Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1659 Houston Command Center

The question of Victoria Hand was always on the table of the Praetorian Order.

In countless religious stories, resurrection from the dead is something worthy of special mention. As the only person who was healed of physical pain in the arms of the emperor, Victoria Hand is almost equivalent to a saint who rose from the dead. But the Praetorian Order, Karma Taj, and the intelligence services of the Immortal City did not care about this symbolic significance. The observation of Victoria Hand had already begun before the establishment of the Praetorian Order, and many people wanted to know. What changes will this resurrected person have, and what impact will the emperor's spiritual power have on ordinary humans?

After many rounds of testing, Victoria Hand seemed to have awakened to some intuition. However, the test results were not entirely accurate, especially since no psychic spectrum was detected, and no one could say for sure what effect the Emperor's psychic powers had on Victoria Hand. The test results can be said to be the long-term experience of commanding special operations, or the improvement of on-the-spot judgment ability for small-scale military operations. The black-armored interrogator once infiltrated Victoria Hand's body during the routine hypnosis lie detection process of the intelligence department. Dreams, but no evidence was found to prove the existence of "precognitive dreams" and "déjà vu" in the latter. Therefore, it is impossible to judge whether Victoria Hand has changed due to the emperor's spiritual power.

Even so, her physical fitness, reaction speed and other physical indicators have increased by more than 10%. Almost all physical examination data show that even if Victoria Hand works overtime until late at night every day and eats irregularly, her body is still in good condition. Stay healthy. She has entered middle age. Such an improvement in physical fitness is completely impossible to achieve without complete and high-intensity physical training. Her physical training is only set for senior commanders to meet the standards for low-intensity operations. Just routine training.

To sum up, Victoria Hand did not suffer any negative effects and is mentally stable.

However, Regent Victor von Doom still regarded Victoria Hand as a person he could trust, and even trusted her enough to let her know about the existence of extra dimensions and the fact that there were predators in extra dimensions. Constantine, the commander of the Praetorian Guards, clearly pointed out that such trust lacked factual basis and was very likely to cause serious consequences in the future. Victoria Hand's authority in the intelligence department could not be raised to a higher level under any circumstances. Archives of the Praetorian Order The museum should be partially closed to Victoria Hand.

"About the second action." Guards Commander Constantine asked, "How do you know that Tony Stark will not inform the U.S. military about Derrick's entry into the country first?"

"Because he doesn't know where we installed the bomb." A smile appeared on Victor von Doom's face, but then the smile disappeared. In the past, it was difficult for him to overcome the feeling of being better than others in certain plans. It was not until he met the emperor himself that this shortcoming began to be slowly corrected. "This is a game, and you're ignoring how important it is to Tony Stark, and you're also ignoring the skills in negotiation."

"Now I will take you to the Houston command center!"

On the Youtube website, Tony Stark has received extremely high attention, so as soon as he started his live broadcast, countless people from English-speaking countries around the world flocked to it. Colonel Rhodes, who accompanied him, walked out of the camera with a helpless expression. Although he was already known as the "War Machine", he came to Houston this time entirely to bring Tony Stark, the hero, to the forefront. The designer of the spacecraft was dragged over, and due to the military's confidentiality policy on this mission, he did not appear in front of the public frequently. This time was no exception. When Tony Stark introduced the Houston Command Center to the live broadcast audience, he tried his best to avoid his face entering the camera.

Seeing Tony Stark walking inside, Colonel Rhodes finally couldn't help it anymore. He pointed to the tiny camera hanging on the former's chest and quietly reminded them that they had entered a confidential area. After that, Tony Stark ended with his usual wisecracks, and then obediently turned off the camera and live broadcast. Colonel Rhodes took the equipment and inspected it carefully. When he was about to take it away, Tony Stark snatched it back.


"Don't think that I don't know their thoughts. They will take away all my equipment just to find so-called evidence and new technologies." Tony Stark clipped the device to his shirt pocket. This device that looks like a GoPro has been modified by him and can be remotely opened, encrypted transmission and other functions. He can guarantee that Colonel Rhodes and the Pentagon will never guess that this camera equipment that looks like it is purchased from the market can now be used by others. Used as a spy device. "I'll sign a confidentiality agreement, but the Pentagon won't touch the equipment I built. It's Friday, I need its help, and if it doesn't agree, I have to get out of here."

Colonel Rhodes sighed.

"Okay, I'll vouch for it," he said. "Can you guarantee this thing is turned off?"

"You've already pushed the button, Rhodey." Tony Stark winked artificially. The control of this device was not in his hands. In fact, when he handed the device over to the Guards, he had already compromised. The Emperor's prophecy was one of the factors that led him to make this decision, but what really contributed to this result was the supersonic nuclear bomb hanging high in orbit, which was the real threat. He couldn't guarantee how far those lunatics who dared to declare war on NATO would go to prevent the so-called secrets from being leaked. If he made the wrong choice, it would mean the outbreak of World War III. When that nuclear bomb is detonated on the earth, the United States will definitely fight back. Before it is clear who launched the nuclear bomb, all countries will throw their own nuclear bombs to attack the military facilities of countries that pose a threat.

That means nuclear war and doomsday.

Tony Stark now shoulders the responsibility of saving the world and steps into the Houston command center. The researchers and officers who came to greet him looked at him with different eyes. The former's eyes were full of admiration, while the latter's eyes were full of suspicion, especially when he saw the miniature device on his shirt pocket, his vigilance reached its peak in an instant.

"No problem, sergeant." Colonel Rhodes waved his hand quickly, "This is his personal equipment and has been inspected."

Tony Stark smiled at the sergeant. "Do you need a search, soldier?" He looked at the researcher, "Hey, I recognize you, you used to work at Avengers Base."

"Yes, Mr. Stark!" The researcher was obviously very happy and did not notice the slight tremor in Tony Stark's hand holding his. "I also participated in Dr. Banner's gamma ray project research, which was really thrilling. I would like to ask about the latest open source big data neural network language model TOLL 2.5 version released by Stark Group..."

"Then I can only say that you are very lucky." Tony Stark hurriedly interrupted the researcher's nonsense, "Let's start as soon as possible. I have promised Pepper to have dinner together."

"Wait." The sergeant stretched out his hand to stop Tony Stark, who was about to continue walking. "We received intelligence that the agents responsible for protecting your safety were attacked. Colonel Rhodes, I know that this matter is related to Mr. Stark doesn’t have much to do with it, but I have to ask him to get checked out.”

"Bomb. To be precise, all it takes is a terrorist organization to announce that it has hidden a bomb in the Houston command center, and there is enough evidence to show that the bomb does exist, then we can make the Houston command center miss receiving the Rogue spacecraft. There is a chance of signal." Derrick first took the device, which was only as thick as an adult male's finger, and handed it to the technical officer of the First Secret Regiment beside him. "What you need to do is to guide the situation, Tony Si Tucker. When you're in the command center, your expertise gives you authority. Your authority allows us to bring this device in - we're going to store a jamming file on the hard drive of this device that you can use Get on."

"Is there really no bomb?" Tony Stark blinked, "You won't let me bring something in like a drug mule at the border. I refuse, don't even think about it."

"Your role is not that big, Stark." Derrick first watched the program being installed into the device, "Next, you have to listen carefully. You will be subject to extremely strict interrogation, so we will provide remote help. Make sure you have access to the command center in Houston to implant this program."

"What help?"

The sudden siren made the sergeant instantly nervous.

Colonel Rhodes pressed the earphone, "Fire alarm. It was a false alarm. An employee had an argument with the supervisor and smashed the fire alarm with a mug." Tony Stark was not sure whether this was the help that the Guardsman said. , however, out of a highly nervous state, he maintained the highest level of vigilance. Seemingly noticing his nervousness, Colonel Rhodes had no choice but to offer words of comfort. "This is just a low-level alarm, Tony. The most serious thing you can do is break your head with a mug. Those neglected scientists don't have the physical strength to chop off their boss's head."

Colonel Lord's wisecracks did not satisfy the sergeant.

"The safe house is here." The sergeant pointed to another passage. The girl at the front desk was wide-eyed and at a loss. "Follow me, Mr. Stark. You must wait in the safe house until the alarm is cleared, and so will you, Colonel Rhodes."


"Yes, you too." The sergeant took out his pistol. This is a P226 pistol, which has obviously been modified. Tony Stark can tell at a glance that this P226 comes from the small arms industry department of the Stark Group. Judging from the pistol's audience, the petty officer clearly came from the Navy SEALs. The sergeant said in an irrefutable tone, "Now, follow me, I must ensure your safety."

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