Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 674: The Gap Between Reality and Ideals (Part 1)

In the Avengers' new base, some agents with access to information are worried, but they dare not tell anyone. There is no other reason, because the two most important members of the Avengers have been imprisoned, and no one knows whether they are dead or alive, and when they will come back. "I'll talk to Salomon. But I can only make sure the members of the Avengers survive, and I can't guarantee the safety of all agents, unless Salomon sees them in the future. Like Coulson Agent, Rogers, and Stark." Nick Fury frowned, his tone stern, "This should never have happened in the first place. Agent Hill, you failed to control Tony Stark and Steve Rogers' conduct."

"I can't do it." Maria Hill shook her face and pointed, she said very simply, "This is impossible, even the Coulson agent team and the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. It's no longer within the control range. Gonzalez, Agent Weaver are still on the aircraft carrier, and I can't contact them."

"Your information is behind, Agent Hill. Agent Coulson didn't tell you all the information." Nick Fury sighed, "Gonzalez is dead, and the murderer is Skye's mother Jiaying, Salomon The Inhuman being imprisoned now. As for Agent Weaver, she is very disappointed in Agent Coulson and has now taken refuge in Victoria."

Agent Hill shrugged, saying there was nothing he could do.

Although she, as an undercover agent sent by the World Security Council to S.H.I.E.L.D., did not suffer much in the Hydra rebellion, she encountered many inquiries as Nick Fury's most trusted deputy, and even Periodic polygraph tests are required. She simply does not have the ability to weave the intelligence network and obtain the latest intelligence as before.

Now she's more of an undercover agent sent by Congress to the Avengers, as she's been in the past.

"I know, but I need you to make sure they don't do anything out of the ordinary. And you, Agent Romanoff, you're the Avengers' insurance against the big boys getting hotheaded. And maybe a robot, Who knows what's going on!" Nick Fury's one-eyed stared at the evidence collected by the Avengers in this incident, even the simplest reasoning can deduce what Salomon is doing on the east coast, It is nothing more than hunting monsters and preventing greater disasters. Nick Fury was quite satisfied with the results of Salomon's actions. Although he could not completely prevent the earthquake, he could guess with his toes that he must have prevented something worse.

The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. once again affirmed that they were the same kind of people, and the results of Salomon's actions were perfect in his opinion.

"As for the little boy, I'm pretty sure he knows some pretty important information. He wants to confirm the authenticity of the information, otherwise he wouldn't be so persistent in asking Jia Ying for something. This shows that the information cannot Through magic prophecy, so I will let him decide this matter on his own, because he attaches great importance to it, indicating that this involves an extinction-level event. As for magic pollution... This is the first time Steve Rogers has seen Kamatei intuitively Ji’s acting style.” Nick Fury snorted twice, “He always said that the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. are different, but now he can see what the real world looks like. The reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. It became like that because there was a need to do it, and so did Kama Taj. I can even guess the scene of their negotiations—Rodgers must have refused to be inspected, and then conflicts broke out, and more agents lost their lives."

The former S.H.I.E.L.D. director sighed.

"This is the consequence of not being trained as a professional agent, only considering emotional factors and not reality. When they come back, try not to let them take a hostile attitude towards Salomon. I don't want to see a Salomon on the opposite side." Lomon Damonette. If this is the case, then apart from waiting for Thor's help, the Avengers have no power to fight back. Salomon is not a little sheep who doesn't kill people."

"It's hard to say, sir." Agent Romanov also looked worried, "I don't think Tony Stark is a magnanimous person. As for Rogers, Salomon's behavior is intolerable in his eyes, I can Captain Rogers definitely clashed with Agent Hand, and I don't even think many agents survived."

"What did you say?"

Salomon sat at the iron table and carefully recorded every word the crazy woman said. Officer Carter folded his arms and stood aside vigilantly, his eyes kept rolling between the mad woman, Salomon and Bayonetta. She couldn't understand what this man was doing, the words of a mental patient could not be used as any testimony, and recording the testimony of a mental patient was even more absurd. Equally absurd is the woman in a suit, sitting on the other side with a cup of coffee doing nothing, doing absolutely nothing an FBI agent should do, and even kissing the young man on the cheek from time to time, looking extremely intimate .

The man mentioned Harold Finch, which is why Officer Carter chose to trust him temporarily, but she still needs to ask Mr. Finch about the man's identity. She had sent the ID photo to Harold Finch, asking him to provide information.

She glanced at the phone quietly, and Mr. Finch had already written back.

"Why do you need this person's information?"

ha! Looks like you still have a little secret, Mr. Finch. Sergeant Carter thought. She glanced at Salomon who was recording, and answered the text message unobtrusively on the phone, "You just need to tell me if these two are FBI agents."

"I only know the man. To your question, my answer: no. But if checked with the FBI, yes."

"What does that mean?" Officer Carter asked.

"Meaning, the man I know is not an FBI agent, but he does have an FBI ID, and the database has these two in it, so the ID is real. I found the woman's ID...she has Multiple nationalities, and all documents are genuine."

"They are interrogating a mental patient now!" Officer Carter was confused, "Who are they?"

"I suggest you not get involved too much in this matter." Harold Finch replied earnestly, "These people are very dangerous, and the incidents they participate in are not something ordinary people can solve. If they want to do something, then Let them do it. Don't try to track them down, it's for your own good, Officer Carter."


"No, more dangerous than this CIA! Don't ask them any questions!"


"I can't tell you the reason, Officer Carter. Samun Shaw is nearby, and she has agreed to go to the police station to negotiate with them. Now you just have to turn a blind eye to what they are doing."

"As long as they don't hurt that poor psychopath."

Salomon stood up and sorted out the materials in his hand. The madwoman immediately uttered her prophecy when she saw him. Salomon has sufficient experience in how to interpret prophecies and oracles. With a little combination of what has happened, he can deduce the future described in the prophecy. "Honey, I need to send her back," he said to Bayonetta. "I think you and Joan can go first, and I promise to follow you."

"That's it?" Although Beunita had never practiced divination spells, she was still able to detect the magical aura on that crazy woman. That woman had been blessed by some god, but because humans couldn't bear the blessing, the woman's mind was messed with magic. "What does her prophecy point to?"

"Possibly related to recent operations...I suspect she was sent to sound the alarm."

"Goodbye, Lifeline Void Spirit." The crazy woman walked up to Officer Carter with a trance-eyed look, "Your coffee is delicious."

"I can't let you leave like this, agent." Officer Carter stopped several people who were about to leave the interrogation room. "Don't get me wrong." She waved her hand, "You still need to sign a few documents."

"I hope Mr. Finch has made it clear to you, Officer Carter. No, he didn't betray you, it's just that your little tricks didn't hide it from me." Salomon looked at the officer, "You are a good policeman, fate has already passed. Recovered your lost life. Cherish your second life."

"What does it mean?"

"It means that you have already died once."

Ask for a ticket!

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