hand, and a golden halo suddenly appeared behind Peter.

Chen Ye planned to use the portal to take Peter to a deserted place to beat him up.

After all, there are many people here, and Chen Ye can't show it.

Then Chen Ye flashed in front of Peter and kicked Peter into the portal.

Peter had never expected such a change, and he could only be kicked into the portal passively.

When Peter fell out of the portal, he looked around and found himself in a deserted place with only an endless plain.

Peter's heart was full of confusion and fear. He didn't know where this place was, nor did he know what the Kamen Rider wanted to do to him.

As if seeing Peter's doubts, Chen Ye slowly said: "Want to be a hero? Then let me see your awareness."

Then Chen Ye, who transformed into Kamen Rider Eternal, began to attack Peter.

After all, Peter just had spider sense, which gave him a sharp reaction speed and intuition like a spider. But Peter can't fully control this ability at present, and he can barely react in the first few times.

But as Chen Ye's attack became faster and faster, Peter seemed to be in a hurry under his attack, sometimes dodging awkwardly, and sometimes being hit hard. Although he tried his best to resist, he was still beaten by Chen Ye's attack and vomited blood repeatedly.

Peter was beaten by Chen Ye's attack and vomited blood.

Chen Ye looked down at Peter and said coldly: "That's all you have. I've seen people with the same abilities as you, and they are not so weak."

His words hurt Peter's self-esteem like a needle.

"Even if you have superpowers, you are still a waste! Just continue to be bullied by others!"

Chen Ye kept stimulating Peter with words, trying to arouse his will.

Peter, who fell to the ground, felt very aggrieved. He was inexplicably pulled in and beaten.

Then he was often bullied by others, and he was still bullied by others after gaining superpowers.

Every day, he endured the ridicule and bullying of others, as if his existence was to be the object of others' entertainment.

Peter had had enough of this kind of life. His eyes were full of anger. He clenched his fists and clenched his teeth tightly, as if he was going to use all his strength to resist this helpless feeling. He tried to support his tired body and stood up.

He stared at Chen Ye in front of him and shouted loudly: "I don't want to be bullied anymore! I want to be a superhero admired by everyone!" His voice was full of firmness and determination.

Then Chen Ye rushed over with a punch.

However, his attack seemed chaotic and there was no method at all. Chen Ye easily dodged his attack and said: "It's useless to be a superhero just by talking. You must make good use of your spider sense.


Then Chen Ye kicked Peter several meters away.

Peter fell heavily to the ground, but he did not give up.

Chen Ye's words made Peter sober instantly. He realized that to become a real superhero, it was not enough to rely on anger and determination alone. He must make good use of his spider sense to defeat the enemy in front of him.

So, Peter began to work hard to adjust his state, trying to integrate spider sense into his attack.

He closed his eyes, felt the movement around him, and tried to capture every subtle sound and breath.

In his perception, Chen Ye's movements became slow and clear, as if the whole world slowed down.

Chen Ye looked at Peter's figure who kept trying and working hard, and a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

So, Chen Ye stepped up He increased the intensity of his attacks, trying to make Peter better adapt to the battle.

While attacking, he taught Peter how to better use spider sense and spider silk.

He told Peter that to become a true superhero, he must not only have great strength and speed, but also be good at using his skills and wisdom.

Peter continued to work hard under Chen Ye's guidance, his attacks became more and more accurate, and his reaction speed became faster and faster.

He began to be able to flexibly use his spider silk, wrapping it around Chen Ye's body to restrict his movements.

His attacks also became more swift and powerful, and he saw that he had fought back and forth with the Kamen Rider in front of him.

Peter suddenly became excited and thought he could defeat the Kamen Rider in front of him, and shouted loudly: "It's my turn!"

Then he attacked Chen Ye.

Chen Ye sneered: "I'll teach you one more thing. Never underestimate the enemy, and don't overestimate your abilities. "

His words were full of sarcasm and contempt, as if telling Peter that he still had a long way to go.

Then Chen Ye pressed the USB drive on his belt,

"Eternal Maximum Drive"

"Go, enjoy the fun of hell, I hope you can survive this blow."

Chen Ye's right foot began to gather blue flame energy, and he jumped into the air like a blue lightning.

Then, he fell rapidly and kicked towards Peter.

Peter looked at this scene, his heart filled with fear. He knew that he could no longer avoid this blow, and could only bite the bullet to meet it.

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