Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 348 The Power of Faith (Part 1)

Iron and steel, burning blood, ionized ozone, and a small amount of earth melted by high temperature all gave off a pungent and choking smell. Some things that could not be distinguished from corpse fragments or soil spread all over the courtyard. Half of the ancient building collapsed, only a tall stained glass window miraculously survived.

After being put down by Phoenix, Salomon still took a few steps unsteadily.

He is very grateful that he is wearing armor now, the shock wave has severely affected his semicircular canals, if it were not for the protection of this armor and shield, his organs are now likely to become a pile of minced meat (not sure, no one has tried it). But dizziness still filled his mind, powder blue and bright red light spots accompanied by large shadows flashed quickly in front of his eyes, even if he closed his eyes, he could still see these dizzying things.

Although the reactor explosion was severe, it was miraculously not spread across the entire University of Greenwich campus and the other side of the Thames. This explosion intensified the impact of the celestial body convergence to some extent, part of the diffuse smoke and dust was inexplicably missing, some shock waves and expanding air crashed into other countries, and some things that were not from the earth itself were also sucked out by the negative pressure—the ice and snow in Jotunheim, the wild salamanders in Muspelheim, the goblins in Alfheim (that is, flower fairies), and various things that Salomon had never seen.

After briefly confirming that the artificial man did not cause damage due to the impact, Salomon immediately asked Phoenix to look for the dark elf soldiers who were scattered around to arrest ordinary people. Because of the advance notice from the mystic, those dark elf soldiers didn't get much. The only prey they could find were a few students who were full of rebellious spirit and were hiding in the campus. Even the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't know where they were hiding before.

Sif shook her head and sat up from the ground.

The physique of the Asgardian is much stronger than that of the dark elves, and the time it takes for her to regain consciousness is also shorter than that of the dark elves. After waking up, she subconsciously gave a sword to the dark elf soldier lying beside her, but she moved her hand only to find that she had already slaughtered this guy before, and she couldn't expect another result when the blade stabbed the dead flesh.

"Anyway, you don't mind being killed a second time." She muttered and stood up. She patted the dust on her head, and by the way, she pulled up the dizzy Vosta. Sif looked around and found Malekith, the king of the dark elves rising higher and higher, but Thor was nowhere to be seen. Worry filled all her thoughts, she wanted to run over to check the situation, but within two steps she was swallowed by a naturally formed portal.

The same thing happened not only to her, Salomon just watched Phoenix take off and disappear in an instant, and the magic he shot at Malekith was distorted by the chaotic gravity in an instant, adding another scar to the library of the University of Greenwich. Now he dared not move. Before he found a clear path to Malekith, he might be thrown into other kingdoms at any time—if he was thrown into the magma of Muspelheim, he didn't think he would survive.

"By the Vipers of Valtorr! You will be stopped" Salomon whispered the spell, and thousands of black and green vipers gathered together appeared out of thin air and swam towards Malekith. A large number of Fodo poisonous snakes disappeared inexplicably, and only a small number of summoned creatures arrived at the feet of Malekith.

that's enough.

Salomon took over the shield from the artificial man and galloped forward along the traces of the snakes. The bolt gun in the hand of the android kept thundering, and she followed behind her master and kept shooting at Malekith, buying time for Salomon's attack.

Every time Salomon took a step forward, his figure seemed to grow taller. The armor made a rattling sound of metal collisions, and the back of the armor deformed again. A stream of flames as high as a person shot out, pushing Salomon to accelerate to a subsonic speed. He took off directly below Malekith with fierce momentum and terrifying rage, and the reaction force even caused a small explosion in the soil under his feet.

"Death, alien!" he roared, jumping towards the king of dark elves wrapped in ether particles. His speed was extremely fast, and he swung his sword at a speed that ordinary people couldn't see clearly. The holy sword collided with the ether particles from bottom to top. With the dragon wing thruster and the power brought to him by the stigmata, the holy sword swung like lightning abruptly cut into Malekith's protective spell.

Using his shield as a hammer, he charged at Malekith, who was exposed to the air.

After a deafening crash, Malekith and Salomon fell into the wreckage of the library, smashing the remaining huge stone pillars. But before Salomon got up and swung his sword again, ether particles spewed out from Malekith again, and gathered into a huge battering ram under the will of the Dark Elf King, giving Salomon a severe blow. Malekith stood up from the ruins expressionlessly. His face was visibly wilted and dry. Without saying a word, he just rushed towards Salomon who fell backwards.

The crimson sea waves surged behind him, propelling him towards Salomon like a terrifying sea of ​​blood.

Salomon, who rolled several times on the ground that was originally grass but now scorched earth, quickly raised his shield to block Malekith's heavy punch, but he was still hit by the solid star dart formed by countless ether particles. The huge kinetic energy pushed him out abruptly, and his feet wrapped in iron armor plowed two deep scratches on the ground.

Malekith didn't waste time, he had to deal with this enemy as soon as possible, so as not to miss the critical moment of celestial body convergence. The original darkness and ether particles he believed in were warning him that the enemy in front of him was his archenemy, an enemy more difficult than the Asgardians.

After the attack of the aether particles, Malekith came, his power was stronger than the cursed warrior under the amplification of the aether particles, his speed was just a blurred afterimage in the eyes of ordinary people, and the sound of his fist hitting the shield could be heard throughout London.

Under such force, Salomon flew upside down again. The bullets fired by the man-made man were swallowed up by ether particles, and the explosive warhead disappeared after falling into the ether ocean without causing any splash. Before the artificial man came to the rescue with the giant sword, Malekith directed the ether particles and collided with the holy sword wielded by Salomon, just like a tsunami, and the crimson ocean once again set off an astonishing wave.

They tumbled into a gap in space together. The next moment, Salomon and Malekith fell out of the Thames, and the crimson substance surrounded them. They fell into the river, made a big splash and disappeared.

With flames all over his body, holding a war hammer, and holding Loki in green and gold armor with a helpless face in his hand, he jumped out of the financial district of London. The God of Mischief was taught a lesson by his brother before he convinced Thor that he had just accidentally traveled to another realm.

At this time, a grand mass was being held, and Father Molu was presiding over the grand ceremony held by all members of the secret order. He was wearing a tall white crown and held a golden cross scepter. All the priests listened to the scriptures sung by the chorus. They confessed under the leadership of Father Moru, and all the clergy prayed with rosary beads in hand.

This kind of ritual is ancient and mysterious. The mass is a secret ritual unique to secret religious orders, and it is rarely held even within the church. Both the holy ointment and the vestments worn by the clergy attending Mass have been consecrated. The "Bible" they hold is also a hardcover copy written by the clergy in Rome after the Nicaea Conference.

As the ceremony progressed, their voices converged on the mountains, sunlight climbed across the stained-glass windows depicting the crucifixion, blinding spots of light converged on the backs of figures' heads, and blood dripped from the saint's pity eyes and pained face.

A silver-white carrier pigeon stands and is bathed in bright light, a roll of parchment sealed with wax is quietly beside it, and mysterious power reverberates in the etheric plane.

Where they couldn't see, Salomon, who was fighting with Malekith, was being shrouded in a layer of brighter golden light. Salomon's speed became faster and stronger, and his sword blade flashed like thunder in the dark world. The stigmata seemed to have obtained some kind of long-awaited fuel. The source of Kabbalah was completely ignited, and his spirit was burned by an invisible flame. His soul was filled with pain and satisfaction.

In the star world, his soul grew taller, and his battle cry set off a stormy sea in the spiritual world like a heavy punch. Heaven received the long-awaited news. Meltalon spread the news of the revival of Abraham's blood throughout the seven and three heavens, and Gabriel blew the horn, announcing the coming of judgment. The angels spread their wings, laughed and played, and sang hymns.

There were also roars from hell and the abyss. Demons and devils raised their weapons and let out vicious growls. They seemed to have received a signal. The bloody battle that had been stagnant since ancient times began uncontrollably again. The creatures of the lower planes will sacrifice their blood and souls to the Seventh Throne.

Salomon entered into an unconscious fighting state. At this moment, there were no distracting thoughts in his mind, and rage occupied all his thoughts. He can't tolerate any heretics setting foot on the sacred land, and his only idea is to kill this hateful alien and save mankind.

【We proclaim your death, we sing of your resurrection, we look forward to your glorious coming】

"Alien!" Salomon raised his long sword in his hand, and the light gathered above his head. He stood like a god standing in the black storm, and he was the only light in this dark world. Holding the holy sword high, he issued judgment on the enemy of mankind. The believers drank the holy blood. At this moment, the golden flames surged and resisted the tentacles formed by ether particles that could tear apart steel. Countless tiny souls wailed and echoed in the spiritual world before being annihilated by this golden force.

【All nations in the world, universal authority, all glory belongs to you forever】


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