Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 346 High-altitude Jump (Part 1)

Two heads are brought together in front of the glowing screen in the center of the Airbus, the one on the left with a healthier and more youthful hairline and slightly more hair count. However, Salomon was not proud of it. He was staring intently at the screen provided by S.H.I.E.L.D., watching teams of special operators wearing S.H.I.E.L.D. armbands enter the University of Greenwich.

From the footage from the camera they carried with them, Salomon could see the Greenwich Observatory in the distance.

When the mystic asked why the S.H.I.E.L.D. team was able to walk on British soil majestically, Agent Coulson still used the old tricks to perfunctory. "SHIELD is an international organization, and this is an agreement between democracies." Perhaps Coulson was answering sincerely, but Salomon always thought he was lying. "This is completely different from totalitarianism. I believe those special forces members think the same way, and they see it as help. They are all British, and some have served in the SAS. They have solved many premeditated terrorist attacks. They are all very powerful fighters."

"No matter how powerful it is, it is still not enough compared to the dark elves." Salomon turned his head to thank Simmons for the hot cocoa, and expressed his appreciation for the work of the science team. Today, after communicating with Dr. Eric Shavig, Fitz of the science team has achieved certain results. Before long, he would be able to calculate the exact location of the celestial conjunction.

Agent Coulson wants Fitz to promise that he will never run around naked like the astronomy professor after receiving the mental pollution of Dr. Eric Savage. Fitz agreed, but it seemed that his confidence was not as strong as that of Agent Coulson, because Dr. Eric Shavig's theory was really absurd. Fitz didn't think it was something that could be learned or speculated at the current level of astronomy. He believed that this knowledge must have its source.

The thought made Fitz very uneasy.

"You know our enemy well?" Agent Coulson raised his eyebrows with interest. He was also given a cup of hot cocoa, but he didn't take a few sips before placing the cup on the holographic projection table. At this time, the plane has been hovering at high altitude according to Salomon's instructions, so as to avoid being cut off by the space gap when the sky meets. The engine designed by Stark is very good, and the liquid in the cup is as calm as a lake. Of course, this is also inseparable from the pilot's superb driving skills. Melinda May manipulates the plane like she manipulates her limbs.

"Several times." Salomon said while drinking hot cocoa. The mug in his hand was custom-made by Fitz, a pure white mug with a silly fat cat printed on it. "They have a gravity weapon, which is a throwing weapon," he said, "that twists gravity in a small area, like a black hole, that squeezes everything together. If your agent gets hit by something like that, you're going to have a hard time finding his body again, because I guess the wreckage is probably no bigger than a fist—but don't worry, it's definitely whole, just compressed, and you just need a can to fill it up."

"Then we need to evacuate the crowd." Agent Coulson pointed to the screen, "The special forces team has taken care of the security guards, and now ordinary people in the entire school are being evacuated. If I'm not mistaken, the protest call from Downing Street will come in a while. Are you interested in listening? I think you, as King Arthur's heir, should have something to tell them?"

The agent's last words sounded like sarcasm, and Salomon shot him a blank stare in response.

"Well, it looks like you're not interested. I just hope you've got enough weapons—I mean, I hope your assistants have enough, if the Dark Elves are as scary as you say they are."


When the invisible alien warship revealed its huge figure, all the people standing on the ground raised their heads involuntarily to look at the sky.

Melinda May pulled up the airbus in an emergency, and the towering spikes of the Dark Elf flagship narrowly slipped across the belly of the plane. Although the razor-like alien flagship has been flamed out, its huge mass and strong materials allow it to plow deeply into the ground of the atrium of the University of Greenwich. The secret service team and the Asgardian heroic warriors undoubtedly also discovered this situation, and they were rushing towards the atrium.

When Salomon stepped down from the cargo hold, he saw the artificial man who was ready and the female hacker rubbing her butt with a painful face. The mystic ignored the hapless man who had fallen from the emergency maneuver. "Now, activate the constructs," he said. "I need them to meet the dark elves."

"Master, the construct is ready."

"Very good, I'll open the portal now." Salomon turned his wrist, and a circle sprayed with orange-red sparks appeared on the grass in the atrium, and the constructs belonging to Salomon came out of the portal. These combat constructs follow the pragmatism of the mystic. The minimalist head with a strong light tube and the limbs with sharp blades specially made for combat interpret this style. The exposed gears illustrate Salomon's attitude towards consumables.

As soon as these constructs appeared, they rushed towards the battleship of the dark elves. Under the command of the artificial man, they climbed on the battleship with razor-like hands and feet. Due to the aesthetics of the dark elves, they installed the elevator in the most conspicuous middle position without any protection, which also gave the constructs a chance to pounce on the falling cabin, like spiders clinging to the elevator.

However, the materials used by the dark elves are a bit too good. All the constructs can do is to leave small holes in the black cabin, preventing the constructs of the cabin from being twisted and shattered. But even though they couldn't cause too much damage to the machinery, when the dark elf soldiers walked out of the cabin, the blade-like limbs still played a role.

They swung their long, thin blades at the hatchway, cutting the reckless dark elf soldiers into thin slices of soggy, bloody flesh. Due to the programming, they are also very interested in cutting up the fallen dark elves.

The constructs faithfully fulfilled Salomon's orders, and they did not give the dark elves a chance to come out.

But Salomon knew that the constructs couldn't hold back the dark elves for too long, and they had already started to fight back.

"You..." Fear came to Skye's mind. She didn't experience the Battle of New York herself, but learned about it from the Internet. But when the alien battleship really appeared in front of her eyes, that sense of fear burst out from the depths of human genes. "What are you going to do?" She saw that Salomon's neck was constantly covered with bright silver armor, and suddenly felt that the arrogance of the guy in front of her was justified, "Are you sure you can handle it?"

"I have encountered a more terrifying enemy than this, miss." When the armor formed a ferocious jaw, the mystic glanced at the panicked hacker. "Don't worry." He reversed his previous attitude and comforted, "The dark elves themselves are not powerful, the trouble is another thing."


Salomon, whose head was completely covered by armor, did not answer, and Skye could not observe the expression of the mystic from the dark eyes. She saw that the transformation of the armor did not end there, and she saw it more clearly as Salomon walked towards the cargo bay with his back turned to her.

Skye saw that the bright silver shoulder armor on both sides was raised high, forming two huge polygonal structures together with the carapace. After completing the transformation, Salomon reached out and hugged the android assistant in a black skirt. The joyful expression of the android gave Skye a premonition, and she dodged in time, but the hot wind blowing her face made her somersault.

Before she closed her eyes due to the strong wind, she saw the flames gushing out from the polygonal structure, and the unparalleled power brought Salomon and the androids down from the cargo hold of the plane.

"Bastard!" Skye protested hard, out of earshot, as he stretched out a hand on the cargo floor.

Write slowly, write slowly, write while you're paid to shit.

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