Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 211 Stepping up to the first step (first update!)

ps: This chapter is not recommended to watch on the way to work, the logic is complicated and you may feel dizzy.

Tony Stark from the future didn't trust Salomon a little, and so did his companions, who all looked suspiciously at the mystic on horseback. Only the future Dr. Banner kindly reminded others to hide in corners where the cameras could not capture them, so as to prevent them from being discovered by others. The future Captain Rogers originally wanted Dr. Banner to perform the mission, but was stopped by Salomon. "Strange is still undergoing surgery now." The mystic said, "he is still a narcissist who has not learned manners, just as annoying as you, Stark. I really don't understand, why It is amazing to nature that such a person can live well into adulthood."

Captain Rogers nodded approvingly.

"You seem to know a lot of things." The older Stark didn't care about Salomon's complaints. If it were him in the past, he would have been unable to hold back his restless emotions—or maybe it was because he was executing An important task, I have to suppress my emotions that I want to refute. Stark felt dizzy after glancing at the symbols and lines on the scroll, so he quickly put the parchment aside. It could be some code, but he didn't have time to crack it now.

Stark raised his head and asked the mystic, "Are all magicians as mysterious as Strange? I want to hear your explanation...but please be quick and as brief as possible."

"I proposed a deal." Salomon exhaled hot breath, he shook his fingers, "You want to borrow the Infinity Stones, but the lack of Infinity Stones will cause problems in this universe, my teacher will not agree to this It’s okay. Note that the current Supreme Sorcerer is not Strange, and the future Supreme Sorcerer of this universe may not necessarily be Strange, this is the difference in the multiverse.”

"We understand your concern." Captain Rogers tried to piece together some words to convince Salomon, "But we will return the Infinity Stone within a few minutes after borrowing it, I don't know if you can understand this... From the way you look, you're someone who understands this. The absence of a few minutes shouldn't cause much of a problem, am I right, Tony?"

"That's right, the old guy finally got it right once." Stark nodded in agreement.

"Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to see the possibility of your success, and this possibility is still proceeding according to the plan. Although I hate this idiot, I have to admit his talent--the one who wants to kill himself Talent." Salomon looked at the four people who came here through the parallel world, "Actually, the Infinity Stones in your universe will not disappear, they just exist somewhere in some form, I miss you There may not be time to look for it. So, you need insurance - this person is me. I must guarantee that no matter what the outcome is, the three Infinity Stones you borrowed from this time will return to this universe, can you agree?"

Salomon's request was reasonable, and the travelers of the multiverse agreed with him.

"How do you know this information." Stark still has another question, "You are a person from this universe and have never been to our universe. Why do you know so much about what happened in our world?"

"Because this happened before you traveled through the world. Time is not linear. This is an extension of the parallel world. You should be able to understand this." The mystic said, "As for why I know these things?" ...I can only tell you that this is my subject."

"So, can you borrow the Time Stone for us?" asked Dr. Banner.

"You still need to convince my teacher yourself." The mystic shook his head, "If I have the insurance, I think my teacher may want to take a gamble and open up possibilities for the future."

"Then how are you going to go back with us?" Stark winked at Captain Rogers. He thought Salomon had some kind of bad plan: like detaining someone here and picking them up after the mission was done. But Stark disagreed with this idea from the bottom of his heart. Compared with Salomon, who had just met for a short time, he was more willing to trust his teammates.

"Your battle uniform." The mystic raised his head and glanced at the giant beast that cast a huge shadow on the ground. He has no time, so he has to speak faster: "The time for you to return the gems can only be at a time other than the scene where you interfere later, for example, now is an excellent opportunity. The returned gems can be placed in a place that is not very The location that is easy to be found, and then notify the person who originally held the gemstone after you leave now, so that the disturbance to this universe is minimal.

That is to say, there are two of you at this point in time, and one of you will appear in three parallel universes at the same time. This person is the one who returns the gem. No matter who this person is, only I know, so as not to affect you now. So we're going to agree on a time - when I finish saying this, you go on your mission, and I'm going to stay here for a minute.

The person who returned the gems came here and continued to return the gems after giving me the extra battle suit. The return time set on that suit is the same as your return time. At some point after this incident, I will put on my battle suit and appear in your universe with you to ensure the smooth return of the Infinity Stones. "

"But since we can all return the gems, why do we need insurance?"

"Because this is a multiverse, Dr. Banner." Salomon replied, "If someone will give me the battle suit, then the mission experienced by the person who returns the gem is the possibility of your future success. But But it doesn’t explain anything, because what you may experience is the possibility of failure—as long as there is a possibility of success, someone will return the gem, but this person is not from the same parallel world, and the universe you borrowed the gem from is not the same. One. So this is a gamble, so I have to follow you to ensure that the continuity of all parallel universes will not be destroyed because of you. Do you agree with this?"

Salomon's idea is also very simple to say. For example, the person who returned the gem is Captain America. The Captain America at this time is called No. 1, the Captain America who came across the parallel world is No. 2, and the Captain America who returned the gem after the battle is successful is No. 3. The Captain America that Salomon is waiting for now is Captain America No. 3, because this captain has not yet appeared, he has to wait here for a minute, take the quantum suit from Captain America No. 3, and then at some time in the future Click to activate the suit, and appear in the parallel world of Captain America No. 2 together with Captain America No. 2.

Captain America No. 3 is the possibility of Captain America No. 2's success in the future, but this does not mean that Captain America No. 2 will definitely become Captain America No. 3, and it may also be No. 4 who failed in the battle.

And Salomon's mission is, no matter whether their mission is successful or failed, no matter whether this Captain America will become No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, or even No. 17 million, he must bring back the gems, or ensure that Captain America #2 becomes Captain America #3.

Observe the effect first, and then determine the cause.

"Agree." Dr. Banner nodded thoughtfully.

"Agreed." Stark had no opinion after thinking for a while.

"Agreed." Captain Rogers decided to hand over this complicated issue to the other two smart people in the team.

"Uh...agreed." Ant-Man was just making up the numbers, and he felt that there was no difference between whether he agreed or not.

"Very good. So, now the mission begins." Salomon was glad that they could agree to this, otherwise he would now confront them with swords. This is for the sake of safety. After all, the life and death of another parallel universe is not that important to people living in this universe. If there is no certainty, it is extremely irresponsible to lend the Infinity Stone to the parallel universe. Salomon believes that His Holiness would also agree with him.

"Calibrate the time, start timing, I am waiting for your future possibilities. Don't think about running, I know when you will get the gems."


The lance pierced through the head of the giant beast. Pegasus flapped his wings again, and the lance passed through the thick metal plate and came out from the other side of the head of the giant beast. The unparalleled strength even nailed the giant beast to the ground. on the wall of the building. But soon, as the giant beast died completely, the anti-gravity device supporting the giant beast's floating also failed, and its heavy body was pulled down by gravity again. Fortunately, Salomon pulled out his lance in time to avoid The embarrassing scene of being dragged down together.

This is the third behemoth that Salomon has hunted and killed. At this time, Bruce Banner in this time and space has been transported to the battlefield by the S.H.I.E.L.D. with a Quin-jet fighter. The mystic has to admit that Hulk, a guy with a head full of muscles, is really powerful. You can only experience that shocking feeling when you see him stop the dragon car with his fist. It is said that Hulk's strength is as long as he is angry enough. There is no upper limit.

Salomon didn't know if the statement was true or not, but it now seemed likely to be true.

He only hoped that Hulk wouldn't hold grudges, and wouldn't give him a sudden attack, so he wouldn't be able to guard against it. So far, he has not solved many stigmata, and his body has not fully grown, and the excess magic power absorbed by his body cannot make him have a strong physique like the Asgardians - Salomon has seen Loki's appearance changed, he seemed to have completely lost consciousness after being beaten by Hulk, and he has not recovered until now.

At this time, Phoenix was not by Salomon's side, because the mystic gave it a task, and the things Salomon asked him to bring to the Kama Taj headquarters to protect were very important-that would be the gate to the parallel world , is the first ladder of the ultimate subject.

Ask for a ticket!

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