Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 385 The Anger of Scientific Research Workers (Second Change)

Just like before, Salomon denied his various psychological problems, and ROOT didn't insist on it. For her, the most important thing is to complete the tasks given by artificial intelligence, and the Immortal City is just a stop before her task. When she finishes her work here, artificial intelligence will provide her with a false identity and enough money to maintain her identity, allowing her to walk freely in the secular society.

There is no need for Salomon to worry about this part of the content. In today's world where everything is connected to the Internet, as long as it is related to human society, that machine can do it.

Maya Hansen welcomed ROOT very happily. She has been looking forward to her new colleagues for a long time. But Salomon reminded her in private, asking her to be careful about this woman. "ROOT is a real lunatic." Salomon pointed to the room behind him, "Remember that holographic projection? She used that thing as an altar, and she is now talking to God. She is a martyr now, a fanatic, such a person is irrational. When ROOT is here, I will not let those druids appear. Remember to call them and give them a few days off.

Ms. Maya Hansen shook her head and said nonchalantly, "That artificial intelligence is indeed no different from God. Isn't cybergod and cyberpsychopath the best match?"

"Just remember not to bring others into my study," Salomon said, "Only you can enter that room, remember?"

"You are really long-winded, that's my room too."

"Hmm, I still have a report here." Salomon lowered his head and pulled out a crumpled document from his dimensional bag. Brown-yellow kraft paper wraps the A4 paper, and the black logo of S.H.I.E.L.D. is printed on the front. "Confidential, confidential, confidential, repeat the important thing three times." He opened one of the pages, "This is the information about the centipede warrior. The so-called centipede warrior is to inject your Extremis virus, Chitauri alien metal and the failed version of the super soldier serum isolated from Steve Rogers into the human body. This document was secretly given to me by Agent Coulson..."

"Are you sure? I sound like the injector will explode in a second!" Maya Hansen snatched the document and looked at it carefully. Her eyes were almost glued to the paper.

"Do they think my Extremis virus is a toy? The real ability of Extremis virus is to rewrite genetic material. If it wasn't for this ability, I wouldn't take your job! Do you know what price I paid to stabilize Extremis virus..."

"Ah, fuck Stark."

"Don't mention this again, you don't know how embarrassing I am." She said while reading the file, "I didn't expect that the combination of super soldier serum and Extremis virus would achieve good results. Extremis virus can lower the super soldier's receptor threshold, but the stability is even worse. As for the Chitauri metal, I didn't expect that to be useful. If those centipede warriors didn't explode, it means that someone conducted an experiment on this to enhance the stability of Extremis virus. Hey! Look at this data!"

She yelled and pointed to the chart on the document, and her fingers hurriedly scratched the densely packed text descriptions and winding lines. Salomon saw that her fingernails left depressions on the surface of the A4 paper, just like cat scratches left on the sofa. "This is not my experimental data, someone used a different method to stabilize the Extremis virus!"

"They used the serum of a flame superpower." Salomon shrugged, "The best solution given by nature."

"Shit! It took me thirteen years to accomplish something! They actually used a superpower to achieve it! It's fucking nonsense!" Maya Hansen couldn't accept this fact. She waved the document angrily, sending a rush of wind down the corridor. Her expression was even more terrifying. If the researchers who solved the problem were standing in front of her, Salomon had no doubts that she would bite. "Damn! They used my work, and then gave an answer that they didn't even know! They just cultivated a specific substance, but they didn't know why that substance could stabilize the Extremis virus! This is an insult to me, an insult to the scientific spirit! Those researchers are trash!"


"If you let me use the fire-resistant cells of hell creatures and the Extremis virus..."

"Maya, as I said, what I want is not that kind of low-level stuff. Your Extremis virus is very powerful and important. But in this plan, the Extremis virus is just a tool, a tool for rewriting DNA, a tool for precisely setting artificial organ cultivation. Our enemies are not humans, remember? Heaven, hell, all extradimensional creatures and black magic creatures are our enemies. We want those fighters to have power beyond humans, and we want to use those fighters to crush the enemies of humans."

"Okay, okay, I understand what you mean. I'm just angry that someone used the Extremis virus indiscriminately." Maya Hansen seemed to calm down. She slapped the document on Salomon's chest, "The reduction drug that Agent Coulson requested doesn't exist, do you understand? When the Extremis virus is injected, the DNA of the test subject will be tampered with. Unless I have the original DNA sample of the test subject, and then delete and write one base after another, otherwise it is impossible to obtain the antidote. This is a lot of work, and I don't have time. If you inject it casually, the biggest possibility is that everyone who is injected with the antidote will suffer from acquired Down's syndrome."

"I'm just asking casually, don't take it to heart. Let Agent Coulson worry about it himself, and I'll tell him there's no antidote." Salomon smiled, "You also have a vacation today, and accompany ROOT to buy some clothes you like. You know my bank card PIN, which is the one I put in the drawer."

Maya Hansen let out a long sigh of relief, and she asked, "What about you?"

"Me?" Salomon took out the timetable from the dimension bag, and looked at the gift that Beunita gave him. "In about three minutes, I'm going to learn today's new magic. Today's arrangement is evocation spells, and by the way, I will also review yesterday's necromancy spells. Oh, after Nick Fury's condemned prisoners are delivered, you can start the experiment, and I can use the materials that failed the experiment as necromancy research materials. I can finally start learning the rotting sac spell that I have been thinking about for a long time."

"What it is?"

"Plague. Plague has always been one of the ultimate means of necromancy, and the spells about plague can be learned from the very first contact with necromancy. Remember I told you that the essence of necromancy is to exercise positive and negative energy spells? Karma Taj's mystics are all people with a high affinity with positive and negative energies, so they are also attracted by the dark dimension, hell and abyss, and become black wizards who practice necromancy. core idea."

Having said that, Salomon couldn't help curling his lips. He said, "Of course, not many people learn this kind of knowledge. After all, necromancy is so difficult, so smelly, and unpleasant, and you have to dig up corpses everywhere. If you are not careful, it will lead to a biochemical crisis. There are no gorgeous explosions and cool summons, let alone dizzying illusions and the ability to manipulate human nature. If it is not for the young people in the dark punk, very few people will learn this school of spells. However, if I make some progress in necromancy, maybe I can help you. gone."

"You are so sweet."

Ask for a ticket!

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