Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 439 Failure Not Allowed (Second Change)

Tita put away her bolter, grabbed the cable, and jumped down toward the elevator shaft.

The infrared night vision system in the helmet automatically activated, allowing her to see clearly in the elevator shaft. The members of the sorority who stayed above the elevator shaft exchanged fire with the soldiers who ran up the stairs to support the ground. As she went deeper, such voices wandered back and forth in the elevator shaft, getting farther and farther away, like a dream.

Gradually, except for the harsh sound of gloves rubbing against steel cables, almost all sounds disappeared, and the firefight above the elevator shaft was as vague as it happened in another dream. Tita gradually heard her own breathing clearly. For the first time, she felt that her heart (the alchemy engine) was beating, and the place where the glove touched the steel cable was getting hotter and hotter. The night vision mode of the electronic eye made her feel like her eyes were going to burn.

"Ma'am, we're here." Sevia reminded, stepping on the unrecognizable minced meat. This is where the heavy grenade exploded. Tita could clearly see the pitted concrete walls and shrapnel. There were still an unknown number of broken corpses and weapons on the elevator. Tita only felt that the steel high-heeled shoes were wet. If she hadn't activated the magnetic attraction device in the heel to assist walking, she even felt that she might fall here, on these sticky and smelly viscera and minced meat.

The members of the assault team landed one step ahead of Tita. At this moment, they had drawn out their long swords, activated the Iron Wings module, and jumped into the soldiers who were relying on cover to shoot at them and started attacking. Their attacks were extremely efficient, and by the time Tita stepped out of the freight elevator, there were very few resisting soldiers.

Catherine's superb performance of killing frightened these soldiers who had never been on the battlefield. The Iron Wings module gave her excellent maneuverability on the battlefield, and her excellent swordsmanship and shooting skills allowed her to kill more than a dozen soldiers alone.

Assault, sword swing, shooting, every step is extremely skilled.

The members of the sisterhood had already controlled the soldiers in the front hall, and all the weapons were confiscated. Some members of the sisterhood blew up the elevator shaft in another part of the bunker, and returned to the ground through the original freight elevator shaft, buying time for Tita's actions. Tita didn't even look at the surrendering soldiers kneeling on the ground with their hands high above them. Her high-heeled steel shoes made terrifying bloody footprints on the metal floor. Every step she took seemed to be an order to kill.

She directed the members of the Sisterhood to open the closed steel door, and then, an artificial man with a special device came up. The officer who originally wanted to tell the password just wanted to speak, but was knocked to the ground by Catherine's fist - she felt that the battle ended too quickly, and her skills could not be fully displayed, and now she was irritable and wanted to vent.

The hot-melt cutting device developed by Su Rui easily cut through the thick steel gate, and the whole process did not exceed 30 seconds. In order not to damage those delicate instruments and cause accidents, Tita put away her bolter, raised her long sword and walked in. There are no armed personnel behind the steel gate, and those who stay here are all scientific researchers who maintain the nuclear bomb.

Tita casually grabbed a scientific researcher holding his head and asked him to lead him the way.

The goal is right in front of her eyes, and she will not allow failure.


"Huh——" Da Qian walked forward panting while supporting her knees, her face was flushed abnormally. Excluding the result of strenuous exercise, even Daqian's breath smelled heavily of alcohol. Salomon walked slowly behind her, not at all worried that someone would catch up.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Daxi felt her throat was burning, "The police are about to catch up!"

"Yes, yes." Salomon was still indifferent, because the exhausted Daxi was not as fast as he usually walked. The reason why they are in such a situation is also very simple. When Daxi was in the taxi, she couldn't help sharing the small wine version with Salomon, vodka, rum and whiskey. Daxi laughed and clinked glasses with Salomon, and then drank it in one breath.

The more she drank, the happier she was, and she even started singing in the taxi. By the time they arrived at the Royal Opera House, Darcy was already so drunk that if Salomon hadn't supported her, she would have jumped on the conductor. Such a state is obviously not allowed to enter the opera house, but the drunk Daxi can't listen to this.

She straightened her striking chest, freed herself from Salomon's arm, and rolled half her body into the ticket office, trying to argue with the service staff in black vests. Not surprisingly, they were greeted not by services but by guards. No one knew what Daxi was thinking when she was drunk, she did not resist the guard's driving, but stared at the guard carefully with wide eyes.

Then she laughed silly. Even when she was drunk, Daxi was not too aggressive. Coupled with her sweet appearance and exaggerated figure, the guard relaxed his vigilance very easily, and his harsh words became much gentler. "Ma'am, your current state is not suitable for appreciating art." The young guard was fascinated by Daxi's figure, and he even began to court her, "We have a lounge here, maybe you can visit it?"

Darcy laughed again. No one expected that Daxi jumped up suddenly, and hit the guard's nose fiercely with her forehead.

"Run, Salomon, run!" Darcy's emotions changed very quickly, she began to cry loudly, and at the same time called Salomon's name to tell him to run quickly. Other sharp-eyed guards also surrounded him. Salomon, who didn't want to show his face, had to cast a small spell to blur his face, and then dragged the drunk Daxi away to the Royal Opera House.

Poor Darcy thought she had committed some heinous crime, and she walked and cried, and kept saying nonsense, such as "I'm a stupid pig, I can only move things, Jane, don't abandon me", "Savig, why don't you wear pants", or "Salomon, why don't you take off your clothes". But before saying a few words, Daxi seemed to remember what she did not long ago, and then giggled again.

Salomon walked behind and recorded Daxi's stupidity with his mobile phone.

"Are you... secretly filming me?"

"Of course not." Salomon said confidently.

"Oh, that's good..." Daxi looked around, "Where's the toilet...I want to go to the toilet."

"Hey, don't take your pants off here, you idiot!"


"Fire!" The sorority members staying above the elevator shaft encountered their opponents, and the 40mm howitzers would still cause them some trouble. But the bigger trouble is the Iron Man flying non-stop in the sky—according to the Sisterhood's speculation, the Steel Armor that is very similar to Iron Man should belong to Colonel Rhodes.

In particular, this piece of armor also has the shock beam of the Stark Iron Armor standard, which is extremely advantageous in long-range firepower. Although the sisterhood's heavy bolt guns could hit Colonel Rhodes, their excellent protective armor could block armor-piercing bombs, and bombs that could split a person in two would at most slow down his movements.

"Ola, EMP support." The Sisterhood, who was suppressed back to the bunker, was under attack at the moment. Not only are heavily armed U.S. troops rushing towards the bunker, but according to the investigation of the sisters in the sky, various armored vehicles are also heading here. And there is a group of trapped soldiers in the stairs behind. When they returned to the basement, they were repelled by the members of the sisterhood waiting there. Now they can only wait in the dark stairs for a chance to fight back.

The interim commander Christina who stayed on the ground did not intend to strangle these people, because the stairs were very long, and doing so would only waste a lot of time. Christina issued a support order to the team members on the aircraft, and the EMP, which was like an aerial bomb, was thrown down by the aircraft. The EMP generator exploded in the air with a blue electromagnetic halo, and then fell straight to the door of the bunker, and the activation authority was given to the ground commander Christina.

All electronic equipment has been temporarily paralyzed, but the power armor modified with Wakanda technology can still be used. Vibranium-made electronics housings withstood the EMP, and the Sisterhood's power armor remained functional. Christina squinted her eyes, and she saw that steel armor that was almost the same as Tony Stark fell from a high altitude not far away.

Except for those guns that do not require precision instrument control and objects with simple mechanical structures, almost all electronic products and armor are stopped.

"It's up to us now! Blow up the heavy armored vehicles, we need them for cover!" She put on a new magazine and ordered to the team behind her, "Draw your sword! Kill all enemies, kill everything that moves, and give them a glorious death!"

Ask for a ticket!

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