Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 188 This is a misunderstanding! (Second update!)

"What's wrong with you?"

The next day, Nick Fury called, and he said angrily, "You actually asked my agent in the middle of the night? Do you know it's against the rules..."

"Wait, didn't Agent Romanov come to me on your orders?"

"How could I allow an extremely dangerous target like you to contact my agents without approval!" Nick Fury yelled, "What information did you say!"

"Tell me first, did Agent Romanov betray?" Salomon narrowed his eyes, rubbing the hanging ring with his fingers.

"No! She was going to complete another mission yesterday! She is my most trusted agent!" The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was obviously a little annoyed. He didn't expect Agent Romanov to contact Salomon without reporting. "What is her purpose? Also, what did you say?"

Now Salomon fully understands that he was deceived by Agent Romanov, and Nick Fury did not instruct her to ask about the Rubik's Cube at all, and everything was her own initiative. "She didn't say anything." The mystic said, "What I said is already in the text message to you. Don't tell me you don't care."

Nick Fury was silent for a while. "You know, don't you?" he asked, "About Tianma Base."

"Know some. I know your intentions are good, but it's unwise to use a particle accelerator to bombard the Rubik's Cube." Salomon spoke slowly, recalling what he said to Agent Romanov last night. Talking, this woman divided her mind into many parts so that she could seamlessly switch between various emotions, and the mystic could not detect her purpose at all. At the time, Salomon thought she had accepted Nick Fury's assignment, so she didn't idle to use "Detect Thoughts". Perhaps inadvertently, he had already said what she wanted.

"You have caused a lot of trouble for Karma Taj, Nick Fury." Salomon warned ineffectively, "I have no objection to your experiment, but if you cause more trouble, we will It's not going to stand by - that's something you don't want to see."

"You should understand my difficulties best, Salomon." Nick Fury said, "I have always regarded you as a warrior fighting for mankind. Do you think we have the power to resist under the Asgardians? ? Not to mention there is Hulk, that is simply a walking nuclear bomb!"

"Yes! The earth is relatively independent, and Asgard can't do whatever it wants, and both sides have certain deterrents." The mystic replied, "As for the Hulk, I can't help it."



"In any case, improving the technological level of mankind is the top priority." Nick Fury spoke extremely fast, as if he wanted to skip the embarrassing moment just now. He now thinks why he is so stupid, he has long known that Salomon is a guy who can't follow the script.

"That's right."

"So I study the Rubik's Cube." Nick Fury said, "The deterrence you mentioned must be in the hands of Kama Taj, right? What I want is in the hands of ordinary humans, which can fight against Asgard." The power of virtue."

"Yes." Salomon does not think that secular countries can control such things well. On the one hand, populism prevails while class solidifies, and on the other hand, political priorities are allowed to be absorbed by capitalists. There is no perfect political system in the world. If This kind of technology really appears, and it cannot be controlled by only one country.

What's more, once this kind of technology full of black boxes is born, it will inevitably eat back the current level of technology, and countless researchers will spend a lot of time to make up for the homework that has been left behind. Only the technology that is researched and developed step by step like Tony Stark is what human beings need.

"Since you think the current research method is not safe, can you provide a safe method?" Nick Fury asked, "And I also want to hear what troubles you have encountered. Don't mind, maybe I can help busy."

"Hasn't Eric Shavig been invited by you? Then let him study it carefully. I went to your base to see it, and quickly shut down the particle accelerator, otherwise I will wait for you to blast the mainland into the sky. "The mystic sat on the sofa, smiled and took the hot tea from the witch. Adding sugar and not milk is already the family's custom in drinking tea, and the witch doesn't mind trying the taste of Salomon. Joan of Arc chooses milk for breakfast—she is a primary school teacher, and she also has weekends off.

Bayonetta leaned against Salomon very naturally, making Jeanne's eyes warm for a while.

"As for the trouble, it's all caused by you. Remember the super-dimensional bacteria I showed you? It's just a small trouble, but everyone in that base has more than one parasite on their heads." Salomon drank Hot tea, "Please pay attention to the psychological problems of your employees, I can't guarantee that there won't be extra-dimensional bacteria that can cause bipolar disorder."

"Is there any more?"

Salomon heard the sound of the pen tip scratching across the paper, presumably Nick Fury was writing this suggestion on paper.

"Others are the scope of work of Kama Taj. The number of demons and angels hunting souls in the spiritual world (ether plane) is also increasing day by day. You don't know how many we have encountered in the shallow ether. It depends on you Heads up, Nick Fury."


"Yes, it was caused by your experiment. Well, there is no need to make excuses. Who asked the Supreme Master to allow you to do this? Do you still think that you can escape the calculation of the Supreme Master?" Salomon took a sip Tea, sighed, "There's another thing—about Natasha Romanoff."

Beunita sat up straight suddenly, and a short black leather whip appeared in her hand inexplicably. At the end of the whip was not a slender piece of leather, but a square piece of hard leather about three fingers wide. Joan of Arc suddenly became excited, and a similar whip appeared in her hand. Salomon didn't know what the Witch's Clan eccentricities were, but he was talking about business now.

He waved his hand and said, "I can probably guess what Agent Romanov wants. Don't worry, it's not something that will affect security."

"Why don't I know?" Nick Fury asked, "Are you still hiding something from me?"

"This kind of topic is obviously easier to talk about to non-intelligence personnel. I think Agent Romanov is not a person who will reveal his inner weakness." Salomon said, "It seems that Agent Romanov has a certain amount of trust in me. But she is yours, so whether you want to leave this matter to me, only you can decide."

The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was silent for a while. At the same time, the eyes of the two witches were also fixed on the mystic. Salomon blinked, wanting to show his innocence. Beunita was very patient, she signaled Joan to put down the whip first, and let Salomon finish speaking.

" have to make sure that you don't violate the following matters in this matter.

First, the security of the regimes of all countries in the world must not be endangered;

Second, it must not endanger the lives of any ordinary people;


After some debate, Nick Fury and Salomon made an agreement. After he hung up the phone, he still had to face the witch's inquiry. "As I said, I respect Ms. Romanov very much." Salomon sighed, "She has the courage to sacrifice for her companions. This is the greatest human emotion, so I want to help her."

"How can I help?" Bayonetta asked.

"Let her have a baby."

"Boya is such a bad boy!" Beunita took out a pistol without hesitation.

Ask for tickets~~~~

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