Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 158 Beholder Shuma-Gorath (Second update!)

After Mephisto felt the power of the silver key, his face changed instantly, and that face was distorted visibly to the naked eye.

It's hard to say what else, after all the ages, could throw a Demon King down, but the Silver Key is certainly one of them. "The Old One!" Mephisto's eyes widened, "Shuma-Gorath! 【Note 1】Could it be that he recruited you? Didn't Ancient One tell you about the danger of beholders?"

"No." The mystic shook the silver key in his hand. Salomon gained a lot from the initial exploration of this thing. In his vision, the silver key will become one of his external specialties. He can find ways to draw out the power of the silver key to display certain specialties that he has never had before. Spells—such as the "Sakura Spell" that can control the age of the subject, and the "Shadow Grip Spell" that can manipulate shadows. If his vision succeeds, he will be able to attach those metamagic feats to spells as long as he has the key around his neck. "This is the key to witness the ultimate abyss of the universe, the gate to the center of chaos. So, Mephisto, your price is too low. If I want to sit on the throne, I will go by myself. Fuck it Marduk, it is not yet worthy of the title of Satan."

"I don't mind offering a little help." Mephisto seemed to have regained his composure, and he restarted his valuation, "I know your legion is very powerful, but not every Demon God Pillar is willing to help you, even if You are their former master as well."

"We can make a memorandum." Salomon put the silver key back on his chest, "You know, my value is constantly rising, and it is impossible for you to buy it at a low price. What's more, I have no intention of trading yet."

"Then, I can only hope that we can cooperate happily in the future." Mephisto conjured up a hat and put it on his head, bowed slightly to Salomon and disappeared into the laboratory. After Mephisto left, the stagnant air slowly returned to its original temperature, as if the light tube covered with a layer of blue plastic film also emitted a white light again. Salomon let out a long sigh of relief—it was too difficult to pretend to be King Solomon. When Mephisto called him by that name, he could only follow the trend. Although the old devil is just a powerless incarnation in the world, but who knows if the body of hell will suddenly transfer power over, Salomon can't refuse Mephisto rudely, otherwise once the devil turns the table and doesn't talk about it, he It can't be stopped, and it can't be supported until the arrival of Karma Taj's support.

But he couldn't agree to the devil's deal, he kept the words of the supreme mage in his heart, and when he thought he was better than the devil and was proud of it, he fell into the devil's trap. Salomon had no choice but to throw out the silver key as a voucher to disguise the situation as a seller's market. He was telling Mephisto that his future does not necessarily have to be the seventh throne, although he really wanted to Do it, but the price of the old devil is not right anymore.

This kind of tactful refusal allows the two parties to have room for cooperation in the future, and Mephisto will not feel insulted, because they have reached a consensus: the person sitting on the seventh throne must not be that lunatic Marduk, if Satan There must be one person on the throne, and that person will be Salomon Damonet.

Salomon quickly packed up the things on the table, put on the hanging ring, opened the portal and returned to Karma Taj. Mephisto came to him for such a big event, and he had to tell the Supreme Mage, and Mephisto also mentioned a word-"Old Dominator". It was a word the Sorcerer Supreme had never told him, but the Great Old One existed in this universe too, because Mephisto knew it, and the Eternals certainly knew it too. Salomon couldn't help suspecting that the purpose of the Supreme Mage in letting him go to Salem might not be that simple, and the purpose of the Eternal God might not be that simple either.

Not long after the mystic left, Mephisto stepped out of the shadows in the corner again. He is a devil, and anyone who believes his words is an out-and-out fool. Although he failed to achieve his goal this time, there is nothing wrong with getting in touch with the future ruler of the seventh throne in advance. His trip is not just his idea of ​​a devil, but the will of many hell lords, Lucifer, Beelzebub and other hell lords have long been unable to bear Marduk, and now most of his purpose has been completed, and Salomon Damonet will come to the throne of Satan.

Next, he had to deal with his troubled son.


"Teacher, you actually know about Yog-Sothoth, right?" The conversation between Salomon and the Supreme Mage was kept top secret as usual, and no one could know the content of the conversation except Salomon and the Supreme Mage himself. Salomon put the silver key on the table and pushed it in front of the supreme mage, "You never mentioned the news of the beholder Shuma-Gorath. I want to know why the Eternal God sent me to Salem in the first place."

"The beholder Shuma-Gorath is a member of the Old Ones, I know that very well." The Supreme Mage said slowly, and she picked up the silver key and looked it over carefully, "It is an extremely powerful demon god from the outer dimension. In multiple dimensions. In fact, it is far more dangerous than Dormammu in the dark dimension and Sithorn, the god of black magic. Resisting Dormammu we can get the city from Sephiroth [Note 2 ], and Sithorn cannot interfere with reality by himself, he is being sealed. Only the beholder Shuma-Gorath, we do not know when it will appear. It was born in the chaos, another universe invaded very early This multiverse has been destroyed, and resistance to it requires power from another world."

"That's why the Eternal God will let me go to Salem to face Nyarlathotep?"

"Because you have innumerable connections with the One who returns all things, when you face Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth will definitely help you." The Supreme Mage no longer looked into Salomon's eyes , "You are the best candidate to contact another cosmic god, the Eternal God appointed you to expel Shuma-Gorath in the multiverse."

"Well." Salomon pouted, "It doesn't feel good to be calculated."

"I'm very sorry……"

"This has nothing to do with you, teacher." Salomon shook his head. "Preparingly speaking, it is the will of this universe that made me fight against the beholder Shuma-Gorath, isn't it? I am a member of Kama-Taj. This kind of thing is what I should do. But the premise is to tell me the risk of this matter first."

"In the future, besides you, Strange will be the one who will fight against the beholder Shuma-Gorath." The Supreme Mage sighed, "You still have time to prepare, I think before you face the ultimate gate of the universe, Should have the power to fight against the beholder Shuma-Gorath. That will be the most fearsome enemy you will face, and Dormammu is nothing compared to it. From now on, you will start to delve into the dark arts It’s not just black magic from the dark dimension, but black magic from another universe—only then can you defeat that immortal demon god.”

"Even at the cost of my sanity?"


[Note 1] It first appeared in "Marvel Premiere #5" in 1972.11. The real debut was Robert E. Howard's short story "The Curse of the Golden Skull". Shuma-Gorath, the super demon who killed Ancient One and Doctor Strange, its setting basically refers to the Cthulhu mythology system, known as a member of the Great Old Ones.

[Note 2] Oshtur hopes to create two different camps──Asura’s righteous avengers and Seraphim’s peace guardians, and work together to create the city of Sephiroth as a way to prevent the invasion of dark dimension creatures into the lower realms line of defense.

Ask for a recommendation ticket! !

The plot of Salem was not added in vain, and Cthulhu and Marvel have many connections.

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