Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 728 The idea of ​​tools (second more)

Guardsman Zero was a little nervous. Every time he came to the biological laboratory, he had to go through a detailed examination at the cellular level and mental level. Maybe he could reject the genetic sages and bio-alchemists in this laboratory, but Maya Hansen couldn't. He couldn't refuse Maya Hansen's reasonable request. Even in the process of the monarch creating him, the director of the biological laboratory still helped a lot. Without her painstaking research on genetic modification technology, the birth of the Praetorian Guard would be in the foreseeable future. The inspection took some time, and Praetorian Zero completed one last task before the great black clock of the Immortal City struck midnight.

"I'll take care of her. She'll be raised in the sisterhood and grow up healthy."

Although a little caught off guard, Tita firmly hugged the child with Hellstrom brought over by the Guards. This cute girl who was forced to separate from her mother and didn't know what happened was staring at Tita's face with wide-open eyes. For a long time, the sorority has recruited victims of human trafficking as its main source of population, but not all victims who are willing to stay are eligible to join the sorority. There are always some people who are not suitable for combat or high-intensity work-those women accept the arrangement of the sorority, and are responsible for logistics and other auxiliary tasks. They are the peripheral members of the sorority, and they are all made up of women. Such an environment allows this girl who has not yet been named to be well taken care of.

Tita waved her finger back, and several women in simple black robes stepped out from the shadow of the minaret. These women walked barefoot on the rough and cold stone bricks, looking nervous to the point of nervousness. They shrugged their shoulders, took the child carefully, and immediately carried it into their arms. The women returned to the shadows of the building without looking back, without even looking at Praetorian Zero.

"Except for me, no one will know her identity. She will use her life to practice the law of the monarch in the future, just like all sisters." Tita stood in front of the monastery gate, with her palm on the hilt of her waist, and she didn't mean to take Zero of the Praetorian Guards any closer. Guard Zero recognized the long sword forged by the monarch himself, and Tita suddenly brought this commanding sword that she would only carry in battle to remind Zero of her identity. "Although we are all the creations of the monarch, this does not mean that you can question the loyalty of the sisterhood, nor does it mean that you, as a guard, have power over the sisterhood."

They are all servants of the monarch, they are equal, and number zero has no right to issue orders to them.

But Tita knew that was not the case.

The monarch may have a lot of love for the sisterhood, but the Imperial Guard Zero is the monarch's best creation, and the Imperial Guard Zero has the power bestowed by the monarch. He can carry out long-term tasks without sleep, can hide for a long time without eating or drinking, can wield heavy weapons with superhuman muscle strength, and can think and react with an amazing brain. These are things that girls who have only been transformed by the most basic alchemy potions cannot do. The Praetorian Guard Zero and his brother who will be born in the future through careful gene editing are the sharpest weapons in the hands of the monarch.

Many androids know this, and somber discussions about the Praetorians' plans often take place in corners.

The Sisters were all concerned that the Sovereign refused to allow them to become Praetorian Guards, as if the boy and the later reformed Praetorian Guards would replace them and become the closest people to the Sovereign. The priority in the research and development sequence of the foundry can also show this point. Although the Sisterhood has three sky carriers and many special combat teams composed of mortals, many armors and armaments that are only suitable for the Praetorian Guard are being developed in the Martian foundry.

Tita knew that she shouldn't be so narrow-minded, so she stopped the discussion about the Praetorian Guards within the sisterhood, drained their ungodly thoughts with high-intensity training day after day, held frequent punishments and sermons, and rekindled the enthusiasm of those girls who had just joined the sisterhood and hadn't seen the essence of a monarch. She knows that the monarch has arrangements for them, no matter what, they are the daughters of the monarch, and she always believes that the monarch loves them deeply, just like they love the monarch deeply.

"He loves you, the monarch knows everything, but you have never been able to understand him." Zero looked into Tita's eyes, "Excessive worship will only blind his eyes. The monarch does not want to see cowards bowing their heads under the baton, but wise men who lead mankind to open up territories. What he wants is understanding, not blind obedience."

"I don't know what you're talking about! You don't know the process of our birth. We are life born from the soul of the monarch, and we will always stand by his side!" Tita clenched the hilt of the sword, and could pull it out at any time, activating the force field on the blade. She tried her best to keep her cold expression, so that others could not see her restless soul. As No. 0 said, the monarch actually knows everything, but he has been silent. This thought nearly overloaded Tita's alchemy engine. She gritted her teeth, with a bitter taste in her mouth, "Your task is completed! As for other things, I will explain to the monarch myself!"

"Don't be nervous, I'm not the one who sent the warning, I just sent it out of feeling." Zero waved his hand, "Don't waste the monarch's favor, he will respond to your requests. You should understand that the monarch doesn't care about these things, he always wants you to complete the mission."

"You don't need to remind me, boy. You're not the closest to him, we are."

"Perhaps, but I hope you can recognize your position. We should be the ones who fulfill the mission. We are his swords and bombs, not the toys and court animals vying for favor. You and I both know what the monarch's true ideal is, and I hope you and your girl can understand this. Only those who complete the mission can be favored by the monarch. We are all tools. The monarch not only sees us this way, he also sees himself this way."

"Wait until you get your own name, boy, you're not a good wrench just yet!"


"Do you want to learn how to raise children?"

Athena and Vanessa looked at Salomon with a mocking look. Especially Vanessa, as a true friend of Athena, she has been more or less exposed to some mysterious events. It's just that this smart woman never took the initiative to mention this matter, and continued to treat Athena and Salomon as ordinary people. The wise goddess of war also liked this wise woman very much. Salomon sighed, "Recently, I have encountered some problems in this regard. For example, two children who are also close to each other are arguing with each other, and I can't support one of them..."

"Fair treatment is very important in family education." Vanessa nodded. "Is your solution to come to the reception of female artists and ladies? Then you have come to the wrong place. The way those women raise their children is to hand them over to nannies, and then give them random money, making them degenerate into complete waste. You can't learn anything here. As far as I know, you and your girlfriend have no plans to have children yet. Are you too anxious to think about this issue now?"

"Among all the people I know, Minerva has the most experience in raising children. The orphanage on Mount Athena has never produced social scum, and this is all due to Minerva's education. Including me, it is also because of the education of my dear adoptive mother that I can achieve what I am today..."

Athena nodded with satisfaction and toasted Vanessa to show off.

Her favorite thing to do now is to show off her adopted son to her mortal friends.

"...and you will have to meet this problem sooner or later, Vanessa Mariana." Salomon said with a smile, "I heard that you recently found a boyfriend named Wilson Fisk."

Ask for a ticket!

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