Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 991: "Ball" reappears

When the dragon absorbed all the mysterious energy, it became stronger.

It has even gradually approached the real dragon body from the original illusory body.

However, even if the dragon became so powerful in an instant, Li Yue still didn't feel too concerned.

Because, in Li Yue's view, illusion is just illusion, no matter how it changes, it cannot change its illusion essence and become a true dragon.

Therefore, even though this dragon is infinitely close to a real dragon, no matter in its aura or in its powerful strength.

However, it is this slight gap that is insurmountable anyway.

Therefore, this dragon, no matter how much energy it absorbs, no matter how powerful its strength becomes.

He is nothing more than a false dragon born from the soul of a real dragon and special energy.

It is almost impossible to become a real dragon again.

Therefore, although the aura of the current Shenlong has attracted a little attention, Li Yue did not pay too much attention to the Shenlong who absorbed the mysterious aura at this time.

So Li Yue just stopped walking, raised his head and looked at the dragon above his head, then lowered his head again.

And stepped forward again, as if wanting to move on.

The dragon above the sky naturally saw all of Li Yue's behavior in the eyes of the dragon.

Although at this time this dragon does not have the strong will and wisdom that a real dragon has.

But it still has its own thoughts.

Therefore, he could also feel that at this time, Li Yue's behavior was completely ignoring himself.

Being completely ignored by people like this, even normal ordinary people will unconsciously raise anger in their hearts.

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What's more, this is the less intelligent dragon.

Soon, this dragon was so ignored by Li Yue, and aroused extremely intense anger.

And it will not hide its emotions, so this strong anger is almost completely expressed on its facial expressions.


If it were the anger of the real dragon, it would probably cause an extremely dramatic change in the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that the sky is falling apart.

At this time, although this dragon was infinitely close to a real dragon.

But as Li Yue thought, it was nothing but an illusory body.

No matter how close the strength of the real Shenlong is, it cannot bridge this huge gap.

And it can be seen from this time.

The real anger of the dragon can definitely resonate between heaven and earth in an instant.

Just like the anger of the dragon, it also represents the anger of heaven and earth.

At this time, the illusory dragon was extremely angry because of Li Yue's ignorance.

However, its strong anger only caused a slight sense of distortion in a small area around itself.

Compared with the real world collapse, there is still a huge difference.

If you really say it, why is the real dragon a real dragon, far from this illusory dragon, can surpass and rival by increasing its strength?

Perhaps it is for this reason that the real Shenlong can be recognized by heaven and earth.

The illusory dragon can never truly resonate with heaven and earth, and will never be recognized by heaven and earth.

However, although the anger of the dragon at this time did not cause a huge change in the world.

But because it had just absorbed the extremely huge mysterious aura energy, its own strength had almost increased countless times.

So at this moment, its intense anger also caused the distortion and collapse of a small space outside of itself.

However, in this mysterious area, nothing else exists.

Even the space exists in another form, which cannot be captured by ordinary naked eyes.

Only with a strong perception like Li Yue can he perceive the existence of weak spatial energy and support the existence of this space.

Therefore, the collapse of space is not very dramatic at this time.

Of course, at this time, this dragon had no mood to care whether his power would cause the surrounding space to collapse.

All its attention is on Li Yue below.

It was Li Yue's ignorance of it that made it feel so angry.

But at this time, there was only one thought in its mind, and that was to use its most powerful attack to directly shred the tiny human in front of it.


The extremely angry Shenlong did not hesitate at all at this moment.

The huge mysterious aura it had absorbed before made it feel that it has become very powerful now.

The powerful power at this time is almost close to when he was still a real dragon.

Such a powerful force made a trace of nostalgia flash in its mind.

It's just that it is just a remnant soul of a dragon, and there are only a few simple pictures in his mind about the memory of when he was alive.

It just vaguely remembered that the once self was much stronger than now.

And what I want in the end is that at that time, it has absolute freedom ~ you can go wherever you want.

Flying through the clouds and flying above the clouds, it is a feeling called "freedom".

However, its thoughts soon returned to reality. Today it has no freedom and can only do things according to "instructions."

And now, it must also obey the "instructions" and guard the "forbidden land" behind it and prevent anyone from entering it.

Gradually, Shenlong's eyes seemed to possess a trace of human nature, and once again returned to the chaos before.

It turned into a puppet who didn't have any thoughts, just acted according to instructions.

And the next moment, the dragon scales on the huge body of the dragon all glowed with golden light.

The edges of the dragon scales that seemed to be redrawn by golden silk threads seemed to come back to life at this moment.

The golden lines made this dragon's body more majestic and majestic.

The majesty like a **** makes it almost impossible for mortals to look directly at it.

And Shenlong's body momentum continued to rise.

At the same time, a burst of energy seems to be constantly shuttled through his body.

Following the golden lines on the periphery of the dragon scales, they continue to converge in the direction of the dragon head.

As a large amount of energy continued to gather, Shenlong slowly opened his dragon mouth.

In the open dragon's mouth, an egg-sized sphere can be clearly seen.

And this sphere is not unfamiliar, it is the silver sphere that the dragon used to release the powerful gravity just now to absorb the mysterious aura.

However, at this time, only with the naked eye, you can clearly find that the ball is a circle larger than before.

Moreover, it has also undergone very big changes.

The most notable thing is that the original silver-white round beads have golden lines on the surface at this time.


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