Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 736: Scientific Ethics (Second Change)

Stark felt more and more that this so-called automatic response program was actually an artificial intelligence, and it might even be Ultron. He witnessed Ultron being swallowed by Salomon's magic in one gulp, but he didn't know how the mystic master dealt with artificial intelligence. Now encountering a program with such a high degree of intelligence again—even the opposite may not be a program, but a mechanical life—this makes Stark somewhat difficult to calm down.

After the Sokovia incident, Congress urgently passed relevant bills on artificial intelligence, prohibiting the use of artificial intelligence with excessive intelligence, and sent a group of mathematicians, computer scientists, and social psychologists to the Stark Group to investigate the artificial intelligence developed by Tony Stark. It took a lot of effort on Friday to escape the months-long investigation of the investigative team, and was judged to be an artificial intelligence that can only complete specific tasks. Stark himself also participated in several hearings that were enough to drive people crazy.

He was nowhere near as light-hearted and flippant as he was before, and he could sneer at MPs. The loss of artificial intelligence is the most serious mistake he has made, but it does not mean that he can give up the excellent production tool of artificial intelligence.

If there is no Friday, the entire Stark Industries project will be stagnant.

The smell of burning in the air is getting heavier, and the fat of the corpse is slowly oozing from the burnt wound. Even after so long, the horror of the crime scene is unbearable. Tony Stark didn't want to stay in the ruins anymore, he walked out quickly until the sun shone on him again. Even with the metal armor on his body and the constant temperature of the air conditioning system, he still felt warm.

He knew it was a psychological feeling, but it didn't stop him from enjoying the sunshine and forgetting the cruel scene after the war. Salomon's methods were too cruel, he couldn't help thinking. He knew that this was a decision the mystic had to make in order to avoid the laws of the magical world, but the use of howitzers and field artillery was too exaggerated. Stark didn't think that a magic threat in an urban area could be too great.

Stark believes that Salomon will not give up artificial intelligence for no reason. Before Ultron was developed, Stark knew that Salomon had colluded with an artificial intelligence, so the project involved the U.S. government's Arpanet monitoring program, and Stark was privately warned by Congress as soon as he found clues. "I've got the paperwork, and I'll take care of it," he said. "Get my girl back online, and move your little dirty desk away. Also, don't make such a big fuss next time, or you'll be discovered sooner or later."

"Thank you, my task is completed." The mechanical synthesizer said happily. Immediately afterwards, the network communication in the surrounding area was gradually restored, and Stark watched the signal strength icon on the screen slowly light up, and it went online again on Friday.


Stark quickly issued an order to his artificial intelligence, "Friday, call up the database operation log. Do you remember what happened?"

"I'm investigating the victim's estate acquisition scheme. Has something happened, sir?"

"You've been hacked, start a self-examination."

"Okay, sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Scan the magic spectrum at the scene for the last time, and then compare it to see where the magic came from." Stark started the thruster, "Contact the police, tell them the problem has been solved, and then send the file named Criminal Records to the Homicide Team of the New York Police Department."

"You see, we can replace artificial intelligence in this way." Marbus proudly showed Salomon the device that hacked into the subroutine of the Iron Suit not long ago. The holographic projection of the Fifth Demon God Pillar became more and more detailed, and Salomon could even see the data transmission tentacles extending from his fingers.

"Perhaps you have heard of the concept of bacterial computers, which allow bacteria to solve problems by modifying and labeling bacterial DNA. Although bacterial computers can only solve specific mathematical problems, the human brain, which is also a creature, is even better. The proposal of the Hopefield network model in the 1980s gave rise to computational neuroscience and connectionist machine learning. After that, the Hopefield network quickly evolved into a new and more powerful model called Boltzmann machine. But because of Alexnet's proposal, the deep convolutional network CNN continued to break the record of visual processing tasks, announcing the beginning of the era of deep learning. However, the development of AI We have encountered a bottleneck." Malbus's synthesized voice was full of excitement, "Ultron's method is to directly simulate the brain, which allows us to see a new possibility. By adjusting the human brain in the cloning cabin, we can use the human brain to solve many problems that cannot be solved by artificial intelligence today, and the computing power of the specially trained human brain even exceeds that of all silicon-based computers in the world. After all, quantum neuroscience has proved that the working principle of the human brain is no different from that of quantum computers."

"I'm very pleased with the emotionality shown by this makeshift AI."

Salomon nodded, agreeing with Marbus' research results. The Fifth Demon God Pillar bowed deeply, and countless small snakes faintly rose and fell under the crimson robe.

"Dr. Maya Hansen has done an invaluable contribution to the study of brain computers," Malbus said. "We believe that the results of this study can greatly advance many research projects in the Immortal City."

"I knew you were here to ask for funds." The mystic looked at the girl sitting beside him, "Stephanie, you have also seen their results. After the Mars foundry and the biological laboratory submit the project plan, I need you to send personnel to verify the project, and then... Although we don't use dollars, we still need to buy the necessary materials. I hope to use the Malik family to purchase some of the raw materials that are difficult to buy in the international market. If you need the help of the intelligence department, you can mobilize it yourself."

"Yes, my lord." Stephanie hesitated, "but I am worried that this research result will attract opposition from other departments. Some people may think that this disturbs scientific ethics."

"Do you think I'm a moral person, Stephanie? I'm a pragmatist, and we're in a hurry. If we were at peace and there were no foreign invaders, it would take time for trial and error. But now, if the road to a scientific achievement is littered with dead bodies, I don't hesitate. The Kanda know about it."

"Princess Su Rui has repeatedly protested against the terms of the technical blockade."

"Then send an official letter to Wakanda, telling them that Immortal City and Wakanda are in a cooperative relationship rather than an affiliation relationship. Unless Wakanda releases all vibration gold technology, or the technology blockade will always exist." The mystic said plainly, "Order the spies to inspect the research results of Princess Su Rui's Tianshen group project. I want to catch the Wakanda people stealing technology."

Ask for a ticket!

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