Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 959: Real bondage

This lotus with special abilities, although Li Yue does not know its true origin, it has a vital role for Li Yue.

Therefore, no matter whether it was due to an accident or not, Li Yue was affected when he was constructing this dream world.

Since being met by Li Yue, Li Yue would never let this kind of thing that can quickly enhance his strength leave before his eyes.

As the saying goes, people don't die for themselves.

Although Li Yue couldn't do it yet, I would rather let the people of the world lose my firm will.

But in some cases, in order to increase his strength, Li Yue can also give up some irrelevant principles.

For example, for this special existence that can enhance his own strength, Li Yue must do his best to control it in his own hands no matter what.

Thinking of this, Li Yue naturally no longer had any hesitation.

He directly mobilized the back hand he had prepared.

The next moment, I saw that in the center of the pool in front of Li Yue, the lotus that was in full bloom and was radiating golden light outward, seemed to have lost its original "vitality" in an instant.

The situation that was still swaying and emitting golden light suddenly stopped at this moment.

Above the entire petal, the golden light emitted has disappeared, as if the entire lotus has lost its previous vigorous vitality.

At this time, Li Yue had already launched the back hand he had prepared.

In fact, long ago, in the ray of energy he was manipulating towards the lotus flower, Li Yue had already prepared specially for this situation.

Now, Li Yue directly manipulates the energy absorbed into the lotus body, and develops a very special ability on it.

At this moment, the lotus flower was completely blocked by the energy manipulated by Li Yue.

And it is a complete blockade in the true sense.

Li Yue's energy, with absolute power, directly blocked all forms of mobility in that lotus flower.

In a sense, this lotus at this time has already lost all the ability to act.

It is almost equivalent to pressing the pause button directly on its entire body.

Not only its body, but even its thinking, all stopped completely at this moment.

Of course, this requires this lotus to have a thinking mind.

At this moment, it is completely equivalent to the ability to wrap all aspects in time and space, being completely suspended and continuing to exercise.


Some people say that time is not a real thing.

Time is just a special definition of material movement by mankind.

Of course, this is not wrong.

Because time is indeed used to describe the movement of a substance.

Even the smallest molecules will move slowly over time.

The word time refers to the condition of a certain object at a certain time.

In order to perform the laws of motion for every kind of thing, human beings have created the factor of time in order to better express it.

Of course, time is a certain invisible and intangible special factor determined by mankind.

However, its existence cannot be completely questioned.

In a sense, time does exist.

Of course, now there is no need to consider whether time really exists.

Because Li Yue's ability now is to completely stop all movements on the body of this lotus flower in a true sense.

In the true sense, every molecule in its body cannot continue to move.

Therefore, compared to other things, this lotus is already completely at rest.

In this case, it is like when the temperature reaches an absolute low and reaches absolute zero, the movement of any object on the molecular level can be stopped.

And Li Yue, at this time, there is no need to lower the temperature of this lotus to absolute zero, but he can still rely on the energy he controls to achieve such a situation.

And these are just one of Li Yue's special abilities to control this golden energy.

This ability, if placed in certain games, can definitely be regarded as a control skill in the true sense.

In reality, it is also a powerful ability to control everything.

Of course, in fact, what we want to do is not so easy.

If it weren't for this lotus flower, there would be absolutely no defense against Li Yue manipulating the golden energy close to it.

It directly absorbs the golden energy into one's own body and integrates perfectly with oneself.

So even if Li Yue wanted to control his body so thoroughly, it was almost impossible to do it.

After all, it is naturally not a very easy task to completely block the movement of certain things from the state of smiling molecules.

The golden energy controlled by Li Yue, although possessing this ability, still needs some conditions to achieve it.

The first and most important condition is that the golden energy must be integrated into the body of things that need to be controlled.

Only in this way can it be completely blocked, without any sense of athletic ability.


Before that, Li Yue’s energy was completely absorbed into the body by this lotus, although the basic conditions to control the other party have been However, if you want to completely block this lotus, but It's not easy.

However, Li Yue also didn't expect that this lotus flower actually manipulated the golden energy that was close to him, without any defense at all, and would not refuse to come directly, and absorbed all of it into his body.

Moreover, this golden lotus seems to have a powerful characteristic, that is, it can perfectly integrate any form of energy.

Just after it absorbed the golden energy controlled by Li Yue into its own body, it was already perfectly integrated with this golden energy.

And this, unintentionally, created all the conditions that can make Li Yue very relaxed and almost perfect to completely block him.

I have to say that Li Yue's luck is really good.

Otherwise, it may take a lot of work to completely control this lotus of unknown origin.

But now that the body of this lotus flower has been completely sealed, then what Li Yue wants to do next will be much easier.

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"Although the next thing may go against your wishes and restrict your freedom."

"But I can guarantee that after this, I can give you a broader sky."

At this time, Li Yue didn't care whether Lotus, which was completely sealed off, could hear his guarantee, and said to himself.

In short, what Li Yue does at this time and next will definitely affect the future destiny of this lotus.

Being controlled by Li Yue means that it will lose "freedom".

However, from another situation, Li Yue can be regarded as giving it a broader space to survive!


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