Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1430: Heaven and Earth

Of course, the power that supernatural powers can show is very strong.

For example, reversing the yin and yang supernatural powers can make the heavens and the earth out of order, the sun and the moon are out of order, the sun does not come out, the yin is forced but not steamed, and all things travel in the opposite direction. It is said that God's prison is a catastrophe, it is also to reverse the universe.

While shifting the stars to exchange supernatural powers, all things in the universe can be transferred, and gods, humans, ghosts, demons, and beasts can rotate in their positions. Those who choose the opposite can kill their bodies and destroy their origins.

Another example is the magical powers of returning to heaven and returning to the sun, which can transform the night into day again.

In addition to this incomparably powerful magical power that has almost truly touched the threshold of the law, there are also magical powers that are slightly less powerful, such as calling the wind and calling rain, shaking the mountain and shaking the earth, riding the clouds and driving the fog, and vertical golden light.

There is also a god-defying power that can change the rules of reincarnation.

In short, in this world, in addition to the several magical powers that Li Yue has already seen, there are many magical powers that Li Yue only hears by his name.

After all, he obtained nearly 3,000 fruits of the power of the law in the secret realm.

Even if not every fruit in it represents a power of law.

But for every power of law, there are dozens of repeated fruit of power of law.

However, after Li Yue carefully distinguished it, he found that among the fruits of the power of the law, the number of the power of the different laws was no more, no less, just one hundred and eight.

In this world, this represents one hundred and eight magical powers.

This can not help but remind Li Yue of the magical powers of heaven and earth that he had seen on the earth once.

Tiangang thirty-six, earth evil seventy-two, the sum is exactly one hundred and eight.

The gods of heaven and earth are well-known on earth because of an ancient myth and legend "Journey to the West".

Because in "Journey to the West", when Bodhi ancestor taught Monkey King magical powers, he mentioned that the ancestor had two kinds of transformation techniques for Monkey King to choose.

One is the number of thirty-six in line with the Tiangang, and the other is the number of seventy-two in the earth.

But Wukong thought that the more numerous ones would be more powerful, so he finally chose the Seventy-Two Transformation Technique of Di Sha.

In later generations, because certain marketing accounts unscrupulously attract traffic attention, many people mistakenly believe that the magical power of Tiangang must be much stronger than the magical power of earth.

Because among the spreading theories, the magical powers of Tiangang are powerful magical powers that can change the rules of the world, such as inverting Yin and Yang and shifting stars for fighting.

As for the magical powers of the earth evil, although the number has doubled, they are only weaker magical powers such as wind, fog, and rain, and they are not even enough to be called magical powers.

It sounded not as powerful as the so-called Tiangang magical powers.

In fact, this is a misunderstanding of "Journey to the West".

Because in the original "Journey to the West", it has never really been said that Tiangang and Disha refer to two different amounts of magical powers.

Tiangang thirty-six, and earth evil seventy-two, in which only refers to the number of changes.

In fact, the 36 magical powers of Tiangang and the seventy-two techniques of earth evil, which were widely circulated in later generations, were actually funded by books written in the Qing Dynasty, in the "Tong Jian of Ancient Gods and Immortals."

However, "Journey to the West" itself is a book written by an earlier period, and the descriptions in later generations' books are naturally completely misleading.


Of course, the reason why Li Yue suddenly thought of these things is completely because the 108 magical powers in this world seem to be the same as the 36th Tiangang magical powers recorded in the "Tianjin of Ancient Gods and Immortals". Corresponds to the Seventy Technique of Earth Shaman.

Just like the first time I saw the old man, the magical power he used was the magical power of flying through the clouds and fog.

When the girl first ate the fruit, her body had undergone tremendous changes, which seemed to be a supernatural power to shake the mountain and the earth.

Afterwards, there were also more fire control, water control, etc., which came from the magical powers in the Seventy-two Earth Devil.

In short, the 108 magical powers that appeared in this world at this time are very similar to the heavenly evil magical powers in Li Yue's memory.

It is inevitable that people think that although the two are not in the same world, they are completely the same in themselves.

However, if the magical powers of this world are exactly the same as the magical powers recorded on earth.

Then Li Yue can't help but have a lot of questions.

Why is there an inexplicable connection between the magical powers of this world and the records on earth?

For this, Li Yue couldn't get a real explanation, so he could only stop thinking about this special issue for the time being.

The problem returns to its essence.

Although, there are a hundred and eight magical powers in this world.

But the total amount of the power of the law must be countless times that of the magical powers.

However, the power of the law can be met but not sought.

In some universes, there are very few existences that can truly and completely master the power of the law.

And in this world of reincarnation, there are a total of 108 manifestations of law.

Moreover, perhaps it is because the power of the law cannot be truly controlled by the power of ordinary people.

This kind of special method of using magical powers as a means to manipulate the power of the law unexpectedly appeared.

I have to say that this made Li Yue couldn't help but feel very curious about this world of reincarnation and the once heyday.

What kind of world is it, in which there is such a special inheritance of magical powers?

Even though the era is declining at this time, this technique of manipulating laws with magical powers seems to be passed down in its entirety.


It's just that curiosity is just curiosity.

Although Li Yue was curious about the once prosperous scene in this world, he did not really have the will to explore it.

At this moment, what he most wants to do is to completely integrate the power of the laws represented by each of the 108 magical powers with himself.

The fruit of the power of the law with a number of about three thousand.

Forcibly let yourself have the opportunity to master these one hundred and eight laws.

However, this is not an easy task.

For today's Li Yue, this is the first time he has tried to do this. Naturally, it is extremely and in this process, whether there will be unexpected accidents is also Li Yue can not predict. matter.

However, in the face of difficulties, Li Yue is naturally unable to shrink back.

In any case, he will try.

However, Li Yue must be fully prepared before attempting to integrate so many fruits of the power of law.

It just so happened that at this time, because of the cooperation with the old man, the process of exploring the secret realm had ended perfectly.

Both of them are considered to be very rewarding. After the cooperation is over, they naturally cherish each other and leave separately.

Li Yue naturally didn't know where the old man would go.

But this girl seemed to feel that she had been away from home for several years.

So I want to visit home.

Of course, there is another important reason why the girl wants to return home, that is, she is about to truly break through the realm of pill formation!


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