Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 996: Conjecture about the strength of the real dragon

The density of water is not small, so water also has enough weight.

However, this water dragon gathered by water, although it has a body close to one hundred feet.

But according to the density of normal water, although its normal weight would be very large, it would definitely not be as huge as Li Yue felt at this time.

Li Yue remembered that the mass of the earth was 5.965×102kg!

This is a very huge number, so huge that most people don't feel too vivid about it at all.

At this time, the water dragon gave Li Yue the feeling that it far exceeded this number, comparable to the mass of a planet that was even greater than the Earth.

Even though, such a weight is nothing to Li Yue's strength.

But this still makes Li Yue feel very incredible.

You must know that what appeared in front of Li Yue at this time was just a water dragon with a body of hundreds of feet and a collection of water elements.

Even if it weighs a lot, it will never be exaggerated to such a point.

However, even if Li Yue felt a little disbelief about this, he could not find anything that could be refuted.

After all, he believes in his feelings and understands that his perception can't go wrong.

Even though such a thing is really incredible, but now I have to face the facts like this.

This water dragon, which seems to be only a hundred feet long, has the weight of a planet several times larger than that of the earth.

In Li Yue's feelings, every drop of water element that converges into this water dragon possesses a mighty power.

It seems that just a drop of water has a mass of tens of thousands of tons.

And the dragons that have gathered to form nearly a hundred meters, naturally have more than hundreds of millions of water droplets.

And every drop of the water element possessing a mighty force, after being gathered into such a huge water dragon, it also naturally possesses a mass that is greater than that of the earth.


"Every drop has the power of ten thousand-jun, so it seems that it seems to have a similar situation with the water of the Tianhe from Tianhe in my memory."

In Li Yue's memory, there are some of the water of Tianhe described in myths, just as he felt at this time, every drop has an extremely important weight.

And there is one of the most important characteristics, that is, anything that enters the Tianhe River will not float up, but will sink directly into the bottom of the river.

Even a small feather or fallen leaf, after falling into the Tianhe River, it will sink into the bottom of the river like a stone.

You can't cross by boat, and you can't cross the fairyland.

This is the river in the sky.

At this time, although Li Yue was not sure yet, the water dragon formed by the element of water in front of him.

Does the water in it have the special ability in your own memory that everything can't float on it?

However, Li Yue can still be sure of the fact that every drop of water possesses a mighty force.

This also means that even if this water dragon does not have any other special abilities, it can crush an earth-like planet only by relying on its exaggerated weight.

And if this water dragon falls directly on the earth from outer space, its huge weight may be able to smash the earth directly like an egg in an instant.

In this way, it seems that the several attacks released by this dragon is the water dragon with the greatest attack power.

This is a strong contrast with normal conditions, where water is soft and gentle.

Of course, this is acceptable.

After all, Li Yue has also heard of the allusion of dripping water through stone.

And water is not a representative of weakness at all times.

Sometimes, water can also have powerful attack power like this.

"Unexpectedly, this is just a ghost of the dragon with the soul of the dragon, and it can actually use so many special magical powers."

At this time, after feeling the water element released by this dragon, every drop even possessed a mighty force.

Li Yue also felt that before, he seemed to have underestimated this illusory dragon that only possesses the soul of the dragon and does not possess the will of the dragon.

Perhaps, it does not have the consciousness of a real dragon, nor the ability to act autonomously.

However, possessing the soul of the Shenlong also allows it to be recognized by the heavens and the earth and use the magical powers of attack that contain the principles of the heavens and the earth.

Just like these special elemental supernatural powers at this time, each of them can have extremely powerful effects.

Fire can burn its soul, wind can cut its flesh and blood, and water can powder its body.

Every kind of magical power has the ability to put the enemy to death.

If it hadn't been for this time, the difference between Li Yue's strength and it was huge.

So even Li Yue, in the face of such an attack, I am afraid he has to be cautious, and may even fall into a disadvantage!

Such magical powers, when used well, can completely change the fighting situation of two evenly matched people.

Moreover, this was the first time Li Yue saw a power that could not be easily replicated.

Each element has its very special characteristics.

And in the end, these characteristics are very difficult to replicate.

Even at this moment, Li Yue couldn't figure out how to release a flame that could burn people's souls in a short time.

How to release a hurricane that can cut human flesh and blood.

There is also this last kind of heavy water that can powder the human body.


Therefore, I have to say that the power displayed by this dragon at this time made Li Yue look at it with admiration.

At the same time Li Yue can also imagine that a real dragon may also have very powerful power.

Perhaps, the real dragon can also be comparable to the strength of the peak level of the single universe.

Moreover, it depends on the fact that Li Yue faced this dragon at this time, and when he was alive before, he was an adult dragon.

If, when this dragon was alive, it was just a weak young dragon among their many dragon groups, then the strength of a true adult dragon might be even more terrifying than Li Yue had imagined.

It may be possible to achieve the same as Li Yue today, possessing powerful strength beyond the level of the multiverse.

What's more, according to the descriptions in some ancient novels, Li Yue also understands that there is a dragon population.

Among them, there are not only adult dragons, but also some elderly dragons who are too old but whose strength is more powerful.

These elderly dragons who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, although their physical fitness will gradually decline due to age, their own strength is still growing.

Therefore, the elderly dragons often have stronger strength than the adult dragons.

It's just that physical strength will weaken with age.

Therefore, Li Yue's guess on the true strength of Shenlong might still be a conservative estimate.

If this soul of the dragon was only a dragon clan in the dragon clan that was not top-notch when it was alive, then the top power possessed by the dragon clan would surpass Li Yue's guess at this time.

However, at this time Li Yue was more curious about why such a powerful dragon appeared here as the soul of the dragon!


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