Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1165: Legend of Reincarnation

When Li Yue really entered this channel, he instantly understood that this was not the space-time channel he had previously thought.

It is a reincarnation channel that allows all things to reincarnate in life and death.

And this discovery at this time undoubtedly shocked Li Yue in an instant.

There were also many time and space channels that Li Yue had traveled before, but it was the first time that Li Yue had truly entered the cycle of reincarnation.

Since ancient times, there have been various legends about reincarnation in both ancient China and the Western world.

When human cognition was not so perfect at that time, what the world would look like after death was the mystery that made humans feel most puzzled.

Therefore, the illusion of what will happen after death has caused different racial civilizations to have many different conjectures about the experience after death.

These speculations may have evolved into various myths and legends at the time because they were believed by more people and continued to extol them.

Although these legends may differ greatly in general structure and specific details.

However, each of them has been embraced by many people in its population.

Moreover, as humans continue to improve this legend, a special system that is very unique but also very perfect has finally been formed.

For example, in China where Li Yue once lived, there are myths and legends about what kind of experience humans will have after death.

And compared to other legends, the experience of a person after death seems to have evolved perfectly with people's imagination and supplements.

In the ancient times of China, there has always been a legend of reincarnation of life and death.

Perhaps, because the Chinese people at that time believed in the cycle of cause and effect, the world after the death of human beings was also mixed with this cycle of cause and effect, and various factors of good and evil are rewarded.

Therefore, there is the **** and the six reincarnations in the Chinese legend.

According to the legend, in a person's life, birth, old age, sickness, death, wealth and glory are all set before birth.

In this life, whether you can enjoy the glory, wealth, and good life depends on whether you have done evil and done good deeds in your previous life.

If you were a wicked person who did all the evil in your last life, then you will pay for the sins of your last life in this life and this life. Your life will be full of suffering, and your life will also face all kinds of things. difficult!

Maybe to death, you will not be truly free.

Of course, in fact, you are more than just paying for the sins of the previous life in this life.

In fact, when you committed evil in your last life and entered **** after death, you have already paid for the evil you did in the current life.

Among Chinese people, the "eighteen levels of hell" that almost everyone knows is specifically used to punish those who do evil in the world.


According to legend, **** exists in the abyss, forming a world of its own.

In hell, there are eighteen levels down.

On every level, there are countless people who committed evil in their lifetimes, accepting extremely cruel punishment!

Tongue pulling, swordsmanship, cold ice, skin cramps...

In short, the criminal law in each level of **** is different.

But the same thing is that the penalties in each layer are cruel punishments that people will feel numb on their scalp and chill on their back even if they just hear it.

Of course, the reason why the legend of the eighteenth level of **** appeared at that time was that human beings did not understand the world after death at that time, and were full of fantasy and fictional myths and legends.

And the existence of eighteen layers of **** can be accepted by the people at that time, it also reflects their yearning for a better world in their hearts!

They want to make the people who do the worst in the world be able to withstand the cruel punishment they deserve after death.

Perhaps this was the only thing that could be used as comfort for the poor people at that time.

Because if the eighteen layers of **** really exist, then whether you are nobles or nobles or poor people like themselves, they will experience the same after death.

For those who are in control of the destiny of the poor people, they are naturally very happy to see the existence of such legends, because only such legends can be spread among the people, so that more people will think that good is rewarded. , The evil is rewarded!

For the people in power at that time, it was enough for the people not to do evil or resist their rule.


Of course, these topics are a bit far apart.

What made Li Yue more surprised at this time was that after he entered this passage of time and space, he really understood that this is actually a passage of life and death.

What is the cycle of life and death?

In fact, in the legend of China, there were also detailed explanations and complete systems.

In the reincarnation only, it explains what people will experience after death.

After the death of a person, after the soul enters hell, it will repay the mistakes you have committed in this life!

Those who do a lot of evil will be sent directly to the eighteenth **** after being sentenced by the king of hell.

The evil you do in this world must be punished after death.

Until you have completely endured all the corresponding punishments for the evils of your, you will have the opportunity to re-enter the cycle.

The so-called reincarnation is actually to make you forget your past and present lives, be a human being in this world, and be reborn in the world!

Of course, there are also some heinous people who will lose the chance of reincarnation because the crimes they have committed are too serious, and they will never be born again!

And many more people were able to enter the cycle of reincarnation at that time and reappear as human beings.

There are also some, because the sins committed in the previous life are too much, but in this life they cannot become human again, they can only reincarnate into other forms of life, such as poultry and beasts!

In short, after death, almost everyone will enter the cycle of reincarnation and return to the world.

Whether you are reincarnation into human beings or other species, you have the opportunity to be reborn.

And these are all Li Yue's memories of the theory of reincarnation in ancient Chinese myths and legends in the past life.

Of course, apart from Chinese ancient times, there are also different posthumous legends in Western history.

For example, the heaven and **** mentioned in Western legends are actually somewhat similar to Chinese legends.

In the West, it is also believed that good and evil are rewarded. After you do good in this life, you will enter heaven after death and enjoy an extremely happy life.

But if you do evil in this life, your soul will fall into **** after death and endure endless punishment.

In short, for human beings, death and reincarnation are both extremely mysterious, but they feel extremely awe-inspiring.

Fear death, fear life!

And perhaps, this is the special sense of awe Li Yue felt before he really entered this passage of time and space!



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