Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 282: Employment Contract (Part 1)

Salomon's magic contract has always been fair, and everyone who has signed it agrees.

Look at Nick Fury, after signing so many contracts, he is still alive and kicking, and he can even jump up to find fault with Salomon, taking advantage of the loopholes. Mystics can't add unequal clauses to the contract just because they are unhappy. The contract is based on Emperor Weishan, and the most basic fairness and justice must be there. Emperor Weishan is not some evil god.

Of course, if Dormammu is used as evidence, then no matter how evil it comes. The deed of sale is the most basic, and Salomon will lose money if he doesn't put the words in a punctuation mark. It's just that on the surface he can't do this kind of thing. Emperor Weishan is still very strict with the mystics under him, and only the supreme mage can make Emperor Weishan more tolerant.

To be honest, tolerance is too much. Salomon thought that Emperor Weissandi knew what the Supreme Mage had done to Dormammu, otherwise, the source of the Supreme Mage's magic power would be compromised by absorbing the magic power of the Dark Dimension. Salomon believed that although he could also absorb the power of the Dark Dimension, the contract formed by the three rings was really unclear.

If punishment is unknown, power is unpredictable. Contracts with unclear terms made him very uncomfortable.

Take the last time he summoned Weishandi's magic power to try to cover the gate of hell. The god of white magic, Oshutu, insisted on making him suffer a little injury. Although that injury was nothing compared to the price he should pay for summoning magic power, it could be seen that Oshutu was not that friendly to Salomon.

Therefore, Salomon generally would not overly test Weissant's attitude. If he had to, he would be more willing to talk to Agamotto, who was relatively respectful of humans. The Supreme Mage should be responsible for the entire material universe, but the Venerable was partial to humans, which made Oshutu and Hogos very annoyed. Otherwise, Weissandi would not be so forceful to ask the Venerable to hand over the title to Strange.

That's why the Supreme Mage separated his titles and gave part of them to Salomon, so as to ensure that Kama Taj always stood on the human side.

Having said that, although Weishandi's contract emphasizes fairness and justice, how to write the contract depends on the writer's own ability. The contract that Salomon handed to Sola's Red Forest Sect is a very strict contract, including but not limited to the restrictions of hiding the secret of the Immortal City in the soul and not being able to say his name. At the same time, the rewards he gave were also very generous. His promise to help these druids complete their inheritance was not some "too beautiful language" (Shakespeare's language), he was serious.

The spells of druids come from nature, and the four elemental spells that make up nature are the strengths of druids. Mystics can use some evocation spells as spells that druids can learn. Although he can't complete the spells in the wilderness form, he can still reverse some spells through transfiguration. As for the ability to slow down aging and the unique spells that druids should have, Salomon can only ask Balthazar. He thinks that Balthazar will not refuse him.

Mariana Stern was the first to receive the contract as the High Priest. She roughly glanced at the contract, and then looked at Salomon who was sitting on the old sofa and handwriting other contracts. She suddenly felt that the contract written in dark green ink in her hand was extremely heavy, and the dust in the air was choking her breathless.

All of this happened too suddenly, and the Druid Order had different opinions on whether to accept the solicitation. The mystic suggested that they could show them the future workplace first, which allowed them to put aside their differences for the time being.

"Your contract doesn't require us to fight for you, why?" The high priest asked the question after handing over the contract to his companions, "We can exorcise demons and divination..."

"You are too weak." Salomon's eyes were still fixed on the parchment. Writing a contract required great concentration, and one letter could not be wrong. "That's right, it's very weak. You can't even use Raymond Gayton's magic circle. In the world of magic, weakness equals stupidity, and stupid spellcasters will always cause trouble." The mystic didn't even change his expression when he belittled the druids. "I need you as research assistants to help me perfect my research on mutagenic potion alchemy. When your colleagues from the biological science department come back, you will know what I want."

Gerald seemed very dissatisfied with Salomon's disdain, or maybe he just didn't like Salomon's London accent, or maybe he was an arrogant American youth. But anyway, he looked like he wanted to try Salomon's skills - but the mystic just waved his hand and made him disappear in place. A moment later, Gerald was flailing wildly and wailing as he fell from the soaring rocky ceiling of the Immortal City.

When he was about to hit the ground, he stopped abruptly, as if an invisible big hook hooked him up.

"Knowledge is power, this is not empty talk. Too much of your sect's inheritance has been lost, and I don't know how much your sect learned from Merlin at the beginning, but now it seems that it is far from enough." The mystic master put the newly written contract into the hands of the staggered, panic-stricken blond young man Gerald who re-entered the building. What Gerald didn't know was that he was very lucky not to exceed this magical limit of weight, otherwise his head would hit the floor, and Salomon didn't know his weight beforehand.

Others in the religious order were obviously a little afraid of Salomon's spellcasting just now, which was more visually impactful than seizing control of the magic circle in the mansion. But for Mariana Stern, a high priest who is more knowledgeable than others, seizing control of the magic circle is even more powerful for Salomon.

"You need to learn. By signing the contract, you will be able to get rid of the small troubles of the past and get in touch with the essence of this world formally. You will be able to gain knowledge and... life. Believe me, I have seen druids who have lived for more than a thousand years. No matter how bad you are, you can still live for more than a hundred years."

"I agree!" Mariana Stern's thick lenses reflected the light yellow light. Although her tone was calm, the excitement in her heart could not be concealed. "I agree." She emphasized again, "As long as you agree to everything in the contract!"

"Of course, the contract is binding on both of us. Now, choose the residence you want in this building, one person per room, and you can use the teleportation circle to go to Felgreen Hall. Please also abide by the working hours. The protective spell here is not a joke. You may not be able to find it, but absolutely don't try to touch things that shouldn't be touched."

"What happens if you touch it?" Karim asked.

"It's nothing, you'll just die. It's dangerous here, don't go exploring in unstable areas, I won't rescue you, because this is a private act, not the employer's obligation." The mystic shrugged, "In addition, there is a contract to be signed tomorrow, which is the employee's code of conduct. What I signed today is just an employment contract and a confidentiality agreement. Oh, I almost forgot, you also have a boss—the apprentice of Merlin's apprentice, the heir of the orthodox Merlin Wizard Order, and I will bring him to see you."

"No no no no no!" Dave shook his head desperately, and afterimages appeared soon, "I don't want to go to some dungeon to stay! Look at me, I'm studying environmental science now, how can your magician business disrupt my life?"

"You are also a spellcaster, Dave." Salomon leaned on the folding desk in the lecture theater, and he said patiently, "Do you dare to say that you have never touched the holy sword? Have you forgotten the duty that Balthazar gave you?"

"The custodian of the holy sword, I know." Dave also put down the book in his hand, "Look at me, I still have a girlfriend, I can't go to work in your secret base. And do you know that falling in love is expensive? I need to work in a company for ordinary people!"

"I don't want you to go now, you haven't even learned a few Druid spells. Don't look at me like this, your learning progress is too slow, Balthazar has complained several times. How is your Transfiguration learning? What about alchemy? Balthazar expects your spellcasting level to surpass his - not to mention being as ever-changing as Merlin, you must at least be able to transform into an animal, right?"

Dave looked helplessly at the face of the mystic, he felt that since he learned magic, his pimples started to hurt again.

"I found a wandering Camelot wizard group. You should lead them. You can be called the high priest of the Druid order. Maybe the Supreme Merlin is just a joke, but your talent is not that bad."

"It sucks compared to you."

"except me……"

"Well, tell me what you want to do?"

"Human mutation..."

"Oh my God! I'm studying environmental science, not biology!" Dave scratched his hair irritably, so that Salomon could smell the house smell on him. Well, it's very druid.

"Druid inheritance also has some research on diseases. I need you to accurately induce diseases in my subjects to form immunity."

"Wait, are you doing human experiments?"

"It hasn't started yet, and even animal experiments haven't been done yet."

"But your goal is human experimentation, isn't it?"


"You know what you're doing, don't you?"

"Yes, I know exactly what I'm doing. Maybe Balthazar didn't tell you what Karma Taj's job is, but it's time for you to accept the cruel reality. The magical world is not a fairy tale world."

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