Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1675 Hydra’s Elite Education

The chief of the Government Affairs Council has always been a mysterious figure to the outside world.

Every time the Chief of the Government Affairs Council appears, he appears in a holographic mask. The outside world cannot know the true appearance of the Chief. They can only judge from the image that she is a woman with a good figure. Stephanie Malik is a member of an established political family in the United States. Her Malik family identity is no secret to think tanks from various countries. It can even be said to be a bit dazzling. In order to protect her and the Malik family, the emperor is willing to pay some price. Regent Victor von Doom preferred to regard the emperor's protection as a covert means of control.

The information of many people in the top leadership that controls the Balkan Peninsula is not disclosed to the public. Foreign intelligence agencies have exhausted all means and cannot find any information about the emperor, the chief of the State Council, the commander of the imperial guards, etc. Only the regent Victor von... Doom left a few fragments of local legends of resistance in his early years, but those rural legends could not provide any useful information at all. Other than that, there is no other information that can be explored, not even DNA information or fingerprint information. In order to ensure information security, the Chief of the Government Council never leaves the castle. The Order of the Guards and the Sisters have blocked all channels for the outside world to obtain information such as the fingerprints, irises and genes of the Chief of the Government Council. No foreign intelligence agency can obtain even a single used information from here. water glass.

Poor Steve Rogers, this World War II veteran's lifelong wish is to kill all Hydras. The victory before sleeping tastes like ashes on the tip of his tongue, and the false peace makes a mockery of all the efforts he has made in the past. Today, this centenarian is still traveling around the world with funds given by the Emperor and King of Wakanda, T'Challa, chasing the dank and cold remains left by Hydra when it crawls with James "Bucky" Buchanan. trace.

Steve Rogers had no idea that the so-called traces were actually bait thrown by the Malik family in order to eradicate dissidents and be loyal to the emperor. After the Hydras inhabiting various national systems had gone through some integration, they had also become Malik family tools, even if these people think they are working for the CIA, FBI or some other intelligence agency.

Regent Victor von Doom was not worried about problems with this control method because there was no Hydra left in the world. The belief in Hydra has been eradicated. The tragic internal annexation and the protons sent to the emperor's feet ensure that these parasitic plutocrats and political families in capitalist society cannot join forces again. Even if abnormal circumstances arise, the regent believes that Steve Rogers was also happy to take a bite of the swaying snake's tail, and King T'Challa of Wakanda, who also hated Hydra, didn't mind helping.

"We want the emperor to do his job in peace, even if he wastes time on vacation."


"Miss Governess should take some responsibility."

Lara Croft got out of the pool where she was warmed by the sun. The gentle afternoon breeze from the South American island blew along the ridge, submerged into the sparkling water, and blew over her wet skin. It was so comfortable that she almost floated.

"Don't let that kid drink all the water in the pool. I plan to swim later."

Bayonetta enjoyed the shadows cast by the parasols, the heat of the afternoon sun and the sea breeze of the South American island, lazily pointing at the girl flopping like a duck in the swimming pool. Joan of Arc raised her eyes above her sunglasses to look at them, then lay back down again and continued to flip through the magazine in her hand.

"I saw you maintaining the firearms, and there are fewer and fewer people in the manor, even Dinah is gone."

Lara Croft made sure that Melia was still firmly tucked into the swim ring before she slowly climbed ashore, as if the blushing swimsuit would evaporate on contact with the air. She didn't notice Joan's admiring glances at her at all, and now part of her attention was looking at the golden retriever puppies running and jumping by the pool, trying to jump into the water to play with Milia. This genetically modified golden retriever has an intelligence almost equal to that of a human child. Lara Croft likes this chubby, furry little ball of meat very much.

"Are there any recent actions? Can I participate?" She slowly swam to the shore. "I am a tutor, not a nanny. Milia can't increase my workload at all. I need to be busier."

"There was an operation recently, but it was not to hunt those...monsters." Bayonetta still maintained a lazy look. Lara Croft didn't know how someone who wore high heels while enjoying the afternoon sun could maintain such a look. expression. However, her words still attracted the attention of the female archaeologist. "This is a special mission, somewhat complex."

"A boring mission. We thought that the infiltration from another dimension would be strengthened after the death of the Supreme Mage, but it turned out to be unexpectedly calm. Now someone is going to find out the reason." Joan of Arc rolled her eyes, although no one looked. arrive. She explained, "Before departure, we must protect him from betrayal by those he trusts. There are not many people he can trust now, there is no sincerity in the court, and Kama Taj is no longer his home."

"In view of the fact that some people have a history of betrayal, this kind of prevention is quite necessary." Bayonetta said, "We can kill people if necessary, but I don't think things will be as bad as this."

"This is his wishful thinking." Jeanne waved her arms, her lazily tied bun swaying. "He should be more ruthless and execute all the mystics who tried to rebel, instead of letting them go because of their past friendship. Them. This is his power as king!"

Lara Croft knew that person was referring to the owner of this place.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday." She looked around and didn't see the figure. "Where did he go?"

"I don't know." Joan of Arc said, her tone involuntarily becoming more serious. "We all suspected that it was a trap, but he insisted on going. Is he the only one in the world who can solve this problem?" The white-haired witch almost Unable to hide his resentment, "He even took away the Cheshire Cat! Isn't the help we provide worse than a fat stupid cat?"


The call ended with Gideon Malik sighing.

Diana Lister hugged the data tablet, her heart almost jumping out of her throat. The regent's face was expressionless, his eyes staring at the files on the desktop, seeming to be thinking about something. Diana Lister listened to all the conversations. The regent asked the Malik family to talk to General Hale. However, Gideon Malik seemed to want to use the Pentagon's ongoing internal review as an excuse to delay. He did not expect that Stephanie Malik, who was also online, agreed directly. Act enthusiastic and impatient.

In fact, the Pentagon's internal review has long been completed. Everyone in this office is very clear that Gideon Malik's greed has once again emerged from the ground after the existential crisis, trying to climb new trees to grow. The Regent took the data pad from Diana Lister. He showed his work openly to the girl who had become a hostage before entering the Hydra social circle. The latter thought that this was because the regent appreciated her talent, but did not know that this conditional trust itself had its own prerequisites. ——Mind reading can unearth a person's darkest secrets. Diana List passed the test, otherwise she would not have a corner in this office - she has access to more than Stephanie Malick The information made the Lister family regarded as one of the potential opponents worthy of attention by the Malik family. Dr. Lister tacitly acted as a check and balance on the Malik family, and gave all resources to this girl who had never received education as an heir. .

"The responsibility of saving the world cannot only be borne by the Emperor alone, it's not fair to him. All nations must unite to fight the alien aliens, I hope the Chitauri invasion will wake up politicians who can only see account balances and votes Some. I sacrificed everything to join this cause to fulfill the Emperor's ideals, and I will not allow anyone to destroy it."

He shook the data pad in his hand and pressed the ring on his hand to the sensing area of ​​the data pad to unlock the information.

"Let's see what kind of response we get from the diplomatic service, and hopefully there will be some good news. Stay tuned to see what Nick Fury is looking for in Project Pegasus, and we spent so much money on the Malik family's infiltration program, They should give me something valuable."

"We haven't been able to see the Emperor for two months. All the transportation plans are the return arrangements for the genetically modified warriors and the transportation of building materials. The Emperor has not set off yet, why doesn't he appear in front of us and deal with those Inhuman captives? What? The dungeon is filled with Attilan alien captives, and the highest-ranking alien princess Crystal is now also arranged to live in the castle. Countess Katarina Karkov is not friendly to the mutant princess. I doubt her Sooner or later the poison will kill that weak girl.”

"Then let her live," the regent said, "even if she is just the princess of a small puppet country."

"I saw the news from ABC today, and some politicians claimed that the emperor had been seriously ill, so he would not appear in front of us." She brought a cup of hot tea and drank it slowly, "There are thousands of similar rumors. strip."

"If we are going to respond to every rumor, then this agency is used to deal with rumors, and those people will be happy to see us stagnant like them." The regent waved his hand impatiently, "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs accepted The only news I received was rejection. Unexpectedly, even the alien invasion was ranked behind the 'Ragnarok Project' and the 'Throne Project'. Before this, no country believed that a large-scale alien invasion would occur, and we could not Use the information from our detectors to convince them that we will not open our classified facilities to them."

"Zero-sum game."

"Yes, it's a zero-sum game, and we can't get around Stark Industries on detection. I really hope that the future the Emperor sees doesn't come true and that Tony Stark can drop everything and go Enjoy wealth and family, otherwise he will be our biggest enemy." Regent Victor von Doom closed his eyes in pain, "I want to talk to the diplomatic department. I plan to open up some deep space exploration to a limited extent device, I need the foreign affairs department, the defense department, the commerce department and the Government Administration Council to jointly give me a plan that can achieve the greatest benefits. Even if this plan cannot circumvent the technological hegemony of Stark Industries, we must have enough evidence to convince The other countries in the world are ready for war, provided we can obtain benefits that satisfy me, even the emperor does not want to see us harming our own interests to remind those who will never wake up."

Victor von Doom decided to open the observation station of the Tianjian Space Station to scientific researchers from more countries.

Even Nick Fury couldn't recognize the giant orbiting space station built by SHIELD with the help of Skrull technology and Kree technology. The moment the Emperor took possession of the Tianjian Space Station, the Mars Foundry carried out a large number of modifications to the Tianjian Space Station. It was responsible for the airport and dock responsible for parking and repairing void ships, the observation station responsible for observing deep space, and the void defense platform responsible for defense. , the Space Research Institute responsible for scientific research, etc., a large number of parts that the Tianjian Space Station does not have, or already has but cannot meet the functions, are like branches extending outward from the trunk, forming today's behemoth. In order to transform the Tianjian Space Station, the Mars Foundry used seven percent of its production capacity to build a space station for the Emperor that could deal with threats from the void, while also meeting the Emperor's request for planetary strike firepower.

"I don't understand. If Tony Stark is such a big threat, just kill him. Taking off the armor, he is just an ordinary person, and killing Tony Stark is not something even the Pentagon can do. Many people agree. Especially those supporters of the 'Patriot Act', those old guys from the Reagan era who are happy to control Stark Industries, Pepper Potts simply cannot resist the entire Wall Street and military-industrial complex."

At this moment, Diana List finally showed the cold-bloodedness and shrewdness endowed by Hydra education.

Regent Victor von Doom was satisfied with Diana List's suggestion, even if it did not meet his expectations. This seemingly harmless girl was a hydra after all. Even if she dedicated her loyalty to the emperor and regent, her prison-like education life had left indelible traces on her. In the Hydra youth training camp, there are only the weak and the strong, and the powerful selection mechanism will train every young person who graduates into a complete cold-blooded animal. Even if the training she received as a descendant of a noble is partially preferential, she will still be from Hydra who came out of the Hydra youth training camp.

Diana Lister thinks of her schoolmate who underperformed at youth academy.

Baron Strucker's family, as a radical Hydra, has completely eliminated its former power. The Lister family is one of the families that enjoys the flesh and blood of Baron Strucker, and she does not mind tasting the blood of her former classmates again.

"Part of the shares of Stark Industries once owned by SHIELD were swallowed up by the Malick family, the List family, and the Strucker family. These were all legal, and our existence was erased through means such as holding shares on behalf of others. Traces. If you're going to let one agent have the decisive vote at the Stark Industries shareholder meeting, then just kill the loser of the Stark family who only knows about drinking, partying and drugs, and each family will have enough We will reach a consensus with the votes and let our agents in the Pentagon control Stark Industries." She laughed, drank the hot tea in the cup, and couldn't wait to show her fangs, "You see, this world can be easily controlled by the Emperor. Earth mastery. Maybe all it takes is a drop of venom, why don’t we do it?”

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