Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 238 Alcoholic Black Priest Doesn't Dream of Ghost Rider (Second)

Since the giant sword was carried by a very delicate girl, it looked like some kind of film and television props made of foam, so Salomon and the artificial man did not stop them when they entered the supermarket. Of course, it is also possible that the fat elderly security guard was dozing off at the door, but in any case, with the help of glib skills and language proficiency, Salomon still managed to find out something from the cashier. It cost about $20—nobody can't remember a man who wore a leather jacket every day, was covered in greasy clothes, and often came to buy wine. The cashier said that the man must not take a shower often, and the leather jacket almost stinks. If it wasn't for the sake of doing business, the man wouldn't be able to get in at all.

"If you want me to say, I don't want to enter that place." After leaving the supermarket, Salomon said to the artificial man in English, "It's full of the smell of discarded baby diapers fermented. I can imagine what the toilet in the supermarket is like, and what kind of person can stay there for so long. We have got the clue, the man smelling like motor oil, and we also know the location of the abandoned garage. The next thing to do is to go there and see.”

"Yes, Master." The artificial lady didn't express any opinion on Salomon's complaint, she just faithfully carried out the orders given by the mystic.

However, when Salomon and the robot station arrived at the abandoned garage through the portal, they found that it couldn't be worse. There is a somewhat pungent smell of engine oil everywhere, and the black sandy soil under your feet, the pale concrete, and the mottled and rusted iron walls around you also emit a cold and greasy smell. Perhaps there was some important maintenance in the last century factory, but is now deserted.

Usually no one would come here, and even homeless people would not like to live in such a remote place, because it was some distance from the city, and it was not that convenient to get food. There is no water and electricity here, and the people who used to live here have moved into the city long ago, and even wild animals are unwilling to come here, so Salomon didn't expect to meet other people besides the target here.

"You can control that demon and make it work for you, can't you? You are stronger than the deep, hungry one."

"Who are you?" Salomon stared at the black man in front of him who smelled of alcohol. One of the targets this time, Johnny Blazer ignored anyone, but covered his forehead and looked at himself. He came out and leaned on his motorcycle which was covered by a tarpaulin.

"Who the hell are you?" The black man in a tattered leather coat looked up and down at the mystic and the artificial man, and the red holy relic cloth on Salomon caught his attention. He turned to Johnny Blazer and asked, "Is there anyone else coming to you?"

"Hey, let me go first, I have something to ask him." The mystic squeezed over from the black man who smelled of alcohol, and the man-made man stood aside, ready to attack with his giant sword at any time. Salomon grabbed Johnny Blazer by the collar and shook the guy hard, trying to wake the guy up, "Tell me, Johnny, how did you escape from America? Who is helping you cover up?" whereabouts?"

"I don't know... who the hell are you?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet." Salomon let go of his hand, took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket, and put them on to prevent himself from touching the stubborn oil stains on the leather jacket. , the last incarnation of Mephisto you met was sent to be melted by us, and it was we who saved your girlfriend. I think you must have checked something after what happened that night, I hope Carter · Sorey spoke in enough detail so that I can save myself a few words. Never mind, the S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely target you for making such a big commotion, and we, Kama Taj, will not place our hopes on A vengeful spirit that cannot control itself."

"Hey, wizard!" Molu didn't know what Kama Taj was, but the more he looked at the relic, the more familiar it became. "Where did you steal your relic from?"

"I don't know about that. After all, this is something given to me by the Supreme Mage." Salomon waved his hand back, signaling the artificial man to pull the black man away, so as not to disturb his inquiry work. He said to Johnny Blazer, "I met your girlfriend before I left..."


"Great, you haven't lost your memory due to excessive drinking, so it's really time for me to come!" The mystic twitched the corners of his mouth symbolically, showing an extremely perfunctory smile, "She said she would punch you a few times, Johnny Blazer. Now, tell me, is there anyone helping you? If your answer satisfies me..."

"Do you think I would look like this if someone helped me?"

"Hey, hey! F*uck, I won't hurt your little boyfriend, let me go, shit! Why are you so strong? Listen, wizard, Ghost Rider has a very important mission now, where is he Don't go either!" Molu tried to squeeze over, but he was held firmly by the artificial man and couldn't take a step. Stretching out his hand, he held a photo in his hand, "Ghost Rider wants to save him! If your conscience has not been completely swallowed by witchcraft, let him go and let him do what he was destined to do !"

"Great!" Salomon let go of Johnny Blazer with a smile on his face. He turned and walked over, taking the photo in Molu's hand. "Is this the daemon?" he asked. "It doesn't look like anything special. Has he embraced the devil's blood within him?"

"You're looking for him too? What do you want to do to him?" Molu was surprised at first, and then angry. He wanted to rush up, but was easily subdued by the artificial man, and could only kneel on the ground. He yelled angrily, "I know the virtues of you wizards! You will do anything to gain power. F*uck, let me go! I warn you, don't hurt this boy, he's innocent!" I should have thought of it a long time ago! I thought you were still young, and your soul could still be saved, but I didn't expect you to be like all wizards!"

"The ending of that tiefling is judged by the circumstances, not by me." Salomon shook his head and put the photo into his dimensional bag, "Where is this boy?"

"Your target is not Ghost Rider, but this boy, isn't it? Are you that devil's lackey?" The black man kept struggling, but failed. He closed his eyes and whispered a prayer, then he raised his head again and spat at Salomon, "Go away, devil's lackey, you don't want to know anything about this boy from the servant of God." Message! Knight, stand up, find that boy, save him, and I will redeem your soul!"

The mystic spread his hands full of doubts. He didn't know how he became Mephisto's servant?

"Ahem, you..." Salomon was about to speak when his shoulder was patted.

"Give me the photo." Johnny Blazer's voice was full of impatience, "Give me the photo."

"Tsk, my dear Ghost Rider, you seem to have provoked the wrong person." Salomon said with a smile, and he looked at the priest kneeling on the ground again, "Dear priest, if I were you, now is the time to kneel down and worship Abraham." It's time for the spokesperson of the gods."

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