Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 410 Loyal Warrior (Part 1)

Skye was staring at Salomon's palm as if it was on the verge of pressing on her stomach. Fitz and Simmons were standing aside with instruments for detecting spectra, eager to try. "Let's just say it first, I'm ticklish." The tanned female hacker muttered pale, annoyed and shy at the moment, "As long as you can let me get off the gurney, and there must be no scars."

"You really have too many demands." Salomon rolled his eyes, and then he put his hands on Skye's face, fixing her on the gurney like pressing the head of a naughty cat. But Skye felt that this movement was very similar to the Baptist movement during the baptism ceremony, which the pastors always used to push people into the pool-the Baptist Church has a dinner party after the ceremony, don't ask her how she knows, everyone has time to eat.

She is hungry again. Since she was shot, she could only eat liquid food and drips. The flames burning in her stomach were the most terrible torture in the world. She had to take magnesium tablets to neutralize stomach acid, but the feeling of hunger still tormented her repeatedly.

"We are very worried that the side effects of GH325 will have some short-term or long-term effects on her." Simmons, who was holding a tablet computer, explained, and she looked at the android maid standing next to Salomon in armor, and suddenly felt that she was too straightforward. GH325 shouldn't have said it, it's the secret of Coulson's team.

"We're going to test your magic spectral characteristics, and then conduct a physical examination on Skye to observe the changes in Skye's body before and after casting the spell." Fitz quickly took up the conversation, trying to make Salomon think that GH325 is a new drug that has not been clinically tested by S.H.I.E.L.D. "If possible, I intend to imitate your magic radiation to create a similar effect. You should know that your magic can save many people, right? If possible, I... I don't mind learning it. I'm not denying science, I just want to conduct research from another angle."

"Fitz! This is a good idea!" Simmons jumped up with surprise on his face, "Oh! But I don't know if Coulson will allow it..."

"We have to do this without telling Coulson." Fitz said confidently, "He will definitely not find out. The rune stones last time have not been used up, we can ask him to help us do more."

"Ah!" An exclamation drew the attention of the science team back. Fed up with the nonsense, Salomon lifted off Skye's thin gray woolen sweater without hesitation, revealing his abdomen tightly wrapped in two pieces of gauze. The mystic poked the gauze arrogantly, and Skye, who was poked to the sore spot, glared at Salomon without hesitation. If she hadn't been with the laptop that Salomon had given her as compensation, she would have smashed it on Salomon's head.

She was now a puffed puffer fish lying on the bed, and Skye would make some kind of guttural noise when Salomon's fingers poked her. "Hurry up!" she puffed up, "or I'm going to get out of bed!"

"You're so cute, Skye." Simmons stroked Skye's long hair with a satisfied expression on his face.

Salomon, who tore off the gauze, covered the wound on Skye's abdomen with his sterilized palm without hesitation. After he removed the palm and wiped off the blood with gauze, Skye's abdomen showed no signs of previous injuries.

"Jesus!" Fitz quickly stretched out his hand and poked the place where the wound should have been, "No, I shouldn't have said that."

Skye didn't mind getting annoyed, she looked up, then poked herself. "Really?" she said, full of surprise. "Can I get out of bed? Can I have schnitzel?"

"We've got another full checkup," Simmons said, "but I think you're all right, Skye. Congratulations!"

"Okay, okay! I said I'm ticklish!" Skye quickly pulled off his clothes, and thanked Salomon. It's just that she always felt that Salomon looked at her very piercingly, as if a hunter hidden in the jungle looked at an unaware prey.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Excellent," said Salomon. The genetic adjustment technology of the Cree really needs to be studied carefully. Maybe Asgard also has this technology? And maybe the Inhumans, a race that has nothing to do with outer dimensions, can be recruited?


"You don't care about this mission at all! Karma Taj sent you here to carry out the mission!" Sif protested to Salomon, "God Odin asked me to capture Lorelai alive. This is the order of the father of the gods. Although this is the earth, you have to cooperate with me. What I want is a living Lorelai!"

"Really?" Salomon raised his tone quietly, "It's not that I don't know about the dispute between you and Lorelei. Can you really resist the desire to kill her?"

The cold wind from the northern country swept across Sif's face in an instant. "I can, I am a warrior of Asgard, my thoughts are not important." The respected warrior took a deep breath, and she stretched out her clenched fists in front of Salomon, "Don't question my loyalty, Salomon!"

"If..." Salomon dragged his tone, and he glanced at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent team that was surrounding Skye. All members of Coulson's team were delighted with Skye's recovery, only Coulson was preoccupied and smiled reluctantly. He was worried that the side effects of GH325 due to his reckless order would have an irreversible impact on Skye. This sense of guilt was like a cold poisonous snake constantly entangled him, making him breathless. The reason why he asked Salomon to check for Skye was because Salomon knew the truth about GH325, and he thought Salomon knew about the Kree.

Salomon turned around and said to Sif, "What if...the one who gave you the order was not a great god?"

"What do you mean?"

"Let me ask you, who told you that it was the order of the Great God?" Salomon changed the way of asking, "Saul? Or Heimdall?"

"Heimelda." Sif raised her head subconsciously, but all she saw was the alloy ceiling of the Airbus. "You mean, Heimelda passed on the orders of the Great God?" Sif suddenly became nervous. Heimelda is her elder brother, and she doesn't want her brother to commit such a serious crime, "Why would he do this?"

"We can talk about this later." Salomon spotted Agent Coulson walking towards him out of the corner of his eye. He quickly interrupted the conversation and turned to greet Agent Coulson.

Agent Coulson first thanked Salomon, and then his topic quickly shifted to this mission, without staying too much on Skye's situation. Obviously, he wanted to ask Salomon privately. "We screened the abnormalities reported by the police within a radius of several hundred miles for about 48 hours." The conscientious agent said in a consistent tone, "Combined with the character profile given by Ms. Sif, we roughly judged several crimes that may have been caused by that Asgardian."

"Here, jewelry robbery." Sif took the tablet from Coulson's hand and pointed to one of the police reports. Coulson also added a robbery at a weapons store in which the culprits did not conceal their identities and were determined to be local motorcycle gangs. "Are all the motorcycle gangs men?" After receiving an affirmative answer, Sif also identified the person who controlled the group of motorcycle gangs. Surely Lorelai would be looking for men to gather men for him, gold and weapons, just as she had done six hundred years ago.

She's starting a rebellion!

Thinking of this, Sif couldn't help clenching her fists, and she looked at Salomon.

"You can't take part in this operation." She lowered her voice, "Even Thor can't resist her power."

"I repeat again, I am the heir to the supreme mage, and I am the mystic mage of Kama Taj. Do you think that woman's voice can affect me?"

"Remember, what I want is a living Lorelai!" Sif saw the maid in armor behind Salomon, and she thought of something. Sif leaned over again, stared into Salomon's eyes and emphasized, "Alive! You can't lose a finger!"

Ask for a ticket!

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