Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 666: Is it the past? Or parallel universe

In this way, the Flash took Li Yue and three people back to this future world, wanting to rely on their strength to help them reverse the future.

However, if you want to successfully reverse the future, you need to face huge difficulties.

For example, they need to defeat Superman being controlled.

Yes, the blackened Superman appeared in this world because Superman was controlled by some existence.

When this statement was uttered from the Flash, the three people present, including Li Yue, felt a little weird.

"How is this possible, how can he be controlled by others?"

Clark couldn't believe that his future self could be controlled by others.

He is a superman, possessing the power of a god, almost no one can defeat him, and likewise, his will is very strong, it is very difficult to control him.

This is almost impossible to happen.

"Sure enough, this world is very different from the unjust alliance of comics."

Hearing that the Flash releases another breaking news, even Li Yue hadn't expected it before.

"However, this is indeed a bit weird. Even though someone has always joked that Superman's magic resistance is negative, it's just ridicule. Naturally, Superman cannot really be negative."

"So, it is definitely not that easy to control Superman, otherwise the DC Universe would have fallen into a huge chaos soon."

Li Yue felt a little curious in his heart as to why someone could control Superman to do these things.

"We couldn't believe that this event would happen before, but the fact is that it really happened. Someone controlled Superman and made him as cruel and ruthless as he is now, and even borrowed Superman's power in an attempt to rule the entire earth. "

Faced with Clark's extremely unbelievable expression, Batman from the local universe took over from the Flash and began to speak.

"What the **** is going on? Who controlled Superman and made him do these things?"

Batman, who was able to keep calm even after hearing the news that this is the future before, was unable to keep calm even after hearing the news.

He couldn't help but ask, who on earth controls Superman? How did he control Superman?

"All of this will start after we defeated the Doom Day together..."

Batman's face showed a reminiscence expression, and then he spoke slowly in a low voice.


"Lex Luthor created a day of destruction with horrific power. The whole world is facing a huge threat. At that time, we had just reached a consensus to eliminate the barriers and misunderstandings between each other."

"Then we need to face this powerful enemy together, the day of destruction even stronger than Clark."

"Although the process was very difficult, in the end, we still won and successfully prevented the ravages of the Doomsday."

"Unfortunately, on that day, although we successfully prevented the Doomsday, we also lost Superman."

"In order to prevent the powerful Destruction Day, Clark chose to die with the Destruction Day..."

Speaking of this, Batman's face also showed a trace of sadness. It seems that what happened at that time kept his memory still fresh.

"Wait! What are you talking about? I died for preventing the Destruction Day? This is absolutely impossible!"

Before Batman said a few words, he was interrupted by Clark.

Clark felt that at this time, he had more shocked emotions in these few minutes than he had been on Earth all these years combined.

"Before we came to you, we just successfully defeated the Day of Destruction. If things develop as you said, then I am afraid I can't appear in front of you now!"

Clark didn't want to question the words of Batman in this world, but he also couldn't accept that he was dead.

Because if what Batman said is true, then what is going on with him who is still standing here alive at this time?

"Barry, what the **** is going on, you have already experienced the Destruction Day event before you invited them over?"

Hearing Clark's questioning and what he said, the Batman in this world was also puzzled. He turned to look at the Flash beside him and asked.

He previously thought that the Flash might have invited Superman and others over on the line of events before Doom.

Or perhaps it was at the time when they brought Superman back to life.

But he never thought that before they came here, it happened to have just stopped the day of destruction.

What's more, what makes Batman even more puzzled is that at this point in time, Superman should have ended up with the Doomsday for preventing the Doomsday.

It is absolutely impossible for him to be brought here alive by the Flash.


"Bruce, I don't know how to explain this matter. When I rushed to the past timeline, everything seemed to have changed in some Although the day of destruction appeared normally according to the development of time. "

"But, in the end, Superman didn't die to stop the Doomsday."

"Moreover, the person who succeeded in preventing the destruction day was not Superman. It was Mr. Li Yue."

Speaking of this matter, the Flash also looked helpless.

He didn't understand what was going on at all, he obviously went to the past and wanted to reverse the future.

But when I saw Li Yue, everything seemed to have changed a lot.

The Superman who was supposed to die in the Doomsday Attack incident did not die with Doomsday.

At the same time, Doom Day, which was supposed to be defeated by Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, was directly tortured to death by Li Yue alone.

The timeline of the entire world has changed dramatically.

At that time, the Flash couldn't help but feel a little worried, if the situation at that time had changed so much, would he be able to return to his future.

Or, after he goes back, he will see a future completely different from his own memory.

However, when he returned here, he found that the future in his memory had not changed at all.

Everything is still the same.

This made the Flash even more puzzled. He even doubted whether his previous behavior that he wanted to reverse the future by changing the past had no effect at all?

Just like at this time, the Destruction Day event has undergone such a huge change because of Li Yue's participation.

But after returning to the future, I found that the scene of the future has not changed at all. Isn't it possible that changing the past cannot change what has already happened in the future?


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